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Battlestar Galactica Discussion III

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Was I the only one who thought that everything after

Kara jumped the Galactica to our Earth

was drawn out and could've been told in half the time? Other than that, good ending.

Every one gut frakt up those prophecy's royally.

Why did they not leave some kind of monument maybe on the moon some kind of message about the dangers of AI?

Edited by miles316
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Wow, Adama adressing the UN:

Also, if Hera

is Mitochondrial Eve

then doesn't that mean that

every other group of people from the fleet died out? So technically, that means the human race as we(they) know it did end--right after Kara's disappearance.

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Was I the only one who thought that everything after

Kara jumped the Galactica to our Earth

was drawn out and could've been told in half the time? Other than that, good ending.

I thought so at first, but as it progressed, I thought: This is what the entire series has been leading up to - it's OK to let it breathe.

Especially after Frontier ended so rapidly, it was nice to see the epilogue take its time.

*short-term avatar update... :D

Edited by Kelsain
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I'm still letting it soak in, but my immediate impression wasn't good. I didn't like it. Head six/baltar, Starbuck's ressurrection *with* viper, the opera house visions, and the explanation?

God did it.

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I'm still kind of letting it sink in, the first hour I couldn't even control myself on the pretty light show of explosions and action. And the massive killing spree I think made me cream my pants...but the final 30 minutes or so, it was kind of like that cigerette you need after really good sex, don't you agree?

And Olmos was kind of right in my opinion on the Last Frakkin Special...25 years from now, you'll watch it and you'll be like "Oh, now I get it" like Blade Runner...just takes time to sink in.

There were a few things in the final episode that kind of made me go "Wait wha...?" Like what was Kara? What were the imaginative Baltar and Six? What really happened to everyone, did they live happily ever after in the long run?

Now then, I have to think, there's the Cylon verison of the series coming up....and then there's also Caprica, which I gotta figure out how that all plays into BSG. Will I enjoy either versions? I hope so.

But what I'd really like is a freaking game...that arcade one on the 360 just doesn't cut it for me...I need a real good BSG game, I couldn't even get into the one that came out some years ago on the Xbox.

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Wow, Adama adressing the UN:

Also, if Hera

is Mitochondrial Eve

then doesn't that mean that

every other group of people from the fleet died out? So technically, that means the human race as we(they) know it did end--right after Kara's disappearance.

... it's complicated, and there are several scenarios that can account for it. One simple explanation is that because mitochondrial DNA only passes from mother -> son/daughter... if 2 parents only have a son, then they are unable to pass on the mtDNA to the 3rd generation, which is very plausible. Obviously case is simplified if a couple did not have any children at all. Or if they had one male... but that guy mated with a female from another mtDNA line...

The death of a particular line of mtDNA does not necessarily imply that a whole population died out (though it is 1 possible explanation).

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I'm still letting it soak in, but my immediate impression wasn't good. I didn't like it. Head six/baltar, Starbuck's ressurrection *with* viper, the opera house visions, and the explanation?

God did it.

The last line,

"You know it doesn't like being called that."

made it a bit more palatable to me. Something big, something powerful, but not



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Truly one of the best series ever made and the ending was fantastic, Pretty much all the loose ends tied up. Usually in a finale there are still tons of questions to be ask. The Chief's reaction to Tory was what I had hoped for!!

Love the part when Starbuck enters the coordinates and says "There must be some way out of here".

The "Daedalus" Attack was awesome too!!!

As for the last 40 minutes or so, A very bitter sweet and Happy ending. I just felt bad for Lee Adama

Between his Father flying off never to be seen again and loosing the woman he always loved, Kara.

She was truly an Angel who helped save Humanity and not destroying it.

By the way, Did anyone else yell Holy Frak or jump out of there seat when the Battlestar jumped for final time and basically crumpled on itself?? I've never seen such amazing effects before!!

Edited by 505thAirborne
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The last line,

"You know it doesn't like being called that."

made it a bit more palatable to me. Something big, something powerful, but not



Which doesn't make it a better explanation for me at all really. I know they've been making a lot of this stuff up on the fly, and they've been pretty good at it too. But when you continually answer a question with a question, eventually you need to give a real answer. I was really hoping they could wrap up all these loose threads in a more satisfying way than

a deus ex machina


I'm also finding it a little illogical for a human race with FTL technology willing to dump all their science and become farmers. After New Caprica, why would anyone think they're safe? How do they know

the freed toasters won't return to finish the job

What if the planet isn't habitable due to virus/allergy/bacteria? Yeah, it's touchy feel good, but it's not logical.

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I was AMAZED! This is the only show I've ever seen that really delivered. I loved the ending!!! Some say it was drawn out.... no way! It was perfect! This tops my list as favorite fictional show of all time. Amazing writing, acting, effects, music and direction week in and out. I can't wait for "The Plan" and Caprica! Loved the way they tied it all together at the end.

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Which doesn't make it a better explanation for me at all really. I know they've been making a lot of this stuff up on the fly, and they've been pretty good at it too. But when you continually answer a question with a question, eventually you need to give a real answer. I was really hoping they could wrap up all these loose threads in a more satisfying way than

a deus ex machina


I'm also finding it a little illogical for a human race with FTL technology willing to dump all their science and become farmers. After New Caprica, why would anyone think they're safe? How do they know

the freed toasters won't return to finish the job

What if the planet isn't habitable due to virus/allergy/bacteria? Yeah, it's touchy feel good, but it's not logical.

Did they travel to another galaxy because I heard Adama mention traveling a hundred million light years. Will the surviving cavils, Simmons, ass hole (forgot name) wont be able follow.

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Which doesn't make it a better explanation for me at all really. I know they've been making a lot of this stuff up on the fly, and they've been pretty good at it too. But when you continually answer a question with a question, eventually you need to give a real answer. I was really hoping they could wrap up all these loose threads in a more satisfying way than

a deus ex machina


I'm also finding it a little illogical for a human race with FTL technology willing to dump all their science and become farmers. After New Caprica, why would anyone think they're safe? How do they know

the freed toasters won't return to finish the job

What if the planet isn't habitable due to virus/allergy/bacteria? Yeah, it's touchy feel good, but it's not logical.

The abandonment of technology could be an attempt to break the cycle.

In both cases of Earth 1 and the Twelve Colonies they managed to keep their tech as lost tech to be rediscovered.

It could be that whatever happened to Kobol also involved a Cylon Centurion rebellion.

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I was AMAZED! This is the only show I've ever seen that really delivered. I loved the ending!!! Some say it was drawn out.... no way! It was perfect! This tops my list as favorite fictional show of all time. Amazing writing, acting, effects, music and direction week in and out. I can't wait for "The Plan" and Caprica! Loved the way they tied it all together at the end.

I couldn't have said it better!! I am so full of adrenaline from watching tonight's finale!! I'm watching it again now!! B))

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I'm also finding it a little illogical for a human race with FTL technology willing to dump all their science and become farmers. After New Caprica, why would anyone think they're safe? How do they know

the freed toasters won't return to finish the job

What if the planet isn't habitable due to virus/allergy/bacteria? Yeah, it's touchy feel good, but it's not logical.

I'm not a fan of it, but sudden and simple Luddite twists and the idea that if we threw away all our tools we'd stop being mean are too common as sci-fi moral lessons for me to be surprised. What really got me was that after several seasons of every change of lifestyle or tactics leading to division, resentment, even outright rebellion, it felt weird to

have all the survivors of the fleet quickly, peacefully, and unanimously decide that moving to a life of chipping stones and dying at thirty was the best and only future for humanity.

On the other hand, the first two thirds were awesome and the very last part wrapped it around interestingly for me. And given that

a race of advanced starfaring robots struck out to find their place in the galaxy at large, I can't complain about those who decided to restart their path and throw away the memories of past mistakes rather than actually moving on to something new.

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I think that just about sums up all the emotions I got from watching this last hurrah for BSG.

For those who got a little annoyed with how stretched out the ending coda was, I really didn't mind. Kinda reminds me of the final closing chapters of a good long book or story. You know the end is coming. But you want the story to linger on. . . . . .just a little bit more.

The last parts kinda reminded me of the film ending of Return of the King (but in a good way). We've invested four seasons watching these characters struggle, toil, and triumph. I think a long good-bye was warranted and wanted by a good chunk of us.

A couple of my initial impressions:

* FRAK! The Galactica was gettin' pounded!!!

* Anyone else get tripped out with the Centurions fighting alongside the Colonials?.......Ah FRAK!! It's a whole legion of Centurions coming on board!!!! Wait, they're gonna be on our side?! SWEET! But umm, they're still scaring the sh*t out of me. :unsure:

* Nice to see that the flashbacks served a bit of a purpose. One of them set up Baltar's last line to Caprica Six perfectly and beautifully.

* One of the things I always wished they had shown on New Caprica was Baltar and Six having a conversation with one another while also talking to their head angels. I had pretty much reserved myself to the fact that such a scene would never occur during the series. So, I practically cheered out loud when that scene finally happened! ^_^

* Thank God the black hole didn't come into play.

* Glad to see Boomer got some semblance of redemption.

I'm probably gonna have to watch the finale a few more times, just to let everything sink in and to catch a few more of the subtle nuances. Battlestar Galactica, much like Kara Thrace, you will not be soon forgotten.

Thanks for the beautiful story.

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The end has me so fraking wound up I can't sleep. I wish anders had recovered from the injury; it kind of sucked ass that they just sent him off in to the sun with the fleet, and we only got to see a Little bit of his massive real life scar.

So all of Adama's felgercarb remained with the centurions on the baseship. I wonder what will become of the centurions.

Edited by miles316
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^^Well he did say,

"See you on the other side." to Starbuck.

It's open to interpretation. But I'd like to look at that line in a hopeful light.

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... it's complicated, and there are several scenarios that can account for it. One simple explanation is that because mitochondrial DNA only passes from mother -> son/daughter... if 2 parents only have a son, then they are unable to pass on the mtDNA to the 3rd generation, which is very plausible. Obviously case is simplified if a couple did not have any children at all. Or if they had one male... but that guy mated with a female from another mtDNA line...

The death of a particular line of mtDNA does not necessarily imply that a whole population died out (though it is 1 possible explanation).

I took it to mean that since hera was the first hybrid, she would be the first and therefore oldest woman to have both human and cylon dna. Since all modern day humans would be descendants of such matings by now, she would be the Eve.

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I think Kara was just another angel, and when her mission was done, she vanished.

Also, did anyone else cheer when

Tori got what was coming to her?

I was looking forward to it but didn't think they'd do it that way. I figured they'd have it take place as a result of all the damage the Galactica was taking. I'm glad it went down the way it did. It was a long time coming.

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Yeah, it was about time after what she did. Shame it fraked things up though.

The ending was about what I expected, and I enjoyed just about all of it. Plenty of nice twists and turns. Some unanswered questions to ponder, and more than it's far share of emotional moments. The Kara thing was a touch odd, but oh well. That, and my damn cat switched the TV input right at Adama's realisation.

I particularly loved how Balter came full circle at the end. Shame what happened to Boomer, but at least she did get some redemption after all the things they've dragged her through.

Sad to see Galactica go (in both ways). As a fan of the original, Moore did a great job adapting it into something just as great. Hopefully Caprica can fill some of the void now.

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It was an ok ending. They could have at least let Lee get Kara. Cut the guy some slack. His ex blows her head off and he sucked as vice president. But you got to love Scifi. The aliens built the pyramids and we are all descendents from a robot lady. Oh well. But I kind of liked the ending to Farscape better.

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As Lee said Alpha, its time for a clean slate.

By the way, anyone else get a kick out of the use of the original Battlestar theme?

They've been using it for a while. It's the Colonial Anthem in this continuity. I always thought McCreary put it to good use.

What i really loved was the use of the classic Centurions. About time they paid off fully from Six's miniseries line about them still being around. Shame they were also CGI, but it was still awesome. One thing I've always loved about this show is the amount of subtle respect they show to the classic series for fans of it like myself.

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What i really loved was the use of the classic Centurions. About time they paid off fully from Six's miniseries line about them still being around. Shame they were also CGI, but it was still awesome. One thing I've always loved about this show is the amount of subtle respect they show to the classic series for fans of it like myself.

I never even saw the old series, but seeing the old models actually show up was a cool thing. I agree, while a lot of fans of the old hated or ignored the new, it's good to see the new series respects its roots despite the many differences.


Poor guy, though.

Edited by Killer Robot
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They've been using it for a while. It's the Colonial Anthem in this continuity. I always thought McCreary put it to good use.

What i really loved was the use of the classic Centurions. About time they paid off fully from Six's miniseries line about them still being around. Shame they were also CGI, but it was still awesome. One thing I've always loved about this show is the amount of subtle respect they show to the classic series for fans of it like myself.

Its funny I've only seen BSG as it released on TV, (Still haven't gotten around to the DVD's yet) Not sure why but I didn't remember hearing that particular theme before, but it was the perfect salute to the Galactica's Final voyage.

Also the vintage Centurions looked bad ass with those massive rifles!!

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One of the best things they did in my opinion was leave the Kara thing way up in the air. They gave everyone an end but left it up to us to guess what that end might mean or how things unfold from that point.

I honestly thought Bill was gonna brain himself when he said goodbye to Lee and Kara, glad he didn't though.

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