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Roy Focker

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    Roy Focker
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    Hmm let me think...Macross and Macross. Did I mention Macross?

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  1. It was okay. Hugh can do no wrong when it comes to playing this character. They hit all the emotional beats. Problems was too many 4th wall jokes and jokes in general. I would have preferred if more of the movie took place in a more realistic universe. This one had a Covid vibe of filmed on set with nobody there. Help kept all the cameos a secret, I guess. Violence was too much that it was easy to become numb to it. Same with the vulgar jokes. CGI characters all made of rubber. I'll excuse the bad CGI in this movie over other movies because this movie was a cartoon. Movie wasn't needed. If the X-Men movies ended without Logan this would have been a good swan song for the character. Dead Pool 2 also had good ending. He 4th walled himself a happy ending. This movie screamed, Oh my god. The movie industry is dying. Let's throw a bunch of money at things. The "until you're 90" joke is so true for all these actors. Most actors want two things: a chance to act and a chance to act in something with meaning. Studios aren't interested in funding things with meaning. If they want to act it will be things like this forever, forever.
  2. It looks nice. The cinematography that is. Most big movies these days use flat lighting for the ease of the CGI. This looks like a movie and not an extended video game cut scene.
  3. Osha had some training with the Witches and with the Jedi. I'm guessing that her abilities didn't go away they just were never that strong. Mae's powers were better when they were kids because she accessed them through her dark side. Osha was the "good" twin and wasn't able to unlock her true potential. If they are the same person Osha got the more passive, timid and self-doubting traits that hindered her abilities. It wasn't until the last the last episode when she let the hate flow through her that unlocked her abilities. Like Yoda says the dark side is quicker and easier.
  4. Haven't read everyone's comment yet but these are often the people who are to blame most of the time. They too are also at the mercy of any limitations that LFL and Disney places on them. Marvel movies have different writers and directors but are still all the same because they have to work within the established formula. Some writers and directors like those on Andor were allowed to have more freedom. Others are clearly following the instructions. Disney tends hire talented people who do have enough pull fight them for more creative freedom. Think how much Andor would have sucked if they were told to consult with Filoni to make sure it fits in with the rest of the shows.
  5. Just finished it. I found the way things ended between Mae, Osha and Sol believable. I'm not buying where things end for the twins. So many plot holes in that coverup. The real villain...
  6. Haven't watched it yet, but you're telling me they covered up to cover up with another cover up? Blaming it on them doesn't make sense because didn't they have an alibi for a couple of those deaths? There are still witnesses who were with them during the first 2 deaths.
  7. Mando is great example of the Feloni-zation. Season two ended on a high note with many potentially good ideas for a third season. How will Mando carry on without baby Yoda? Will there be a conflict between Mando and Bo now that he has the Dark Saber? They could have devoted an entire season to both of those. Instead, they solve both in the first couple of episodes. Rest of the season is Baby Yoda being cute and concluding the Mandalorian story arc from the Clone Wars. There was no storyline for Mando's character. They had one and quickly solved it to make way for Clone Wars story. Premise for The Acolyte sounded promising. A murder mystery, a Sith apprentice and Jedi coverup. Premise for Kenobi sounded good too. They all sounded good in theory, but they have screw them all up. I think make these shows with a cookie cutter. One might be chocolate chip, another peanut butter or a sugar cookie but all have same shape and weight. I'm surprised by the creative freedom that was allowed for the production of Andor. Imagine how bad that show would have been if it was made with the same cookie cutter. During the making of The Acolyte nobody questioned some of the creative decisions? Casual viewers laughed at the Witches ceremony but everyone at Disney thought it was good? Any person with half a brain would have told them to reshoot the scene. Maybe that scene works better in cartoon form. It is like they are trying to make things bad on purpose. Which is exactly what they are doing. Making it all fit the same mold. I have zero confidence that Skeleton crew is going to be better. Great lead in Jude Law but it is a show featuring kids. Disney's Star Wars is already childish and tame. Now they're going to double down on that.
  8. Okay I watched it. Yeah, it was pretty stupid. I'm thinking what's her name had to survive because how else would Mae get off planet without some help. Sol's and Tobin's motivations seemed rather rush. I'm wondering maybe they should have started the season in the past. Have the Jedi and Witches to interact over period of time. Allow Sol's bond to grow. His concern and instant bound for Ohsa seem freaking weird.
  9. Took me 3-days to finish this movie. Story isn't that bad. I don't understand the hate about Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Her character was fine. In my opinion they should have excluded the entire WW2 opening and save the CGI for only the impossible. Movie would even better if was from Helena's perspective as her character had the most growth. Indy should have played more a supporting role. It's okay for an elderly action hero to play an actual old man. Would have saved them a ton of money instead CGI his face on a stuntman. Another bad CGI shot was her riding a motorcycle trying to catch that pilot at night in the rain. Since was at night they could filmed it anywhere. Tow her on a real motorcycle next to a partially built plane. Would have looked so much better.
  10. I know this topic has been in sleep mode for months, but I finally saw this movie. I subscribed to watch The Acolyte might as well see this movie too. Only halfway through it. The CGI is terrible. I understand the need to put a CGI Harrison Ford's face on a stuntman riding a horse. What I don't understand why they need CGI the street behind them when Indy, his god daughter and her sidekick are driving in that buggy. The chase is over. They're just cruising and talking about what they're going to do next. It looks so fake. Why couldn't they just have another car tow their buggy down a real street? Wouldn't it cost less than CGI and look more real? Disney isn't just using CGI for stunts, and the fantastical. They're using it for the most mundane things. No wonder why everything Disney touches looks so bad. I watched The Marvels too. lt all looks like crap.
  11. Those high schoolers are looking a little too old.
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