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Star Wars Rogue Squadron, in theaters TBA


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From Robert Iger:
"We are thrilled to have the great Patty Jenkins directing our  @StarWars  feature film Rogue Squadron, and as a true admirer of her work, it is an honor to have Patty directing her next film for us!"


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I'm cautiously optimistic about this... they better not F it up!

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Where was that kiss even from? 

But I agree that Kennedy means no to Star Wars.  For her they're a vehicle towards an end, not a universe she loves. 

Now she's trying to stick to the original timeline to push her narratives because that's the time fans (who spend money) love.  She's going to ruin that now, also.

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14 minutes ago, Mommar said:

Why would you be optimistic?  Have you forgotten about the other six POS'es they've already put out?

Even I can't be all Doom and Gloom about EVERYTHING... someone else is going to have to take up the curmudgeon's crown on this one...


until it's a POS too, then you'll get to meet the real me about it!:rofl:


12 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

I'm hoping this one is going to be great. Would love to see a lot of space dog fights. ;)


That's all I want, I'll fast-forward through the rest of it if I have to

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3 minutes ago, slide said:

That's all I want, I'll fast-forward through the rest of it if I have to

Or we can just wait for someone in Youtube to compile all of the Star Wars space dog fights. ;)


Funny, that 'bing' sound of Jango's Seismic Charges just played in my head. :lol: 


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Just now, Mog said:

Did they actually specify when this story will take place?

No Wedge, no dice.

THIS x1000

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Kennedy can do good for Star Wars - by not being in charge of it!:D As shown by Favrue (sp) when the creator of the show is given the freedom and knows the subject and wants to do it justice, then something good can come from it. I'm hoping with Patty Jenkins that, just like WW, she has creative freedom to make a good movie. I'm optimistic.


4 hours ago, easnoddy said:

Where was that kiss even from? ...

About two seconds at the end of TRoS.:p

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Hm... a risky move.  Let's see how it plays out for them.

I'm surprised we reached this point so quickly, to be honest.  Disney tried giving Star Wars fans a nice, safe sequel that took no risks and pushed no envelopes to give them more what they already loved (The Force Awakens), they tried subverting expectations and mixing things up (The Last Jedi), they tried doing an origin story for one of Star Wars's most beloved characters, and they tried to design a film by committee using fan responses to plot leaks (The Rise of Skywalker)... and the fans hated all of it.  So they're falling back on the two things that do sell: original trilogy side stories (Rogue One) and borrowed goodwill from old Expanded Universe titles (The Mandalorean).  They're on their knees, begging fans "Just tell us what you want!".  

If they approach this right and avoid the sequel trilogy's bad habits they might actually make good on Rogue Squadron.  They proved they can make a decent film when they want to with Rogue One.  

If anything, I think their biggest obstacle outside of executive meddling is going to be that Star Wars fans are kind of an unpleasable lot these days.

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3 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

They're on their knees, begging fans "Just tell us what you want!".  

You Have Sight, But No Vision – Missing Perspective:D

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3 hours ago, Thom said:

About two seconds at the end of TRoS.:p

That kiss was weak.

People wanted to see LGBT representation and Disney listened and got cold feet.  They aren't that worried about American homophobia or racists.  They're worried about the International ones.  They give us a brief scenes involving a minor characters that they can get the clickbait Internet to press create a buzz.  It is also something that they can easily remove when they release these movies for a countries that might not allow it.

Fans asked for Finn and Poe.  Disney could have left it vague and people would have happy.  Instead Disney gives them both potential female love interest to show they suffer from the not gays and to please the Internet we get a 2 second same sex kiss between a very minor character and an extra. If you're going to do something like this either do it right or don't do it at all.   

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2 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

If they approach this right and avoid the sequel trilogy's bad habits they might actually make good on Rogue Squadron.  They proved they can make a decent film when they want to with Rogue One.  

Honestly, I think it's going to be very dependent on when they set the story.

I think they've basically got three viable options to pursue.
A- A post-TROS revival of the squadron, which I don't think anyone actually cares about or would want to see
B- A post-Endor story that -might- be excellent, but has the potential to piss off fans of the EU comics and books (either by being a blatant rip-off, or vastly inferior, or both)
C- A mid-OT side story about the founding of the squadron after Yavin that could potentially be good as a near-direct follow-up to Rogue One.

One way or another, they have to deal with the fact that Denis Lawson is either going to be very old, or recast.

If they want to continue the current trend, and focus on post-OT/pre-ST success, I feel like the most likely setting is going to be in the same timeframe as the Mandalorian, which makes the comic/novel series prime material to work with, even if they don't adapt it directly.

Would I -want- them to adapt the books?  Honestly.. I don't know.  I would definitely prefer a Wraith Squadron movie or two, because the tone and characters were so much more fun than The Corran Horn Show. :p  Besides that, I'm not entirely sure how the world at large would react to a story centered around an evil political figurehead manufacturing a plague designed to incite xenophobic chaos. :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, Roy Focker said:

That kiss was weak.

People wanted to see LGBT representation and Disney listened and got cold feet.  They aren't that worried about American homophobia or racists.  They're worried about the International ones.  They give us a brief scenes involving a minor characters that they can get the clickbait Internet to press create a buzz.  It is also something that they can easily remove when they release these movies for a countries that might not allow it.

Fans asked for Finn and Poe.  Disney could have left it vague and people would have happy.  Instead Disney gives them both potential female love interest to show they suffer from the not gays and to please the Internet we get a 2 second same sex kiss between a very minor character and an extra. If you're going to do something like this either do it right or don't do it at all.   

I totally agree and don't mind it at all. As long as it's not just fan-service. But still, even those two seconds melted so many snowflakes.:lol:

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1 hour ago, Chronocidal said:

Honestly, I think it's going to be very dependent on when they set the story.

I think they've basically got three viable options to pursue.
A- A post-TROS revival of the squadron, which I don't think anyone actually cares about or would want to see
B- A post-Endor story that -might- be excellent, but has the potential to piss off fans of the EU comics and books (either by being a blatant rip-off, or vastly inferior, or both)
C- A mid-OT side story about the founding of the squadron after Yavin that could potentially be good as a near-direct follow-up to Rogue One.

Looking at it as an outsider/non-fan, my assumption would be that Rogue Squadron will end up being a side story set during the original trilogy like Rogue One was... both to market it as an indirect sequel to the one good Disney Star Wars film and capitalize on the fanbase's original trilogy nostalgia.

(Well, that and to avoid the antipathy Star Wars fans have for the sequel trilogy.)

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Variety is the spice of life, DH.  ;)

Some missions require speed, some require a hefty payload, and sometimes you wanna confuse and pester the enemy with a variety of different fighter types.

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5 hours ago, Thom said:

As of now, Rogue Squadron is being set after The Rise of Skywalker. So, no OT side missions, and apparently no Force...


Welp, if that doesn't just piss all over the cornflake factory... :p  Makes the entire teaser a blatant bait and switch for showing the OT gear and ship, too.

Was a nice thought while it lasted.  Time to dig out my books and pretend it's 1998 again.

Edited by Chronocidal
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4 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

Welp, if that doesn't just piss all over the cornflake factory... :p  Makes the entire teaser a blatant bait and switch for showing the OT gear and ship, too.

Was a nice thought while it lasted.  Time to dig out my books and pretend it's 1998 again.

Well, who knows. The Resistance got its can kicked in TLJ so maybe there aren't many T-70s left, so they start out using old 65s.

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Can anyone fill me in on the old EU history of the Rogue Squadron?  I’m not as well versed in that aspect.

Always thought they were the aces of the Rebellion.  

So when I hear about pilots “earning their wings” in a squad that had Luke and Wedge “I Have TWO Death Star Killmarks on My Ride” Antilles, it kinda kills the mystique of the Rogues.

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