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On 3/25/2018 at 3:23 PM, Dynaman said:

It made under 30 million opening weekend on a 150 million budget.  I expect it won't be in theaters long and that there will not be a third one.

Hmmm It did bad. Golly Gee. I wonder why?

Remember when movies didnt pander to foreign audiences. Great times.

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Slaginpit so salty. Sad to think that Hollywood that likes to globalise their brand can't be allowed to cater for their broader audience? A bit xenophobic and hypocritical when they're so happy to take their money...

They might be doing badly in the States but I think it's done pretty well overall- $230+ million in a bit over 2 weeks. Not everyone's cup of tea granted but I don't think it's going to be a complete flop- probably going to make their money back with a bit of profit on the side. May have a sequel but I don't think that's as likely...

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18 hours ago, slaginpit said:

Hmmm It did bad. Golly Gee. I wonder why?

Remember when movies didnt pander to foreign audiences. Great times.

Well, I'm amazed we did get a sequel since the first didn't do so well in the box office. Honestly there are other films more deserving of a sequel than Pacific Rim.

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41 minutes ago, JB0 said:

Stardust Vagabond sounds like a Jojo stand.

I was just thinking "there MUST BE a video game or anime by that name..."

Anyway, saw it again tonight, and while my criticisms still stand, I also still ultimately had lots of fun with it. There's one shot near the beginning of the movie though that really irritated me both times I've seen it.

When Jake first comes to the Shatterdome and is I think going into his room or something... it's a shot from inside the room facing the door and he opens it and enters... there's a window behind his left shoulder just off from the center of the screen, and there's a big ol' bloom of light coming from it that I keep wanting to shoo out of the shot because it's so god damn distracting. It's right next to the focus of the shot, clearly the intent is for people's eyes to follow Jake as he's the only thing moving in the shot, but it's just RIGHT THERE, like a little shoulder devil casually stripping while we're all having a casual conversation and no one seems to notice it but me.

I don't know why it bothers me that much, but it does...

Also they really REALLY dialed up the orange-blue contrast, that was also super annoying. Like John Boyega looks fine in the daytime shots, fellas, no need to supercharge him so he looks like a ripe tangerine...

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1 hour ago, JB0 said:

'S all about finding the right words. Spend a few minutes asking a search engine for random words, stick the coolest ones next to each other. If in doubt, add a greek letter or military alphabet word to the end.

Yeah, maybe I will try that.

For now, my creativity is limited to using anime/game titles. For example:

Neon Genesis

Excel Saga

Alchemic Drive

...yeah, I’m lame haha

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A list of nuclear tests would also be a good inspiration. Travis Beacham cited tests like Castle Bravo and Starfish Prime as his main naming inspiration.


3 hours ago, ArchieNov said:

Yeah, maybe I will try that.

For now, my creativity is limited to using anime/game titles. For example:

Neon Genesis

Excel Saga

Alchemic Drive

...yeah, I’m lame haha

Also, you can try shuffling this up. Alchemic Genesis, Excel Drive, and even Neon Saga aren't terrible jaegar names.


Trufax: Paladin Zeta took half its name from a much older machine. If you shuffle the anime right, no one notices.

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Am I the only one who does not understand what makes the official names "cool"? They mostly seem like nonsense combination of words to me.

And "Gipsy", a spelling variant of a name for the Romani people that is often seen as pejorative, combined with the word "danger"... does not give good associations with me. Especially since xenophobic rhetoric against the Romani, in which they are described as a danger to society, is on a rise in my country and most of Europe. Gipsy Avenger works better in that sense, but only just.

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Gale Igniter.

Saw the movie had a blast. I can recommend watching it on the big screen. To me the CG looked excellent compared to Black Panther which was the movie I watched previously in the theater. There is no complex character development in it and some characters behave weirdly but not off-putting to me. 

One criticism I have is that the movie has too much going on. Especially the last action scene was really convoluted.


I would have preferred that some of the building  in Tokyo would lower into the ground like in Evangelion so you could better see some of the action. The Jaegers disappeared in the cityscape of all the buildings. With the major buildings being hid you could have  an more even battleground but still be able to interact with the remaining structures.

I also wished that the other Jaegers had more one on one action with the Kaijus doing some real damage to them until they are almost defeated and then merge them together and obliterate the good guys. I recognize that this is probably the oldest trope in mecha movies but I would prefer that. 

Also the death of one of the Jaeger pilots left no emotional impact since there is so little character development. So for me they could have cut that out. 

I don't understand the issues about the movie catering too much to Chinese people. For me it felt more like people from all over the world working together for saving their planet which I like. The main Chinese actress had a big part in the movie but that is fine.


Fixing the girls mech that helps to win the battle with her own hands is maybe a bit much. She never came around as a grease monkey to me. 

I really hope they do a third one. 

Edited by Scyla
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19 hours ago, ArchieNov said:

Man, why can’t I think of cool names like those. You guys make it seem so simple.


19 hours ago, JB0 said:

'S all about finding the right words. Spend a few minutes asking a search engine for random words, stick the coolest ones next to each other. If in doubt, add a greek letter or military alphabet word to the end.

Thanks ArchieNov, and what JBO said is pretty much exactly what I did. I had the same "creative" (if we can even call it that lol) block. 

9 hours ago, Big s said:

Well at least no one got upset over obsidian fury.


I actually liked that name a lot, thought it was fitting considering the look of the Jaeger and its role in the movie.


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Just wanted to put my $0.02 in...

Saw it. Enjoyed it. Not as good as the first, but a decent popcorn flick. For some reason, I did get a "direct to home video" vibe from the movie, as it did kind of seem like the original's little brother.

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21 hours ago, Scyla said:

Gale Igniter.

Saw the movie had a blast. I can recommend watching it on the big screen. To me the CG looked excellent compared to Black Panther which was the movie I watched previously in the theater. There is no complex character development in it and some characters behave weirdly but not off-putting to me. 

One criticism I have is that the movie has too much going on. Especially the last action scene was really convoluted.

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I would have preferred that some of the building  in Tokyo would lower into the ground like in Evangelion so you could better see some of the action. The Jaegers disappeared in the cityscape of all the buildings. With the major buildings being hid you could have  an more even battleground but still be able to interact with the remaining structures.

I also wished that the other Jaegers had more one on one action with the Kaijus doing some real damage to them until they are almost defeated and then merge them together and obliterate the good guys. I recognize that this is probably the oldest trope in mecha movies but I would prefer that. 

Also the death of one of the Jaeger pilots left no emotional impact since there is so little character development. So for me they could have cut that out. 

I don't understand the issues about the movie catering too much to Chinese people. For me it felt more like people from all over the world working together for saving their planet which I like. The main Chinese actress had a big part in the movie but that is fine.

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Fixing the girls mech that helps to win the battle with her own hands is maybe a bit much. She never came around as a grease monkey to me. 

I really hope they do a third one. 


I was actually hoping for more Jaeger-vs-Jaeger action in the movie, as it looked, from the trailers, like there was a competing faction, and I inferred that maybe there was a another corporation/govt with a different agenda. I suppose some of that is relevant in hindsight, but I thought it'd be more blatant. Still, the way it was done ultimately still worked for the story.


During the fights when the Jaeger/Kaiju were tearing up the city, I wasn't, oddly, thinking of retracting the buildings, but it definitely gave me a Man of Steel  vibe with all the collateral destruction. The Evangelion solution would have been a cool idea to steal to reduce damage and give a clearer view of the action.

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with setting the film either in China or Japan, esp the latter who created the whole Super Robot idea to start with. It's fitting, and I also appreciated that throughout the film, many of the characters spoke their native languages among themselves, and even to the foreigners who were working with them. It's such a rarity in American films to see that instead of everybody speaking English in faux accents, which bugs the crap out of me. I don't mind reading subtitles. I'm a white American guy who only speaks English, BTW, as mine isn't an ethnic bias so much as a practical one- no one speaks in a foreign language to his fellow countrymen in general, unless they enjoy it, want to improve proficiency, or are required to by virtue of environmental or transactional reasons, or if it's a common language shared by two or more people from different countries, or perhaps dialects. I'm sure there are other reasons, but as I said, in general, people speak their native language amongst their own countrymen. However, I'm sure the same thing happens in film and tv around the world, for simplicity's sake. Don't even get  me started on sci-fi stuff where we go to another planet and everyone there speaks perfect English, no translators necessary. :rolleyes: So dumb.

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9 hours ago, Big s said:

So now the odd question is, how many movies will have a gundam cameo? I know of 2 within a week of each other’s release. And now will a giant gundam statue become Japan’s Statue of Liberty?

Japan already has a Statue of Liberty. ;)https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/odaiba-statue-of-liberty

It's also very close to the Gundam statue, one might add.

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9 hours ago, Lorindor said:

Japan already has a Statue of Liberty. ;)https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/odaiba-statue-of-liberty

It's also very close to the Gundam statue, one might add.

I saw that.  Thought it was an odd thing to see when I was over there.  I also saw a flying gold turd.

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1 hour ago, peter said:

I saw that.  Thought it was an odd thing to see when I was over there.  I also saw a flying gold turd.

I saw that as well. That "turd" is actually supposed to look like foam on a glass of beer. The building is a brewery.

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So I picked up the Gipsy Avenger HG kit from Bandai.  The last model kit I built was an Eva kit, also from Bandai (about 18 years ago :unsure:).  I'm really blown away by the skill and engineering that went into this kit.  The parts are teeny, tiny, and the tolerances are just so amazing.  Most of the parts pop off the sprue with little or no clean-up required.  Everything is snapping together tightly, and it just looks neat.


I'll probably finish it up tomorrow and have Obsidian Fury on deck for after :D

Edited by CoryHolmes
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