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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the links to the vids about the Klingons.

Glad that they cut that scene - adds absolutely nothing and would've destroyed any moment (ha! and that's without even knowing where it'd fit in!)

I'm totally disliking the Klingon costumes. I can appreciate that they save money in makeup... but... if an episodic TV show can do it, so, too can the movie. (Unless if they're saving a big reveal - such as the human-looking Klingons that they briefly touched on in DS9 and STE.)

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Thanks for the links to the vids about the Klingons.

Glad that they cut that scene - adds absolutely nothing and would've destroyed any moment (ha! and that's without even knowing where it'd fit in!)[Only place i can think of is Right before the bar fight, maybe as Nero is thinking about his excape and right before A's report~TEHPW]

I'm totally disliking the Klingon costumes. I can appreciate that they save money in makeup... but... if an episodic TV show can do it, so, too can the movie. (Unless if they're saving a big reveal - such as the human-looking Klingons that they briefly touched on in DS9 and STE.)

that makes more sence that the Klingons on RP would the flats, if you consider in some of the recent novels, how the authors made the flats as second-class citizens. But when you also consider what JJ himself might do, they might remain wth helms...

though a better, and less-means-more kinda of thinking, for me, is that if Klingons have a place in the next movie, its either you see TMP-era Klingons, TOS-era Klingons or both and by less-means-more, i mean they won't go into the why both exist and instead simply just make it sutle that the flats ARE treated as 2nd-class citizens via dialog and acting. Stick with the story and let the visuals explain any treknoable like the previous movie's success...

Edited by TehPW
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  • 3 months later...

It doesn't even have to be quite as good - as long as he tones down the lense flare...

The lens flare was fine. It was the stupid circumstances getting to and then on the ice planet when Kirk conveniently met Scotty and Spock and the Star Wars-like CGI creature chase just before that I have a much bigger issue with.

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The lens flare was fine. It was the stupid circumstances getting to and then on the ice planet when Kirk conveniently met Scotty and Spock and the Star Wars-like CGI creature chase just before that I have a much bigger issue with.

That didn't bother me, perhaps it should have, but the idea that Spock could see Vulcan be destroyed - without any technological help - from a star system away (say a light year at least) less then a day after it occurs is interesting to say the least.

In the theater the Lense Flare actually hurt my eyes - the last time a movie made me slightly ill like that was Dick Tracy with all the primary colors. (Batman and Robin only gets a pass on this since I did not see it in the theater, but even on the small screen that one made me quesy)

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Each to their own I just think they've being over exposed in the TV series , I always found myself thinking "not another Klingon episode"

But I'm sure it will be good

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Each to their own I just think they've being over exposed in the TV series , I always found myself thinking "not another Klingon episode"

But I'm sure it will be good

I'm not looking forward to them because of the silly masks thing.

Hmmm, overexposed, eh? I think I'll be a bit more satisfied with their appearance if (big IF) they don't perpetuate the warrior-society stereotype that TNG basically pigeonholed them as. Scientist Klingon? Mechanic Klingon? Klingon who doesn't say "it's a good day to die" and fret about honour? More variety, please!

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Exactly what you said sketchley,but I fear the TNG pigeonhole damage has already been done, all I can hope for now is more character development, action scenes, and a story arc that I can't predict.

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I'm not looking forward to them because of the silly masks thing.

Hmmm, overexposed, eh? I think I'll be a bit more satisfied with their appearance if (big IF) they don't perpetuate the warrior-society stereotype that TNG basically pigeonholed them as. Scientist Klingon? Mechanic Klingon? Klingon who doesn't say "it's a good day to die" and fret about honour? More variety, please!

Didn't TOS Trek already establish this before?


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Didn't TOS Trek already establish this before?


I'm trying to recall the source of it, but nothing's coming to mind. Someone posted on this site a link to, in short, how the producers/writers of TNG got ideas stuck in their head from the TOS, and as time passed, altered things significantly. Aside from the change to the Klingons, the other one that comes to mind is how one of Kirk's lines about attending Starfleet Academy altered over time to EVERYONE (not just officers, which I think was the intent of the line) has to attend the Academy. On Earth.

If anyone remembers the link to it, it would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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