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Hory Froating Head

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  1. Not only is it fugly....it's also pre-yellowed....so you can immediately fast forward to your eventual dissapointment...
  2. Is there something new about these? The KC LV's have been out since December last year....a LV VF-1J...or at least a freebie "head" unit....might be interesting...
  3. Probably not....but the sculptor may have been inspired by a Super VF-1 shown in the MtF manga...
  4. I would like to see one done using Yamatos....a proper MtF custom...
  5. Just went through the new Disney lighting lane multi/single pass process for WDW and I was very impressed....I had a bad feeling that Disney was going to mess up on its first day of roll-out...but it actually went very smoothly.... Not only was I able to get everything I needed...but I also was able to get everything I wanted....initial ride picks for each park and park hops are all setup with the times I needed to coincide with my lunch and dinner reservations.... I had already mentally prepared myself to get up each day of my visit to pick all my rides using Genie+ and then had a feeling of dread when they announced that Genie+ would get lauched today just a few days before our trip is to start...luckily I already knew what parks and rides I was going to go for...so getting all that done ahead of my trip was an unexpected bonus!... With that said....Still need to snag our virtual queues for the few rides that are still available....not going for those free virtual queues, under the current pay to play system, is like leaving 100's of dollars on the table....at least that is how I see it....luckily they are fairly easy to snag...at least they were the last few times we have been at WDW....
  6. FIrst requirement.....FAILED Second requirement.......FAILED (mostly), clearly it will take a second season to 'clean' this up...but with the last second 'reveal' the hole just got dug deeper.... Final requirement...........PASSED (sort of)...too bad that a show sold to everyone as a 'Sith' series took 8 episode out of 8 total in the series to finally reveal what I can only assume was Darth Plagueis...or at minimum the actual Sith pulling the strings..... I feel that if they had just wiped the entire cast clean by the end of the series' Season 1, it could have then started a good ALL SITH Season 2 or it could have just ended somewhat reasonably.....eliminating the Witch Mountain ladies was a good start....but now that our little green friend is involved, it just makes things even more muddled.....so many new plot holes with just that last second reveal....and worst of all, if there is no Season 2....now the line about no Sith seen for a millenium is at best just another 'certain point of view' remark....maybe Disney will take one from the George Lucas playbook and retcon the line.....'There hasn't been a confirmed encounter with the Sith for a Millenium'...LOL
  7. I can see many companies failing with this approach....you can't just dismiss the competition, especially if they have a better product....perhaps your company is at the top of their niche so maybe you are looking down at the competition most of the time, but I am sure someone in your company still is 'looking' nonetheless to avoid getting surprised and outdone.... As for the direct successor, I was referring to the 1/60 Yamato VF-1 not the 1/48 Yamato VF-1 (which is technically further back in the 'DX' chain of VF-1 evolution)....and yes, the Bandai DX is better at the moment, but not by as much as one would expect after 10+ years of the Yamato V2's introduction)...again, irrelevant of scale
  8. From Bandai's point of view....I guess...they only want to consider their own merch when making such a proclamation...still, would that mean they consider their own HCM as a step backwards? LOL... But in terms of the entirety of "DX" VF-1's produced as a category...I'd say the current Bandai DX is a direct successor to the Yamato VF-1....and it's not even that giant of a leap forward IMO....
  9. So now that we know Bandai has no issues with releasing DX VF-1's w/SSP combo sets...will we see the M&M VF-1J's before we get the VE-1? And which one will be retail vs Tamashii Web?
  10. I would have grabbed a backpak if it had the SDF-1 graphic like the t-shirt....instead grabbed the SDF-1 baseball cap... https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=GOODS-04507532&page=rt_02&_gl=1*vrrcrd*_ga*NjE0OTUwNzE5LjE3MTc0MjAwNDU.*_ga_80SCWMLC86*MTcyMTEwMDA0Ni41LjEuMTcyMTEwMDE2Ni4wLjAuMA..
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