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  • Birthday 04/19/1976

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    Macross Translations: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/

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  1. That's the million dollar question. From what we know, the Unified Forces were far, far behind on producing what they believed they needed to protect the Earth (such as the Grand Cannons, Destroids, Valkyries, etc.) Even if they knew how to properly conduct an anti-main fleet war, it's doubtful that the Earth would have had all the armaments ready by the time Boldoza's fleet showed up (in the TV series timeline). Now, if the Earth was a lot more proactive, headed out into the galaxy a bunch of years before the Zentradi show up, and were somehow able to hijack a bunch of Factory Satellites... there's a chance they would have made enough.
  2. Fixed! Main link: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/ Macross Chronicle: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCindex.php Variable Fighter Master File books: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/OTvfmf/OTvfmf.php
  3. For some reason, Kawamori-san opted for a sword-name theme for all the ~9 Valkyries: Cutlass (VF-9), Excalibur (VF-19), Durandal (YF-29). However, things went really esoteric and dives deep into Arthurian and Norse mythology when Ukyo Kodachi got involved in the franchise from Macross the Ride: Caliburn (VF-19EF), Nothung (VF-19ACTIVE), Perceval (YF-29B—as in "Perceval's sword").
  4. Great Mechanics G 2024 Summer has a substantial article on DYRL (15 pgs). Nothing new in terms of artwork, but the Japanese text is more substantial: The 3 Deculture points in DYRL, Famous Scenes and Famous Lines, an interview with Kawamori-san, and much more.
  5. It may be helpful to consider the out-of-universe reasons for how the YF-19 ended up looking the way it does. There are two main factors: ① Kawamori-san was designing the VF-11, YF-19, and YF-21 at the same time, to appear in the same shows (Macross 7, Macross Plus). ② Kawamori-san's way of doing things is to make his designs visually distinct from each other—at the silhouette stage. He chose the Quadoran-Rō's silhouette for the Battroid form of the "enemy" YF-21. The VF-11's Battroid has a traditional VF-1-style silhouette. Therefore, the YF-19's Battroid had to be something that was different from both of them. Moving the wings to the legs was a great way to do that. Diving deeper into this rabbit hole, one could say that the large blocky things coming off of the hips is the common design element in the AVF fighters, and Kawamori-san could have been using that as a visual cue to help the viewer differentiate between 'normal' VFs (like the VF-11) and the AVF.
  6. Fixed. Here's the text from the 3rd issue of Macross the ride: And there's a bit more on the Sv-52—specifically how many were produced—in the subsequent section on the Sv-51:
  7. I say "fourth" because of the way that "Macross the Ride" indicates that Stonewell and Bellcom are separate companies: "新星を中心に新中州重工、ストンウェル社、ベルコム社の各社航空部門が..." So, pending the source, it's either "three companies" (Macross Chronicle glossay entry), or "four companies" (Macross the Ride). Regarding Macross Chronicle Worldguide Sheet 06A: is this the line you're refering to? 2012年に新中州重工、ストンウェル、ベルコムの航空部門が合併して誕生(新星中心の再編と思われる)。 "The company was formed in 2012 through the merger of the aviation divisions of Shinnakasu Heavy Industries, Stonewell, and Bellcom (believed to be a reorganization centered on Shinsei)." The only difference between it and the 2 quotes in my preceding post is that the 4th company (Shinsei) is in brackets. ?? I think you've got two distinct companies confused: "Shinsei" and "Shinsei Industry". Or did you intend to write "Shinsei Industry" for the M+ and M7 era?
  8. Isn't it the aircraft divisions of the respective manufacturers, along with a fourth company called "Shinsei"? E.g.: Macross the Ride's glossary: Military Manufacturers: Shinsei Industry A military manufacturer that rivals General Galaxy in VF development. It was created in 2012 through the merger of the aircraft divisions of Shinnakasu Heavy Industries, Stonewell, and Bellcom, with Shinsei at its core. The company released the VF-11, VF-19, and VF-25 in quick succession—and all were officially adopted by the New Unified Forces. The company is known for its solid designs. Macross Chronicle: Shinsei Industry [Plus, 7, F] The company was established in 2012 through the merger of such companies as the aircraft development divisions of the Shinsei, Shinnakasu Heavy Industries, and Stonewell Bellcom companies. They started with the VF-5000, and after sending out the VF-11—the main Unified Forces VF in the 2030s—the company presented the prototype YF-19 to the "Super Nova Project", a competition for the adoption of the next main Variable Fighter (AVF) for the Unified Space Forces. After many twists and turns, that VF won the adoption competition and was officially adopted as the VF-19 Excalibur. Since then, Shinsei Industry has continued to lead the development of major VFs, including being involved in the development of the YF-24 and VF-25.
  9. Picked up the Monthly Hobby Japan Jul. 2024 issue yesterday. The attached Macross Valkyrie Picture Book is a definite must have—for new collectors as well as those with a substantial collection. In general, it is organized as: 1/2 to 1 page with the series name, synopsis, and key/main characters, and then multiple pages of the series' Valkyries. Reasons to get it: covers all Valkyries from SDFM to the latest Delta movie. Valkyrie stats (especially for the Delta Valkyries—I don't think I've seen stats for the VF-31AX Armoured Kairos in print before, and this book has them) Frustrations: no VF-4G Battroid image. Odd as they include the Max and Miria colours AND the VF-14 from the Sega Saturn Macross M3, as well as the YF-25 (another Valkyrie with limited stats) and the YF-30 from Macross 30. Maybe they couldn't get the license for the VF-X games? (The VA-3M is also 'missing', though the book does have the VA-3C Kai from Macross 7 Dynamite.) no stats for the Sv-303 (blanks or "armaments: details unknown") Surprises: a substantial section on the Macross II Valkyries the Macross II VF-XS in all 3 modes The inclusion of the VF-XS makes this more than worthwhile for collectors—I've only ever seen images of it in scans of an extremely rare anime magazine posted by a MW member a couple of years ago. Nice to have it in print.
  10. In short, yes, it was loosely based on the Sea Dart. About 15 years ago, I came up with my own interpretation of what the VF-5 would look like based on the little information we have on it (single engine, based on the Sea-Dart, water landing capable, etc.): https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/VF-5-Go-Title-Page-136613604 https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/VF-5-Go-Pages-01-and-02-128200177 https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/VF-5-Go-Pages-03-and-04-128725540
  11. If memory serves, there's nothing that specifically states that the YF-21 doesn't have wing hardpoints. As it and the VF-19 are based on the YF-22 and YF-23, I think it's safe to say that the YF-21 is just like the real world VF-22: it can mount things under the wings, however doing so degrades performance—reduced stealthiness, no shapechanging wings, and reduced kinematic performance. As it is a model kit, my only input is: rule of cool—more missiles are always better.
  12. It's a common problem with machine translation. The workaround is—in the translation site of your choice*: 1) translate individual sentences, and if that doesn't work, 2) break the sentences into sections (e.g. break at a comma [,]). It's super annoying, but that's the way it is... * DeepL is my current go-to site. However, Google Translate should be sufficient most of the time.
  13. They don't. Long story short, the canon VFs in Plus and Frontier were outperforming the Macross II Valkyries in all aspects (speed, manoeuvrability, firepower, etc., etc., etc.) If anything, the Macross II Valkyries arguably fit in (capability-wise) somewhere between the VF-11/VF-14, and the VF-17.
  14. It's the "Nyan-Nyan" Chinese restaurant delivery box—a nice visual pun for the ad, as both Minmei and Ranka worked there. 😉 Maybe these delivery boxes are just in Japan... anyhow, a real world example: (the 2 and 3 level ones are "sold out" at this particular manufacturer) https://shop.nakao-alumi.jp/products/出前箱-n-103
  15. I concur that it's a fan-made item, as I can't see any logos or other markings on it, along with the ruff-cuts on the edges of the clear plastic.
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