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Whats next for Arcadia?


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To be perfectly honest i dont see them doing anything radical. An SV51 would be great especially seeing they are remaking the zeros but i just dont see it happening or at least any time soon.. yes maybe some more reissues of existing paints schemes as mentioned by Garfinkel but the VF1 wont get any mold modifications. Super and Strike parts would be awesome as those are like rocking horse poop to find now days!

A VF11 reissue or renewal with GBP parts would be good! Or a special edition Grand scale VF1! Im pissing into the wind with that one i know..

Edited by spanner76
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It's hard to predict what's next unless there's a teaser pic or official announcement from Mr.K or from Arcadia itself. Otherwise, it's just another case of 'what we wish', 'what we want', and 'what we hope' to release from Arcadia.

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All I gotta say is Arcadia better announce another thing soon or we're gonna post up similar threads every few months! I think we have like 3 or 4 variations of threads asking about what Arcadia is cooking up or what we wish they would :D

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All I gotta say is Arcadia better announce another thing soon or we're gonna post up similar threads every few months! I think we have like 3 or 4 variations of threads asking about what Arcadia is cooking up or what we wish they would :D

+1 ^_^

Or better yet... what's Arcadia thinking of releasing next? Probably their own VF-2SS with SAP. ;)

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Super/Strike parts hopefully. I'm sure Mr. K knows they'll sell all they make, and it would give a healthy infusion of cash to the company.

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I'm still holding on for dear life that they do a V2 YF-21 to compliment their new (V3? V4?) YF-19. It's got repaint potential, it's a hero valk (sort of...) and the original has some issues that definitely need to be looked at.

The 21 is what i have my money on. The v.2 yf 21 is pretty incredible as it stands. But some more paint and tweaking would make sense considering they took the time to polish up the 19. MP is a solid series with a huge following.the 21 is probably the most unique flashy iconic designs in the macross family. I love the fact that you look at it and our doesn't look like a robot hidden away like the majority of valks do.

Edited by w8kbrder
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A VF-4 reissue with the anime colors would be a safe shot for Arcadia although I'd finally get one even if it's a straight game colors reissue.

Reactive armor is obviously coming, providing the rest of the zeros sells well enough.

I want a VF-11MAXL and VF-17T to complete the soundforce squadron

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There's obscure, and then there's "never-appeared-on-screen-ever" obscure.

We'd buy the 5000, say, but I don't believe we'd be enough for Arcadia to break even on that mold.

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There's obscure, and then there's "never-appeared-on-screen-ever" obscure.

We'd buy the 5000, say, but I don't believe we'd be enough for Arcadia to break even on that mold.

If we're going obscure you have to include this beast as well! B))


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They are Macross fans.

Often is doesn't seem like it. especially when they release stuff that really didnt need to be and make blatant paint color errors.. to be honest they should know better.

Sorry im just having a rant.. feeling frustrated.

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A VF-4 re-issue would be very cool. I would jump on a third one if it happened.

Myself I'd probably only ever get a 2nd if they made it a re-paint in Skull colors or something else completely different colored to the original release. I love the VF-4 but not enough to have another identical..

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