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  1. Is it just me or did Bandai use the Movie Version head? It has the more angled surface...
  2. Lol yup, I still have a friend in Japan that can procure the VF-1S in Japan in November because the TV Version Roy Fokker comes with that special stand. Given the release pattern of the later VF-1S Hikaru had no stand for the DYRL, it can be assumed the Roy Fokker DYRL wont come with the stand too. I recalled the crazy Preorder war for both the DX YF-19 and the VF-1J, but I was in Japan in Hiroshima and literally found stores flooded with those with no one buying them. Itll be the same in Japan for stores like Yellow Submarine (not the one in Akihabara) to have a good supply of these Valks. But yeah I would rather get the DYRL version personally and the darker Strike parts on it would look better imo.
  3. Well I myself was one of the unfortunate ones who lost out on the PO war for the Roy Fokker VF-1S...but really we all should know the Movie Edition with the more angled head is coming out for sure. Once that releases too, I really have a feeling there be a lot of folks who will start selling off the TV version...
  4. I figure I start uploading some pictures of my SV51. *( disclaimer Im not a professional photographer with a photo. Booth lol)
  5. Thats what I think too, I do think Bandai has room to extend the nose cone and correct cockpit shape even though it'll be slightly off-scale from the linearts/technical specifications. Its crazy this is a ver.4 so maybe by early next year they will have a ver 5 and 6 ready to display at the WonFest maybe or next Tamashii Nation/Shizuoka Hobby show event.
  6. I have transformed mines finally, but I was quite pleased I had no issues with the parts and movement. I was rather surprised it was put together really well including stiff joints for good posing. Really good attention to detail on the interior parts and interesting joint or moving part designs.
  7. https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1214619.html I cannot confirm on if the article author spoke to a Tamashii representative but the last sentence is interesting. It reads "YF-21は手足を排除し機動性を上げるハイ・マニューバ・モードもあり、ギミックの再現も期待されるところだ。" Meaning the reproduction of the Hihg Maneuver mode and the arm/limb purge mode is to be replicated on the toy.
  8. Man...I'm on the other side and hope we don't get skimped out on the extras.
  9. Well likely next year around Fall as my guess.
  10. Thank you so much both of you guys! I appreciate the info, it was something I really wondered for a while.
  11. Ahh that does makes sense. Thats right in the OVA it only shot missiles with its fast packs.
  12. Sorta off topic but related, but where exactly was the micro missiles launched out from on the YF-21?
  13. Thanks man Thanks man, ironically I have one sitting next to me (in the box still) at work in my office (with both correct feet). I just wanted to see an in-depth review before I start transforming mines and see areas to watch out for during transformation and comparison reviews with the Yamato SV51 like Anymoon does in his reviews. I guess I'll be patient until other people get theirs fixed with the replacements.
  14. Just curious, but has anyone done a thorough picture review of their Arcadia SV-51 yet?
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