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  1. @Wewyllenium Some nice paint effects on the Barrier parts. @F18LEGIOSS2 Nice! Is this 1/72 or /48?
  2. Could be! Anything, really! And I am calling the added sides as done! They are as 'smoothed' in as I am going to be able to get them. You will notice I finally sanded down the two bumps on either side. I felt they fitted more on the Yamato/Ginga than the Argonaut, and they were getting a little damaged from all the work.馃槈 I also scrounged through the PE collection and found a few bits that might come in handy. I will not be going crazy with this! Honest! And the Viper launch tubes from the BSG Pegasus fret should work pretty well as some broadside missile launchers. Need to start detailing this! Thom
  3. Don't stay under the rock too long. Times are tough, but hopefully they will get better quick for you. Rest your limbs but keep the old mind active. And don't stay away, for we need our 'Peng of Wisdom!'
  4. Ah, understood. We do what we can. It's like me wanting to get that 1/700 League of Extraordinary Gentleman Nautilus again. I had two, both gone years ago to pay bills, and now, ho wow $$$$$!!馃く If not the model (paper or otherwise) how about a toy blimp? There's a Buddy L toy blimp on eBay for about $20. Thom
  5. @pengbuzz I know the feeling. As I, myself, am one sad sack! But don't let our Communal Sackness get you down! As for the blimp, can it be finished as a 'static' model? And have you considered starting with a paper model for version 2? I haven't seen any, yet, for the Goodyear blimp, but there are some out there that look close and can, perhaps, be fudged to look like it. And working in card stock might be a bit cheaper than the tape, with cardboard bracing on the inside for added rigidity. https://currell.net/models/mod_free.htm https://papermau.blogspot.com/2015/09/lz-129-hindenburg-german-airship-paper.html https://ecardmodels.com/product/1-800-zrs-4-uss-akron-paper-model/
  6. Hey, @pengbuzz, it's always good to concentrate more on the successes than the ones that don't make it. But still, if you got to vent, vent away. No better place to do so than with other modelers!馃槈
  7. Nice to see they are still making models for Macross Zero! Odd though that the VF-19 Fast Pack - has no boosters...
  8. Yup, easier! I traced the basic shape onto Scotch tape and transferred that to blank plastic. That was then cut out, and the barbette removed from the original kit part before being grafted into the new deck. Once it was glued down, the edges were sanded into the shape. You'll note there is no aft deck, because I though I could save that part... But it was too worn and the detail on it damaged, so a new one was made in the same fashion. And yes, there is an ugly hole there were the mounting for the superstructure goes down through, but that will be covered up by said superstructure. That after deck part was then glued to the superstructure, so that I could still paint the greeblies underneath it. The orange parts are from Gundam kits, the kits that keep on giving, and there is some ribbed styrene between then to act as roll-aside doors. I don't know whether those could be vents, thrusters, tail light...? Thom
  9. A lot of masking, but well worth it @wm cheng!
  10. So far, so good. Not much action happening yet, but there is more than enough intrigue to keep me watching. Is it as good as the movies? No. But that's a pretty high bar and up to episode three this is doing pretty good. .
  11. Executive decision time! This is before. It looks good enough, but I think it is still sitting too high, even after I sectioned out a piece from the bottom of the main tower. Plus, that third turret location is sitting too high in relation to the first two, so... I blew it up! Pulled the pieces of the upper structure apart again, and now I'm going to slip them further down the sides. But they weren't sitting as flush as I wanted, as their backsides are not flat, so, duh-me, I decided to cut out parts from the hull to make room. Only I cut too much room... That cut is way too low. You can see the gap under the lowered side piece. Crab-nab-it!! That presaged a whole rabbit hole of new siding, ill-fits and finally ripping it all off again after calling myself a dummy! Keep it simple, stupid! I'll get the parts to fit where I want them to, then tidy up the mess. But, the step-pattern between the turrets now looks spot on to what I've been wanting, so good there! Now, after that, I'll need to fix the upper deck. With it being lower, and thus spread wider, there are some gappages happening near the front. I'm thinking it might be easier to make a new forward upper deck...馃 Thom
  12. There are some many choices in that that I do not understand... However, it does look like an ideal candidate for an Ataria Island crash diorama!
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