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  1. The bike now in colour actually looks nice.
  2. Most of my Sentinel Ride Armors are still unplayed, except for when I took out Stick when it was first released. Hope to find time & space for all of them soon..
  3. Nice to see more progress on that huge Legioss. Looks like Pose+ has iterated more on it to allow exposed details on certain parts. Still no word on pricing though.
  4. Hmm the video for Unix Square actually starts slightly earlier at just after the 1 hour 10min mark.. and the 2nd set of video & pics actually refer to KC instead. Nice to see Roy's 1S being painted up too, but other than the design for these Transforming VF-1 looking very busy, the worst aspects of it are the knee joints looking awfully thin & weedy. The grey mold at the center of the Transforming VF-1 display piques some interest - it looks like a VF-1 wearing Tomahawk armor. So I guess this is what they meant by 'future release of unique armor accessories' in their earlier FB post. No doubt this idea is inspired by the earlier mash-up done by R-Area, but Unix Square's execution look a bit meh. Just not feeling the whole thing.
  5. Thought of opening new thread, but perhaps we just need a thread title update to insert Unix Square somewhere? @no3Ljm. So this transformable 1J is at HKD1250, which puts it slightly higher than the Threezero's. Obviously the 75% discount at the upcoming exhibition is a typo, what they meant is 25% off. Size in Battroid at 22cm is about comparable to Threezero / Yamcadia. Somehow it looks better in the grey prototype they showed previously, hopefully they have colour samples of other modes in the exhibition. But I'm so tired of Rick / Hikaru 1J scheme.
  6. I can only think playing cards have elements of gambling which is frowned upon in certain countries and so attract higher taxes.
  7. @Zeliard's experience with Luna Park does highlight how unified HS Codes can be important for folks in certain countries. It was around a year ago that HS Code declaration by the shipper was mandatory for parcels shipped out of Japan, including via Japan Post. I checked back a few shipping dispatch notes received over the past year from multiple vendors (HLJ, Mandarake, Nin-Nin etc), and they all use the same 9503.00 code that's generally applicable to Toys and Models category. Luna Park using another code (9504.40 applies to Playing Cards) is really a booboo on their part. So just curious if LP have also been using this wrong code for all of their other shipments over the past year outside of this VT-1. Perhaps we have to first confirm with smaller vendors, or vendors that we have not ordered from before, the HS codes they will be using to prevent unnecessary taxation when it lands in our country.
  8. @dtrinh Sucks to hear both copies have the same issue. Hopefully Luna Park is able to get the replacements for you.
  9. Another review. I mostly skimmed through it just to be curious if the missiles will be installed backwards lol. But they were properly installed. What's surprising is that the missiles look massively undersized compared to the Yamcadia (he compares with the KO 1/60). And apparently the 1/60 missiles fit right onto TZ's pylons.
  10. I think despite what the official specs say, the VT-1 is the fastest valk ever judging by how fast it flew to everyone's doors. All boosters and no weapons really help with the weight.
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