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About Tking22

  • Birthday 01/29/1990

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    Las Vegas, Nevada

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  1. This looks interesting enough, I guess, but wasn't Netflix working on a live-action Gundam project? Is that still a thing?
  2. I caught it last night and meh, it was fun and entertaining, but all the appearances and cameos were distracting. They made sense within the context of the movie, but I'm just over this multi-verse nonsense, it's a crutch for bad and uninteresting storytelling. Once again, within the context of this movie it worked, but I still didn't like it, it bordered on obnoxious towards the half-way mark. Still a solid third entry, it's just what I feared was true in spades, it's got a lot of cameos and appearances, for better or worse. At this point I'll just wait for the inevitable three disc 4K Bluray box set, I just don't see a fourth film happening, this was pretty final.
  3. Absolutely in for Night"Cheeks"Wing and Beetlejuice, that Keaton head sculpt looks fantastic!
  4. I think it's hilarious Sister Sage's, uh, alternate self just wants Taco Bell and backdoor action, they're pretty much two different characters.
  5. Wow those look frakking incredible, absolutely bought on sight! I'll probably have to grab a third party Manipple head for Wolverine, oh well, figure itself looks absolutely fantastic!
  6. You know what would make the two Rebel Moon films better? More blood and tits! Said literally nobody ever, these films, characters, and universe were an absolute snooze-fest, some of the most generic, been there done that nonsense I've ever seen, with a runtime padded out by copious overuse of slow-mo. Easy pass, there were some slightly interesting concepts and a few cool shots, but nothing else.
  7. Oh I get it, I just don't like it that they're at odds again, Dimitri will come around and realize he's being selfish, it's just, for now, the feud they are having is another one kind of stirred up from nothing.
  8. I binged all the new episodes in one night, easy considering they're barely 30 minutes each except the "final" fifth episode, and I like that there's specifically no tension right at the beginning of the series. After seasons of having each first episode being the fall-out of some crazy fight or home invasion, it was a nice change of pace to see the good guys just getting to chill for a few episodes. Five episodes was not enough, it went too fast and it was mostly build-up to part 2 coming in, what, October? Bummer overall, it was barely a tease, we won't be getting anything substantial until part 2.
  9. Ah I see, in that case it's totally understandable, gotta prioritize your health and do what's best. Big visual shift though, he was seriously bulky in those earlier seasons, either way, he's still a great MM.
  10. Yeah the B-plots were just awful, I thought Kwan got dropped in season 2 but nope, they didn't learn anything and she was back, and absolutely stalled the pacing and made me check my phone while she was onscreen, just like the first season. I wasn't prepared for how much out of armor Chief we'd get, for the entire battle of Reach, which he didn't even take part in in the games, he didn't even have his armor, instead the only Spartan that acted like an actual Spartan died.
  11. Yeah I'm not surprised by the cancellation, I watched both seasons and would watch a season 3 but I know I'm in the minority. I think focusing on Chief was a mistake, he shouldn't have been the main character and they should've kept his mystique and speaking parts down to a minimum, the main characters should've been ODST or UNSC Marines. All the Halo live action shorts were incredibly well done, especially the one by Blomkamp, he wanted to do a Halos series or film first and he wanted it grounded, a war series, he said he wanted to do something like Band of Brothers but Halo and that always sounded like an absolutely fantastic idea, but he moved onto others things and the ideas for a Halo film or showed died off for nearly a decade until we got this P+ show. Oh well, this short still holds up to this day and is far more impressive then anything on either season of the P+ show.
  12. I finally bought my first Hiya figure, Godzilla updated from GvK. Pretty nice, bigger then Monsterarts, less articulated, but more screen accurate, not bad overall. doubt I'll be switching over to Hiya for my Monsterverse completely but it's a cool figure at a solid price.
  13. I woke up early before work to catch the finale and I really liked it, things are officially in place for a big final season. It was an okay season overall, clearly they had to set up a big final season, and I'm mostly okay with that, the worst thing I can say is it was a bit middling, it felt like not much happened and that's mostly true, they're really banking on the final season being big and bombastic, I just hope it pays off.
  14. I went ahead and grabbed one on BBTS, MP-44-lite sounds like a good little desk-bot.
  15. It's a cool looking Prime, seems like something that would be fun to have as a desk-bot at work, and agreed, definitely seeing and feeling the MP-44 vibes, but with greebles and a better backpack...
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