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  1. I imagine we should believe that it is the mechanical element acting like a traditional knee.
  2. The more complicated the pose+ alpha gets, the less I think it will be made.
  3. I kinda like it as a battroid mode only toy... Almost feels kit bashed to make the other modes work.
  4. I'll check my archives when I get back from SDCC but hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction beforehand. This was 16 (maybe 17) years ago so it may take some dredging!
  5. Toynami was making their own masterpiece toy but abandoned it when they saw the Beagle and instead made a deal with Beagle to import their toy with a new head as part of their masterpiece line.
  6. So true. The Boys is probably my favorite show right now. I read an interesting article (I thought I was going to scoff at) about how the writers didn't really think through how Hughie would really react to the realization that he'd been sleeping with a shape-shifting, homicidal stranger and how no one else seemed to act naturally to that news. I could nitpick a few elements of Season 4 but I still loved it. The person who originally told me to start watching the show surprised me by saying he had given up on it. Apparently, the political machinations of the show were starting to seem to similar to real life to him and it moved from being a fun escape to an exagerration of all the stuff that was already stressing him out. I'm still loving it and bummed we're heading to the final season. I think I'm going to have rewatch Gen V because I was surprised to see some of those characters return in the capacity they did return.
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed the first film. I went in with no expectations and was happy to find it thought-provoking. I'm skeptical of a sequel though because the first was so heavily dependent on its twist (that some of the story was an illusion). That doesn't feel like a well you can keep going back to for compelling stories. If they've used the musical aspect to shift the twist a bit, it may work so I'll give it a try... from the comfort of my own home some time after release.
  8. I was just debating whether I would be brave enough to do some shots with my 1/55.... I'm always so scared to pull it out!
  9. Aww, I haven't heard anything from them yet Fixing those droopy arms would be so stupid easy... Wish Bandai cared more.
  10. Anything is possible with Bandai's out of the blue release schedules! I think the VF-27 is the most likely in the list given we've already received three (four if you include the WWM) VF-25 toys and two YF-29s.
  11. Back in the day you used to be able to get onion skin paper which seems like it would be the perfect medium for this tent. We used to soak it in coffee grounds to give the paper a vintage look (then draw maps on them). I'm sure we'll be getting good recommendations soon for best paper to print the tent on.
  12. I'm in that group but I've never known them to reach out until it was ready to go out the door.
  13. But the knees only bent in the wrong direction! Otherwise, I concur, I really liked that toy. Yamato was very fighter focused as a design preference which shows in their YF-21 and VF-17. On the 21 that was well received but Macross7 leaned heavy on chunk for battroid so their skinny fighter mode effort backfired with a lot of fans... Their VF-17 also feels needlessly complicated after handling Bandai's toy... Of course, then Bandai have us the DX 171 which introduced a while bunch of new problems.
  14. I think they only pay fees when they use the license. I also think it's a hobby or side gig more than a traditional company. If they do shut down, it will likely be because they don't have the time to invest or lose the passion. If it's a bad time for new projects, they can choose to just wait for better times since they don't need the revenue. That's the sense I get at least.
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