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About derex3592

  • Birthday 08/16/1975

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    Fort Worth TX

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BOMBA! (13/15)



  1. Hello guys, After what has been the absolute worst 6 months of my entire life personally, I won't go into details here, I am slowly starting to pick up the pieces of my life one at a time and I realized I have to start living my life again and doing something for me that I enjoyed in order to heal and move forward. So, this morning, for the first time in what seems like an eternity, I felt like I was ready, and I pulled out my F-18 kit and got back into the decal application for about an hour before I went to church. If praying is in your life, please pray for me for what I'm going through, I need all the help I can get. I'm going to try to finish up the F-18 and then get back to the Bradley, the SR-71, the Cat's Eye and eventually the USS Texas and everything else in the stash in the closet. One day at a time. Thank you, Wes (derex3592)
  2. I agree. I just watched it this afternoon. It's really pretty darn good. Kevin Bacon was awesome!
  3. For a 1st build, that came out GREAT! I built one years ago and it was a struggle!
  4. Definitely not. Zent mecha would be really beaten up.
  5. @Kurt Oh wow, man that look amazing. LOVE the mud and weathering all over!
  6. I'm in for a Fire Valk HM-R! I'm not in the M7 haters group. It's silly fun.
  7. Can't wait to see this finished up!!!
  8. Never met anyone, younger than me (48) or even older than me, (my dad LOVED the 89 Batman, RIP), that didn't like that movie. It's just one of the all time greats no matter your age. Yes, I do love the first two Nolan movies as well, but 89 Batman is just more "fun".
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