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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Got a link to the source? Hmm... I wonder why HLJ included an invoice for 100 JPY. Did the OP indicate if they paid for a replacement? Because I know in the past with HLJ (more than 10 years ago), I've been able to communicate/procure replacement parts at a price for the 1/60 Yamato VF-0S arm assembly.
  2. Geez, this is apparently more widespread. Just about 20+ minutes ago someone else (from Taiwan) posted on one of the fb groups with the same problem. 🤕
  3. That would be nice, but I was also thinking it might be for the sound booster...?
  4. YYK payment is upfront. They usually give you shipping estimates at the time of checkout or the option to select shipping later or combine shipping later. ATM the USD to JPY is favorable, so it might be worthwhile to secure payment now rather than later if the reverse happens.
  5. never really collected small gashapon styled figures, but maybe it's from this? Macross Solid Archive https://www.google.com/search?q=solid+archive+macross+frontier&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjWrPuKr-yDAxXUIGIAHZOoDDgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=solid+archive+macross+frontier&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoKCAAQgAQQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoICAAQBRAHEB46CAgAEAgQBxAeUIsLWNYwYMUzaANwAHgAgAFBiAGrCpIBAjI1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=QvKrZdaDPdTBiLMPk9GywAM&bih=653&biw=1560
  6. saw this on fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MacrossFanCentral/posts/2068754156818667/
  7. Saw this on fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MacrossFanCentral/posts/2068754156818667/
  8. Saw this on fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MacrossFanCentral/posts/2068754156818667/
  9. I didn't look around (yet) to see if this was shared on mwf: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MacrossFanCentral/posts/2068754156818667/
  10. For most BBTS also charges state tax according to the buyer's location. For me it would be almost another 30$+ ontop of the 350 and 5$ s&h.
  11. LOL... my Yamato YF-21 has been sitting in the mostly dis-assembled/exploded state for the last 15 years! LOL (to be clear I was working on a project back then and never put it back together).
  12. Looks like it... pics from fb:
  13. Calling it now... Bandai will release this, it'll sellout and then they'll do a 2.0 in a few more years after milking the variants* lol.
  14. It looks like the bottom half of the front foot might slide forward and backwards to accommodate the transformation. nvm it was mentioned already lol 😅
  15. I've lost count of how many 31s I have... I really should do an inventory check.
  16. Sorry I didn't really bother to check the prices of the Valks because my logic was everything is already marked up (to prices you can probably find at other retailers usag, bbts, gp, etc.)... aside today I wasn't there for the Valks. Also it didn't really help that almost all of the displays and the product stacks had no prices listed/displayed. My friend had to ask the store employee the prices for the Store Exclusives NXEdge Hi-Nu and NG. And... the line to pay, especially the cash only register was right next to the DX Chogokin Display/stacks and people were standing/lined right in front of it.
  17. Got back from the visit to the TN NYC store about 2 hrs ago. The store space is maybe 1k square feet (not a big store) just enough to display their stuff and sell. They had the VF25F Alto Revival version and VF31AX Hayate on display and for sale near the register (towards the back). FYI they are allowing walk-ins but there is a wait. Reservation is not so much of a wait if you're close to the reservation time.
  18. I recall seeing one price listed for the VF171 and it was '30800jpy Now' for their listing, thus the reason why I didn't order with them and waited for Amiami later in the night. When AE gives the option for a 'Now or Later' option there's two prices listed. The 'Now' option is usually listed maybe just a few jpy less than the 'Later' option. This reflects mostly for the rest of the items listed on their site. Maybe someone who had placed an order with AE can chime in. Sorry to hear you lost your PO with AE 😵‍💫
  19. The 171EX Alto is definitely a WWM release. Probably not showing up in any of the US based sites yet since we're just finishing up the Labor Day weekend.
  20. Maybe time to make a poll to take some votes (unless there was one done before i cant recall, lol).
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