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electric indigo

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About electric indigo

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    Olympic Carrier
  • Interests
    person woman man camera tv

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SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Alien: Earth wrapped filming and started the post-production process. Set 30 years before "Alien", it deals with the origins of Weyland-Yutani and the creation of artificial life, with the Androids as a first step. "It's the story of humanity trapped between its primordial parasitic past and its AI future and they're both trying to kill us so there's nowhere to go" Nostromo seems to exist already.
  2. Listening to Kenji Kawai's "IXTL" while modeling is the greatest experience. @MechTech that's Kaiyodo's 1/35 ARTPLA kit. I'm really glad I waited 25 years before building a Reactive Armor Ingram.
  3. I don't care for the space witches or space whales, but IMO the true bane is Feloni continuing the George Lucas School Of Lazy Writing that might work a little better in a comic, cartoon or animation, but riddles the features with human actors with cringe moments. Admittedly, it must be hard for the writers to do some serious work when you have to tick all those boxes first: https://numidianprime.wordpress.com/2024/07/17/the-acolyte-continuity-breakdown/
  4. Final episode was the best for me. Great visuals & production design, great Qimir x Sol fight, but my favorite scene was this dialogue: Then of course, a lot of the potential of the show was obliterated by the bad writing that seems to be a trademark of the franchise since ROTJ. So far, only Tony Gilroy & his team seem to have mastered the art to move a plot forward without terrible contortions and to create characters that are interesting even if you hate them.
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