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About pengbuzz

  • Birthday March 13

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  1. I think in some cases, the animation needs to be taken with a grain of salt and the model/ toy made to work the best realistic way possible.
  2. I think "fugly" is being rather kind to it. And yeah; that's gonna be as yellow as a lemon after about 6 months to a year.
  3. What the #3!! is this thing supposed to be?! O.o Please tell me they didn't let Tommy Yune try to design a valk again!! 😠
  4. Since Aoshima is in Japan, that's doubtful. Also, the kits come out in December and they want 30 BUCKS shipping. I don't have that kind of money even if someone lets me combine shipping with them!! Anyways, I'll see if they get them into my local hobby store(s) here at some point. If not, there's always ebay I guess. As mentioned to Thom; 30 bucks shipping. No WAY the wife will allow that; anything over 8 is no go, period. I'll find a way to get the stuff somehow. If not... either ebay or nevermind.
  5. I'm thinking very strongly about buying the reissue Leigoss when it comes out in November and seeing if I can use the torso and nose parts to effect repairs.
  6. Man, I was just thinking about you; I haven't seen you in a long time!! Bro, my wife and I will both be praying for you! Let me know if you need anything!
  7. UPDATE: A couple of projects- 1) Recently, I found a pair of metal Star Trek pins at a local thrift/consignment/ collectibles shop that I really liked: For the TOS one, I didn't like the "cut" that much in the middle, so I reground and polished up the entire pin (midway fitting during polishing here): I really like what it added to my TOS E's stand: The other one went to my Refit's stand/ plaque: I put it where a smear had happened on it; while not the most ideal location, it made it look 1000 times better IMO: 2) Recently received a B-wing model from a friend (:D ); I have another friend who loves the B-wing and whose birthday was recently. So, I began work on it- Cockpit and pilot in progress: Overall progress 1: Cockpit closeup (with canopy glass): Pepsi payload (:p ) Paint shop supports: Finished canopy/ cockpit: Nearly ready to ship out: At this point, just staring sadly at what was once Legioss/ Leader-1. I had intended to smash it to pieces with a hammer... ...but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So it sits in its' box. Stay tuned...
  8. *munches doritos and has a mello yellow*
  9. I agree: 1) All they succeeded in doing to Luke mas making him a dark parody of himself and undoing most everything he had done to save the galaxy in the OT. 2) They killed off all of the Rogue One protagonists. I don't see what was so "sacrificial" about Jyn and Andor being microwaved on a beach by the Death Star's blast. All it says to me is: "ha ha, you can't run fast enough, you suck!" They got out of the citadel, but were basically screwed by the fact they had no transport other than their feet. You may as well put on their memorial: "Here lies Andor Cassian and Jyn Erso (or the particles that used to be them); our car done run outta gas." Seriously... who says they couldn't have gotten away and the rest of the universe believed they had died? Anyways, sorry. Rant over folks. I'll hyperdrive back to my workbench now:
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