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Found 25 results

  1. Old Thread: This thread is for non-Macross "just purchased" toys. Just Purchased Macross Toys thread here: ========================================== New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more.
  2. Old Thread, retired: This thread is for MACROSS-specific toy purchases. Non-Macross recent toy purchases go here:
  3. Hello, today I am starting on my VF-1A "5Grand" A special livery used to celebrate the 5000th Valkyrie to cross the production line. The livery is a 1-off and ultimately painted over before the unit was sent into combat. This 'should be' a quick mental health build in between workings of a much larger project I'm focusing on. It will also serve a a test bed for trying out a few new finish techniques in the paint department, and a few little other things along the way! Lets start with what makes run of the mill VF-1a kit special... the decals! Beautifully printed white, navy blue and gold! A very clean and striking color combo that would make even commander Golg Boddole Zer blush! It's a very modern color way than what is traditionally seen on the VF-1 Valkyrie. The larger sections of color breaking up more of the white really modernize the VF-1 and helped me appreciate it more without the fancy packs. The large color splash around the cockpit calling to a more IRL NAVY aircraft such as VF-123 Black Lions' F-14D! I adore this color combo, it's a shame the decals (mostly) won't be used! Masking hell it is, Yack! Quick look a Hidetaka Tenjin's lovely artwork for the kit. I really want to mimic the textures used in his artwork here, so a weathered... yet clean build it is! Semigloss sheen metallic weathering, a new one for me. The main reason I don't want to use the decals is the navy blue. The decals are just not the look I'm going for. In Tenjin's artwork, the blue gives off a almost candy finish with depth projecting a similar refraction as the gold does. The decals just look dead or flat, even when painted on Hasegawa's sample build. It looks okay in 1/72, but at 1/48 we can do better! That however, is still a ways away, not to get ahead of ourselves. --- Starting with the cockpit. Everything fit smoothly with minimal issues. My main focus was getting the assemblies together cleanly and glued. I really want to be able to go minimal on the filler, primers and paints as Hasegawa's nearly 10 year old kit is already not a sharply molded as I hoped. The original 1/48 VF-1a [Vermillion] was released in 2010 after all. I was a bit worried the TV version of Hikaru/Pilot wasn't going to fit well due to it's age. With a bit of trimming and finesse, I was able to get the extremities where they needed to rest in the seat and the flight-stick didn't end up too out of place. The TV version of the pilot. I think this is probably the only time I'll be building a non-DYRL pilot so I feel happy leaving him as-is. I think the only adjustments I'll be making is adding some definition to his arms/legs and fabricating a harness. I'm unsure if I'll go for the traditional pilot colors or try to spice it up to match the 5grand livery! For the front controls console, I found it easiest to build it on the runner. I've pretty much left the cockpit in 3 assemblies. The pilot/seat, the cockpit tub, and the front display. This is enough to allow me to detail it without having too many loose parts. With a closed cockpit build, it doesn't need to be 10/10 anyways. Unsure how I'll approach the cockpit going forward. I do have a set of Hase's photo etch, but do still intend to keep them for the Super/Strike build whenever I get to it. I think I may take a simpler approach and just rely on detail painting and a little bit of freehand scratch-building modification to make it a bit more interesting. I've yet to pull up references from the 1/20 kits or artwork so we'll see. Don't touch that dial!
  4. I'm baaaaack! And this time I plan to reissue the King Crab (Gosu doppleganger) kit, with your help. This is the biggest and most elaborate of all the Inbit kits in my line, a true King Crab! Just as with the original, it will have a translucent eye and canopy part as well as a detailed cockpit ready to accept aftermarket pilot figues (not included this time). Just like the Pinky, the kit is free-pose. Price would be $300 CAD (about $233 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required and I'd need a minimum of 10 orders to get the ball rolling on the project. Shipping prices are as follows: -$26 CAD per kit shipped in Canada or the US -$48 CAD per kit shipped internationally. Any takers?
  5. Hey all, This is me offering a third possible re-release of my 1/48 crab line of models for your consideration: the Blueberry Crab (Inbit Gamo doppleganger) As with previous offerings, I would need a 10-order minimum (payable up-front) to kick the project off. If you're interested, let your typing fingers fly! Basic kit price per crab: $205 CAD (about $165 US) -Price per kit shipped (US/Canada): $240 CAD -Price for 2 kits shipped (US/Canada): $461 CAD -Price per kit shipped (international): $263 CAD
  6. El genio de la resina de MW, Captain america, ha anunciado que quiere intentar sacar adelante un proyecto para hacer un kit de resina del Gurab de Mospeada a escala 1/48. - Como en otros proyectos, el kit viene sin pintas y montar. - Escala 1/48, alrededor de unos 10,2 cm de altura una vez montado. - Incluye cañones de los hombros opcionales. - El precio: 100 USD cada uno. Para que el proyecto salga adelante se necesitan al menos unos 30 pedidos. El pago es por adelantado. Hay que apuntarse en el hilo en inglés: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40117#entry1081601 Si podéis, por favor difundid el prooyecto Podéis ver algunos de sus otros trabajos en estos hilos: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35100&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35684&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33405&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38959&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=632&search_app=forums&userMode=title&sid=4c548a28d82b4a59f3d7a98399df5090&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35962&hl= :http://www.macrossworld.com/800/cool8tor-build-of-captain-americas-172-regult-scout/
  7. Hello once again! Following on the success of my previous releases, I'd like to propose a re-issue of my 1/48 resin kit BABY CRAB (Mospeada Inbit Eager doppleganger) as my next project. The kit would consist of: -2 Baby crabs: one with legs & beam guns, one space version equipped with flight booster (no beam guns.). Base price $134 CAD -Price: $163 CAD shipped in the US or Canada for 1 set, $302 CAD for 2 sets. -Overseas: $186 CAD shipped for airmail. If you require a shipping method w/tracking, please contact me for specific rates but be warned: the fees are heart attack-inducing! I'd need 10 committed orders to go ahead, with payment due up-front. Who's with me?
  8. Hi everyone, long time no see! I was wondering, since there's a minor revival of MOSPEADA with the upcoming Legioss toy, if anyone would be interested in acquiring some of my Space Crab kits? My thoughts would be to re-issue the Pinky Space Crab [Gurab] to start with. I would basically need 10 orders minimum to get the project going. Update: Exo has graciously offered a 1/48 scale figure to compliment the Pinky kit, so each Crab will come with one. THREE CHEERS FOR EXO!!! Price would be $134 CAD (about $99 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required. Shipping prices are as follows: -$23 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped in Canada or the US -$45 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped internationally. Any takers?
  9. Hi everyone. I just wanted to start a proper thread for this. I put up adapters for Gundam stands that can hold up Yamato valks. Here's some images that CoreyD posted on http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37622'>his thread. Heres' the link for them: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/exodigital'>http://www.shapeways...hops/exodigital And here's the HLJ link to the stands: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?Word=gundam+stands&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=IHYE32P2QUVS4Q&set=1&q=1&MacroType2=displaybse'>http://www.hlj.com/s...ype2=displaybse It's an inexpensive solution for your display needs. Thanks! I've uploaded the adapters that removes the need for the hinge. It makes for a more sturdier stand and can actually hold a 1/48 with Fast Packs. I had to create ones with angles that bank because removing the hinge means less pose-ability There should be enough variety to suit your needs. I've also renamed the product so the number of different ones won't be confusing. B2Y - Bandai to Yamato B2Y classic - the original ones that people have been purchasing that goes on the hinged part of the stand. Allows more pose-ability but won't hold heavier valks B2Y unhinged - comes in three varieties: level, Starboard (banking) and Port (banking) I've also bundled them up in different sorts for price breaks.
  10. Back to MWF project No 2: 1/48 2-seat structure for VT and VE type Cost me a while to complete the design and intial testing. Still got some trimming to do but roughly there it is. Now working on the canopy and may redesign the nose (shorten it a bit) and will integrate with my previous VE-1 design and paint a prototype. Special thanks given to claude grant Bud, thanks for always being supportive. Without your encouragement, I dont think I have the momentum to go to this step! To all buds, comments are welcome and help me bump!!
  11. Hello, long time lurker here. Several years ago, I purchased the Yamato 1/48 VF-1S with a set of super/strike parts. During that time I assembled everything togther and the jet booster back would not stay up in battroid mode. Eventually I just put it back in the box and forgot about it, was somewhat dissapointed overall. Now years later, and after reading some threads here, I was interested if anyone has any tips on getting the battroid mode to work with the jet booster packs? I've read some threads saying there were some flaws with the early 1/48 releases, or that maybe the transformation was done wrong. Also, I saw in the strike pars manual an addtional piece that could be used around the neck area, that was not in the box, but not clear what it was for (see pics). http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=gallery&album=807 Also, was the head of the 1/48 Valk supposed to be so loose?
  12. I have been a member for I believe over 10 years. I don't post much, but this I believe is a worthy and noble cause. Jasmine Models is running low on Stock for these Photo Etched parts. Seems like Macross World might be the best source for JM in regards to repeat customers. Thus I would like to petition the reissue of the following items (most importantly parts for VF in 1/72 and 1/48 scale) Because this is probably the only way that Newca will seriously consider making another batch, if you read this please reply and add your Name to the list and how many you are REALISTICALLY interested in. (see below) I am definitely interested! OTIHCONIP 248004 x 5 248002 x 5 272003 x 15 See Link Below http://www.jasmodel.com/Top_E.htm 1/48 Variable Fighters detailing parts 248001 1/48 MACROSS PLUS YF-19 for Hasegawa 15 USD 248002 1/48 MACROSS VF-1A/J VALKYRIE for Hasegawa 15 USD SOLD OUT 248003 1/48 MACROSS VF-1S/A Skull Squadron for Hasegawa 15 USD 248004 PE Intake cover parts for 1/48 MACROSS VF-1 9 USD SOLD OUT 248005 1/48 F-35B Lightning II for Kitty Hawk KH80102 1/72 Variable Fighters detailing parts 272001 PE upgrade parts for Bandai 1/72 MACROSS FRONTIER VF-25 Series 15 USD Out of Stock 272002 PE upgrade parts for Hasegawa 1/72 MACROSS PLUS YF/VF-19 Series 12 USD Out of Stock 272003 PE upgrade parts for 1/72 MACROSS VF-1 Series VALKRIE cockpit 15 USD Out of Stock 272004 PE upgrade parts for 1/72 MACROSS VF-1 Intaker and Nozzle 9 USD Out of Stock 272005 PE upgrade parts for 1/72 MACROSS PLUS VF-11 Thunderbolt 12 USD
  13. Hi guys! As promised, I am putting forth the final pitch to gauge interest in a 1/48 Mospeada Legioss soldier mode (hereinafter referred to as Buster: Henshin Robo) resin model to accompany the Crabb army which I made a little while ago. I would also make all three head variations: Blue, Green and Red to allow for more versatility in the collection. Kit would be free-pose type (build it in the desired pose only) although certain joints will allow for minimal re-posing. Decals and markings: I will do the artwork, which I will then offer as open-source so that you can download and print as you see fit. This is going to be quite a bit more of an undertaking than most of my previous models, simply by virtue of its geometric complexity so you'd be looking at a $292 Canadian price-point (about $222 US) plus shipping. I would need a minimum of 30 orders to get the ball rolling so ask yourselves: is Buster right for YOU?
  14. According to this tweet: 1/48 VF-1 weapons set in November from Hasegawa. 1/72 VF-1 J/A Gerwalk in December.
  15. OK...writer I am NOT!!! Model Builder, Yes! Here she is...well the start of things anyway. Been slugging away at this wonderful model off and on for about a week...in between all other projects, life, and so on... Assembly is going well...no major issues...some - watch the bloody direction - of the parts issues... So what I figured, is if YOU my fellow builders have questions as the build develops - ask, I will answer! Let the games begin! (in the background is the Hasegawa 1/72 VT for size conparison...and yes that is the main hull of a 1/350 Enterprise A)
  16. Hey guys! I was going through Toy Ark and was going through the Macross section and then I saw this. http://news.toyark.com/2009/05/13/new-macross-frontier-148-vf-25-other-models-announced-1271 It would have been cool to have seen them released, but it looks like they where actually TRANSFORMABLE! I mean why didn't Bandai release them!? And if you look at the other pictures, why didn't they release Klans Rare? It would be cool to at least have Klans Rare or at least the 25 or 27. Not sure if anyone else posted something about this awhile ago, but I just want to know what made Bandai change there mind. I mean I know about the Renewals, Other projects or stuff but it kinda bugs me that they just dropped it...
  17. Throw another one on the shelves! Just finished up my 1/48 scale DYRL version of the VF-1S (from Hasegawa), done up as Max's ride. Very straightforward build, nothing surprising. I realized that with all the Valkyries/variable fighters I've built, I've never had one displayed in full-speed mode. Decided to remedy that defect with this kit. As usual, more can be seen here.
  18. Raya1823

    M&M 1

    From the album: M and M

  19. Hi guys, when preordering the 1/72 VF-25 from hase, noted the preorder of this on HLJ, totally unexpected for me anyway 1/48 VF-1A/S Super/Strike http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGMC03/Sci 1/48 VF-1J 30th Anniversary http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65824/Sci Martin
  20. Finally finished! The 1/48 scale VF-19A Excalibur "SVF-569 Lightnings" kit from Hasegawa. I went with a darker shade of gray, mainly because when I went to the hobby shop to buy the paint, they were out of the correct shade. The original color was for various F-16's, and this shade is too, so no complaints. I think the darker shade looks nice, anyways. The biggest challenge was masking off the area between the black and gray, while keeping the line for the lightning bolt decal. Easy solution- make a photocopy of the decal sheet, lay down a long strip of tape, and cut out the decal with a razor while on the tape. Now you've got a masking template. As always, you can see more here.
  21. Looky at what I just pre-ordered!
  22. OK... After my sad foray into trying to make 1/48 articulated hands. I know a lot of people were waiting to replace their chicken hands. While looking thru my parts that I need to clean up for recasting. I found the masters for Etern'l D's custom hands he used to sell that he gave to me. I called him to see if I can offer these and he gave me the green light. I'm just wondering if there's enough people that may want these. I know Old Man wanted some a while back.
  23. After 4 years of sitting unbuilt and held up by yellow tape, i finally commissioned >EXO< to build and paint up my 1/48 Thunder Hammer. I wanted to recreate the "Humdinger" SD Stealth version of the TH from MW Con 2008 Tshirt, so this is an homage to that. Again, excellent paint job and customization work by EXO. Not only did he paint it, but added some cool new mods to make it a lot more sturdier and stronger than the original version. My favorite is a magnet for one of the leg hatches to help it stay put! Anyways, here are the pics!! Original "Humdinger" artwork T-shirt: Original Photo Hahaha... so EXO told me how to adjust the photos using PhotoShop or Paint.net. So here's the NEW adjusted photos that look much better: Open Hatches Close Up Backside Enjoy!!!
  24. So, who here owns the 1/48 scale Ultimate Detail Strike Valkyrie from Club M? When did you buy it? How much? And are you ever going to build it? Or have you already built it? Post pictures please!! I don't know why, but I was thinking about this kit today. Last time I saw an original for sale was a few weeks ago on Yahoo Auctions, going for 100,000 yen. Gee, for some reason it didn't sell... I see a recast all the time for 25,000 yen.
  25. So I'm embarking on my first ever custom paint job and I'm looking for recommendations for brushes, paint, and techniques. This is a small job and I won't be touching the 1/48 itself, just the side, neck, and intake covers. The Valk is a 1/48 VF-1S Roy. I'm looking to get the covers to match the Valk. Is there a recommended yellow and black for this? The material I'll be painting is resin, the side and neck covers are recasts. The intake covers are factory material. Thanks for your help guys, I appreciate it.
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