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About renegadeleader1

  • Birthday 10/26/1981

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  1. Master Chief was a main character? You could have fooled me given how much screen time was dedicated to Kwan's totally epic mystical journey of being an A-hole, and Soren's "dude where's my kid?" storylines. What little we got of Master Chief was him being anything butt Master Chief with him spending most of his time moping around a military base, moping inside a prison cell, not wearing his armor, and clapping cheeks with the covenant chick before helping her escape which directly leads to Reach getting annihilated.
  2. It didn't help they based the show around a dead man walking. That in and of itself turned away a lot of casual viewers. Plus you can't really have tension with a character you know has to survive to appear later. Solo didn't help it either being another prequel work of an established character... That was also killed off in other works prior to release
  3. I really can't see why they wouldn't do it eventually considering they've done model kits from an Irem game before with the R-Type series. I first hear of WolfFang while preparing a panel on mecha videogames for Anime Boston(I went deep down the rabbit hole for that one 😂), it's a shame it's not better known as it's pretty damn good and rather deep for something that was supposed to be an arcade quarter muncher. Anyways, I need that Xardion kit! I really wish I got the Blodia and Cruise Chaser Blassty kits when I had the chance.😢 Well, here's hoping someone releases a Thexder kit eventually.😆
  4. Plum has done kits for Assault Suits Leynos, Assault Suits Valken, Power D.O.L.L.s, and now WolfFang. Maybe one day we'll get kits for Metal Storm, Metal Warriors, MUSHA/Robo Alleste or Xardion as well.😆
  5. So you didn't have any issues with Lodoss War? The only things I've heard about super robot wars is get the asia edition because the Japanese version lacks english subtittles.
  6. So I just got a Nintendo Switch and my understanding is I can play import games without having to mod the system. So my question is which Super Robot Wars games for the Switch are worth getting? Also I hear the SD Gundam Generation games are worth getting as well. Where should I start there?
  7. Good lord! You do like to waste a lot of words on a lot of thoughts that are empty at best or downright BS at worst like you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. That later part couldn't be anymore obvious than where you blame the Acolyte's failures on "glup shitto" moments and pulling from the EU and then heap praise Andor which is one of the most "glup shitto" EU infused shows Disney has ever made! Literally everything in Andor is a reference to some other Star Wars EU work or ties back into the movies somehow. The Corporate Sector, the Imperial Security Bureau, Mon Mothma forming the alliance, a the prison planet that doesn't release it's prisoners, and Andor himself are all nods to previously created stuff. Meanwhile The Acolyte through 7 of 8 episodes has what? A reference to cortosis from the Kotor game, a character from the High Republic novels that has barely had any screentime, a prequel trilogy cameo by a character no one would would have noticed if not for the end credits, some force witches, and some vague Jedi/Sith mythos references all of which you don't need to really to be steeped in Star Wars knowledge to get the gist of? It's not the EU or "Glup Shitto" ruining a shows quality, but quality of the show being bad to begin with. Andor is a slow burn, but well put together heist/espionage/resistance noir series where even the antagonist characters have clear motivation and paths they want to follow. Acolyte is a ham fisted incoherent mess of of one dimensional literally disposable stumbling bumbling jedi caricatures wandering around forests, encountering creepy cults, lured into shallow set ups that are resolved five minutes into the next episode, and everything focusing on unlikable pair of twins with plot schizophrenia that constantly change their motivations from literal one minute to the next with their sleazy "masters." It's saying something that the most vaguely interesting character in Acolyte is a lvl 99 dude bro with literal pay to win plot armor whose only existence in this show is to be a catalyst for the dropped jedi assassin plot, kill everyone, and provide a fanservice experience for the ladies and others so inclined. The Acolyte is just bad to the core. Bad concept, bad plot, bad characters, bad effects(for a 180 million 30 minute 8 episode show), bad cinematography, and the EU or "glup shitto" have nothing to do with it.
  8. So looks like some good news and bad. I have extras of the track link part, but it might not match the color of the PZ.1's track. I can't tell if it's black or dark grey that you need. Here's a pic of my spares pouch.
  9. I might be able to help. Looking at pictures those pieces look like the same thin tracks that also were used on the Renault FT kit. I might have spares I can send you, just let me check when I get off work tonight.
  10. Being influential isn't always a good thing. Honestly I'm a little sick of everything being the dark and gritty flawed antihero power corrupts scenario where everyone is a self serving a-hole schtick that Alan Moore created. I can't help but feel it's about time the pendulum swings the other way and we return to genuinely good people doing good things because they want to, not because they have some secret agenda, are adrenaline addicted kill crazies, or are actually horrible people.
  11. I found the first one to be pretty meh after all the hoopla it got. Maybe it's the fact I just don't emphasize with an autistic schizophrenic nut job that somehow starts a cult by whacking pseudo-Johnny Carson/Jay Leno on live tv, or maybe it's the fact I just don't like the comic character to begin with given how Batman or any DC superhero won't just kill him after he has a body count in the hundreds of thousands. I just couldn't care less about this sequel.
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