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  1. I wonder if, when it comes out, you could contact the company and just get specific parts..? I did the same with Moebius, contacting them direct when they were doing the Galactica models, and even buying 'damaged' kits.
  2. I'm hoping things get better for you real soon, but you are already doing the most important part yourself, giving yourself a pep talk and then actually getting up and getting things done. Rooting for you!
  3. Looks great there, @pengbuzz! Your friend is going to really like that. Also glad you did not Hulk Smash! the Legios-1 (bits.) Let it sit, either you'll try it again, or the parts can come in handy.😉
  4. I can see the criticism of the OG crew being 'broken down' or 'miserable.' We all have our highs and lows, and the lows are seen as far more 'dramatic.' (a far too over-used trope, IMO.) Two little changes could have fixed that. For Han and Leia, they should have had them still together and happy, but with Han off not just looking for the Falcon but also for any news about Ben/Kylo and Luke. Leia is still a General having retired from the Senate for the same reasons she did in the movie. And the second, Luke is in hiding/thought dead, but he's not really hiding, as he is in secret communications with Leia and is more working behind the scenes to find a way to counter Kylo's influence, and trying to find out anything he can about the mysterious leader of the First Order who just seemed to appear out of nowhere. Rey and Finn's story is pretty much unchanged, though when Rey is captured we hear a whispering voice coaching her in her mental confrontations with Kylo Ren. An underlying plot could have been Snoke trying to pit Rey against Kylo, as both a test of his apprentice, or even as a replacement for he feels her strength is equal to Kylo's? However, after Kylo kills Han (which Ford had wanted since Empires) he is solidified as Snoke's Apprentice, Leia is heartbroken (drama) and all seems lost. Then Rey faces Kylo in the woods, and the voice we hear now is not Snoke's but Luke's. Luke felt Han's death and his attention is now focused away from Snoke, which is a good and bad thing as Snoke/Kylo now become more aware of him and that he is not dead or cowering somewhere. Good guys rally and destroy Starkiller Base! Also, the beam from Starkiller Base hits just one planet, not several, but it is still the one currently hosting the Senate, and the beam is a wormhole weapon, neatly short-cutting shooting half way across the known galaxy! The power to open the wormhole is powered from the planet's core. Of course, reading that, a number of points have been raised before as explaining certain events, but the general gist is the same.
  5. Ooh, nice little flash of Lightning there @Bolt!
  6. I think she was a strong character, but she deferred on crucial decisions* to her captain. Both times it was on her shoulders, when Dallas was off ship and after he had died, she was making the calls, even though there were very few at that point to make. Her arc though Alien/Aliens was done very well. Yeah but *when Dallas was off ship and trying to get a sick crewman an alien pathogen on board, she was steadfast and said no. Now, that cold be strength of character, or just clinging to the Book, but in either case the story would have ended right there. Why do you make me laugh at poor dead Jeki?!?! Exactly. Which just shows poor decision making for the plot. It was thirty years after, there was no need to poison-pill the OT's legacy or its characters. Life does go on after the credits role, but far too often writers go for the low-hanging fruit of drama, such as Han and Leia being estranged and Luke not willing to fight for the Good in his nephew the same way he did for his father. Luke done dirty! Too true! Many great actors in the prequel trilogy, and many many, many, wooden acting as a result of bad directing! Well, we do see her struggle trying to use it, similar to Obi-wan in his series, but I put that more because of an emotional block. I would theorize that she knew the darkness within her, but was fighting it until she learned Sol killed mother.
  7. I don't proscribe to 'woke' being the problem. As just an example, in Alien, the guys were making some pretty bad mistakes, with Ripley being a voice of reason. If it wasn't 'woke' then, why is it 'woke' now? IMO, It's bad story ideas, lack of planning and bad writing.. A good exercise is to imagine all the genders flips, Rey being a man, Kylo being a woman and so on. Now, would it still suck? Sadly, yes. So, three departments that have absolutely nothing to do with story, writing and acting., And two of which actually excelled..,
  8. Gonna be great! I hope.😁
  9. Luke was just done dirty! They knew audiences wanted to see a Luke reminiscent of the OT, despite the setbacks he'd suffered, but instead we're given a broken-down quitter. I think they were tying to Yoda-fy Luke, but they just it took the wrong way. Even in his exile, Yoda had still not given up, and I think Johnson missed that Luke should have been a version of Old Ben instead. It's all in the way you write them, as Luke could have been this heroic figure right from the moment Rey first met him, not the guy who casually tossed away the Youngling Slayer 9000 for an attempt at audience giggles. (I did cackle a little.) But, if they had kept Jyn and Cassian alive at the end of R1, that would been a movie I would watch over and over again. Instead, I've only seen it all the way through the one time. I don't like the main characters being killed off, though I certainly recognize the weight inherent in that sacrifice. I'm just more for hopeful/happier endings not just for the movies but for the characters themselves.
  10. Thom


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