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About TehPW

  • Birthday 06/13/1971

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    Cleveland, Ohio (NOT the $#@%ing boat, TU)
  • Interests
    Battletech, Macross, PnP D&D, Military & Civilian GSE

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  1. Facebook Lets pay honors to this version of the YF-19 (makes me weep; I have not the time or skill or funding to even consider buying it) Now, questions... It's been forever since the YF and VF-19's have been out and the first thing that catch's my eye is those 4 circles behind the head unit. There are no danger markings to indicate otherwise but what are they? Intakes for the back mounted torso motors typically seen in some fashion to provide propulsion in Gerwalk mode? Venier thrusters? They ARE the exhaust for the propulsion unit. They are also different (less refined?) than seen on Macross -7's production model...
  2. Although much of the imagery from IC is semi-cringe, its also very detailed. In this video, it has two Armored VF-1Js and two different models of Legioss (in Soldier Mode). The Legioss's look like large power armor in scale. Are the legioss smaller than a VF?
  3. ...Because nobody else has said it... WELCOME. (Please don't be like Brofessor... what-ever-the-F that mutant is.) Seto, already said, Gundum is to Japan, like Barbie (maybe, Mickey Mouse, is a better example) is to the US. Anything else is generally a miracle in terms of merchandizing. What exactly is your interest in anime merchandizing? Is this a numbers thing or a Stock Market interest?
  4. ... The one BELOW the caption you posted (You are awesome, simply by captioning that imagine of #2, For the Record) Its the SIDE view of the expansion, explaining the arms, how they rotate.
  5. 🤭Let me be specific: I'm talking about the side view (below #2). From Left to Right, it would be the second notation (but the first one under the side profile) I'm gonna guess its NOT landing gear but something dealing with the Transformation pivot point?
  6. Lets make some assumptions, based on what we do know about the VF-1 (in regards to its landing gear in the leg nacelles), as well as the VF-2SS (which does have line art including landing gear) 1) the Gears on its mains probably deploy the same way (and direction) as the VF-1 2) Look closely in the picture provided (TU for that). There is a panel line directly underside of the cockpit. Its directly underside and long enough to suggest much. I would suspect that is the hatch for the nose gear. Also what does the Kanji say on the notice that is placed on the first underside notation (from Left to Right)?
  7. Maybe the LACK of development falls in line with the perceived Malas or Blah that was apparent (especially in the manner the UN Spacy conducts their first engagements with the Marduk). The commander in charge of that battle looked... for a better word, Bored. To me, now that i think about things, that seems so unlikely but back in 1992-3, when I first watched MII:LA, that's how I viewed the politics of the story. If the UN Spacy has been either destroying or outright subverting random Zentradi forces with ease, the urge to be on the cutting edge, probably dulled (if there wasn't any profit in it, at that point). What was the story about this kit? It wasn't made by an authorized vendor, was it? (the lack of details underside bothered me, in those pics)
  8. Not that i have been paying attention to Doomcock on YT but has he said anything about Disney and Macross (last i glanced at was something about him bitching about Teh Acolyte)?
  9. There is no details on linage of the 2J and 2S series (outside of line art from the two games that exist in the LA timeline, to my knowledge) so, unlike after series (I'm looking at frontier mainly with the YF-24 -> VF-25 but the VF-0 -> VF-1 applies as well), its really in the realm of fandom (especially, when the production of LA did nothing to follow through) of which came first: The Chicken or the Egg... when you look at the line art for the VF-2JA, just how much of the VF-1's DNA do we see? I ask that because we see nothing of the VF-4 in any of the LA Mechanicals...
  10. I could take your comment several ways... but I'll be the adult here and just let it pass (because explaining my comment to you will take time and effort, that I am unwilling to spend!) Ok, because the urge is Overwhelming... My point was that, by using my personal experiences in military aviation, as well as my love of all things Macross, I had hoped to improve someone else's efforts (Not belittle them, as your scathing retort was). But thanks for expressing your opinion on a public forum! I will accept your apology in PM form...
  11. nice work... Now to nitpick. The first thing i see that might be/should be wrong is the size and placement of the Jet Intake warning. Unless it would be common for that inlet cover to be at a higher angle when on the ground, the markings should extend along the outside of the inlet covers in some manner along each edge, merging at the front of the plate (see PIC #2's angle). The second thing is that there should be No Step markings on the UNDERSIDE of the wings as well (because the JA's wings are hydraulically hinged to flex in both directions when in Gerwalk mode) Third? No 03 high on the tail (because when you are an AD working in Power Plants WC in a futuristic Fighter Squadron and Maintenance Control sends you out to do a 30-day inspection on those Inlet Covers, MC would have told you Modex # 03, so you're looking at the highest point on each aircraft, to make sure you are working on the CORRECT fighter) were there any pics of either fighter, on the ground and idle, in Macross II: LA?
  12. Is there any reason, legally, that TPTB cannot animate a REBOOT of SDFM-TV? or is it a purely Japanese Cultural reason, they have not yet?
  13. I know this might be a troublesome question (especially when you view it from how in Real Life, certain countries are acting against each other) but... Have the creators of Macross, in it's various forms (TV shows, OVAs and Movies, Books both fandom and Cannon) ever noted a list of what countries compromised the UN and Anti-UN forces?
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