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Leaked Yamato List

Macross World Daddy

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I am new here and want to say hello to all. I am a long time fan of the show and hardcore Macross/Robotech fan.

I got this "leaked" list a few days ago from a close friend (his brother allegedly works for Yamato) that says this is Yamato's schedule for the next two year but I didn't know how reliable this info was, so I laughed at it and told him to get a life.

Now, with Graham’s news, my bud did nail the YF-21 so who knows.....

Regardless, here is the list:


1/60 YF-21 (March)

1/60 Reactive armor for VF-0 (May)

1/60 VF-0B (July)

1/60 VF-0D (Aug)

1/60 VF-11 (Sep)

1/60 VF-19 Ravens version (Nov)

And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-4 Lightning !!!!!! (Dec.)


1/60 VF-22 Max

1/60 VF-22 Millia

1/60 VF-0? Color variant

1/60 VF-19 Macross 7

1/48 VE-1 Elintseeker

1/48 VT-1 Super O

And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-1D!!!!

Once again, I am not sure how true this is and I am guessing he might be talking out of his a$$ but I guess we will find out.


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Accurate or not this thread will probably set a speed record for being locked

very likely but if the 1/48 ve1 and vt1 and vf1d come out then B))

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I too doubt they would release the VF-11 and VF-4 within months of each other. Yamato has been pretty consistent with 2 uniqge valks per year or so with various repaints and variations in between.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Besides doing only repaints, let's not forget repackaging. There should be at least a few bundle sets from what I see.

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I am new here and want to say hello to all. I am a long time fan of the show and hardcore Macross/Robotech fan.

I got this "leaked" list a few days ago from a close friend (his brother allegedly works for Yamato) that says this is Yamato's schedule for the next two year but I didn't know how reliable this info was, so I laughed at it and told him to get a life.

Now, with Graham’s news, my bud did nail the YF-21 so who knows.....

Regardless, here is the list:


1/60 YF-21 (March)

1/60 Reactive armor for VF-0 (May)

1/60 VF-0B (July)

1/60 VF-0D (Aug)

1/60 VF-11 (Sep)

1/60 VF-19 Ravens version (Nov)

And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-4 Lightning !!!!!! (Dec.)


1/60 VF-22 Max

1/60 VF-22 Millia

1/60 VF-0? Color variant

1/60 VF-19 Macross 7

1/48 VE-1 Elintseeker

1/48 VT-1 Super O

And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-1D!!!!

Once again, I am not sure how true this is and I am guessing he might be talking out of his a$$ but I guess we will find out.


Another thing to note is, why would the VF-1D be a grand finally. I would think it would be easier to resculpt, redesign, and execute the 1D from the VF-1 platform, rather than the VE-1 or the VT-1?

I just hope your list come to life, eventhough my wallet cries at the mere sight of this thread.

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Well if this list was true, it would have had more credibility if this came out weeks or months ago prior to Graham confirming the 1/60 YF-21. This coming out just today and saying that they were right on the YF-21 date only AFTER it was announced seems a bit sneaky to me.

I am hoping for the VF-0 armor though.

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A Yammy VF-1d would be so easy to make as Moscato has already proved (though if yammy made it we'd have a stiff canopy instead of a semi-soft one)

Sadly, I'd only buy the YF-21, VF-11 and VT / VE :p

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I call BS. 1/48s are done. Unless yamato changed their minds but the list sounds too perfect and I dunno who this Macross World Daddy is. Not that I am calling him a liar but a guy with 2 posts to his name and posts this news? Sorry but it seems suspicious but I am always weary till I know that person well.

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haha!! that list is way too perfect like everyone has noted, it's like the compilation of 5 different members signatures :p

^_^ ^_^

anyway! besides, like pointed before, the release dates in between each valk is too close, people won't have enough time to sell their organs for that huge amount of diffrente valks in the course of two years, but still, very optimistic listing

hmm...perhaps this new member is some drunken yamato exec yanking our chains, hahaha, they do like to drink a lot, don't they? ahaha :lol::D

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Graham said Yamato has like NO chance/desire/intention to release a VF-4, and has repeated that for years. Plus the whole M7 license issue means no M&M -22's.

Well, since bandai isn't doing anything with it, I'm sure BW would rather have it go to yamato than renew with bandai. it may take a while, but I think eventually we'll see the M&M vf-22 set.

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It's more like a wish list. Even if it was from anyone from Yamato, I doubt it would be anywhere near accurate from what would really come out. We've had these spec lists before and we'll keep getting them and none of them will be on target. You get one or two come to reality and that'l be enough for someone to say "i told you so."

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One major thing missing from this list - Macross 25.

It seems unlikely that Yamato would miss their license for Macross 25 designs while retaining the license for older Macross. Big West would love to be able to flood the market with Macross toys like Gunpla, but they can only do that with multiple toy makers. We will probably see Yamato do the high-end toys while Kaiyodo or others do the med-range toys.

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