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So Khan beamed himself directly from EARTH TO KRONOS earlier in the movie, yet Kirk going from a shuttlecraft to the bridge is a problem?

(or is it Q'uonos?)

Ah, yes, that would be explained as attempted fan-service that was ridiculously over-the-top, stupid and not consistent with anything in ST anywhere. But that's the definition of Into Darkness.

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Ah, yes, that would be explained as attempted fan-service that was ridiculously over-the-top, stupid and not consistent with anything in ST anywhere. But that's the definition of Into Darkness.

IN FAIRNESS, Trek is rarely consistent on an episode-to-episode basis. There's just DEGREES of wrongness.

But yeah, beaming halfway across the galaxy is a special kind of special. That's worse than the Borg Queen was.

(And no, there was nothing good about the Borg Queen. She completely shat on the ENTIRE POINT of the Borg.)

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The scene with the blond stripping down in front of Kirk on the Shuttle Craft followed quickly by Bones and the Blond being down on the planet and Kirk being on the bridge of the Enterprise in Into Darkness.

Come on! The first part of that scene was one of the best scenes in ID - you can't fault Alice Eve in anything! LOL.

The director is only one voice, believe you me, there are a lot of "snot-nosed" kids who are "Executive Producers" who all want to put their "stamp" on every film they have their fingers in (I have seen this first hand myself). That's why so many films today is really "by-committee" which is why they are so incoherent - plus marketing will dictate them to include a piece for every target demographic to hit. It just creates a toxic soup once all the ingredients are combined. That's why its really such an incredible stroke of luck when something coherent and good comes out.

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Jar Jar Abrams? Are you the kind of guy who spells Microsoft with a dollar sign, too? You being the expert, do tell us about all the times he's failed to get a good performance out of his cast or has directed sequences that were visually hard to follow or otherwise incoherent.

No, I'm the kind of guy who can taste the palpable irony that a man named J.J.A. is tasked with redeeming J.J.B.'s impact on the Star Wars saga. If he was directing a Spiderman film, I'd be calling him J. Jonah Abrams. If it were an adaptation of the old show for toddlers, Jay Jay the Jet Plane, well that one writes itself.


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(And no, there was nothing good about the Borg Queen. She completely shat on the ENTIRE POINT of the Borg.)

I tend to see the Queen as a product of the Collective, and not truly a controlling influence.

I would imagine the initial evolution of the Borg without a central figure, was quite chaotic. Consider the thousands of billions

of individual thoughts coalescing together - and then try to have a single course of action come from it.

I think the Queen is akin to a sieve, in which all these thoughts and ideas are funneled and she makes the final decision

on what the course will be. She was created by the Collective not as a ruler - but as the final say on the consensus.

Now, back to the previously scheduled topic! :)

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I tend to see the Queen as a product of the Collective, and not truly a controlling influence.

I would imagine the initial evolution of the Borg without a central figure, was quite chaotic. Consider the thousands of billions

of individual thoughts coalescing together - and then try to have a single course of action come from it.

I think the Queen is akin to a sieve, in which all these thoughts and ideas are funneled and she makes the final decision

on what the course will be. She was created by the Collective not as a ruler - but as the final say on the consensus.

Now, back to the previously scheduled topic! :)

Ah, but the borg had that originally, without need of an avatar. The voice of the borg was always presented as coming from everywhere in their ship at once, but it WAS a cohesive voice.

When the made Locutus, it was was because they needed an emissary(a task he was remarkably poor at). The Queen was no emissary, despite being far more personable than Locutus.

Basically, the Borg Queen is the midichlorians of Next Generation. It's an idea that craps on all the existing lore for the sake of answering a question no one ever asked.

And with that sentence Star Trek and Star Wars are united in harmony, and we've reached peak nerd.

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Shouldn't we all have vanished into a transcendental state of oneness then? Or is this the wrong religion?

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I wonder why this is the Rebel Alliance Livery. I thought they dethroned the Empire and established a new senate on Coruscant. I guess that means that the remnants of the Empire are still in charge. ^_^

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I wonder why this is the Rebel Alliance Livery. I thought they dethroned the Empire and established a new senate on Coruscant. I guess that means that the remnants of the Empire are still in charge. ^_^

Doesn't really imply anything other than the fighters have been in use for some time. And remember, the EU doesn't exist.

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Doesn't really imply anything other than the fighters have been in use for some time. And remember, the EU doesn't exist.

I know that the EU doesn't exists. So would the fact that the Empire is still in charge in the new Star Wars movie could be a "famous" JJ story twist?

I would welcome that change. The movies about the Galactic Republic where rather dull. :)

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I know that the EU doesn't exists. So would the fact that the Empire is still in charge in the new Star Wars movie could be a "famous" JJ story twist?

I would welcome that change. The movies about the Galactic Republic where rather dull. :)

I'm not sure either are in charge.

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