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Battlestar Galactica Discussion III

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I was saying that to my wife after the episode too. First they go through an unimaginable holocaust and the only thing that keeps them going is the promise of a new home and a safe haven from the Cylons. So they could probably numb themselves to what happened...at least a little. Then they finally get there and they all have this collective sigh of relief and joy only to have it turned to ashes. Now everything they've been holding back and numbing themselves to just comes to a head and they now have nowhere to go. Very sad, and I'd think very realistic under those circumstances.


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This is one of those episodes we're going to have to watch a couple of times to get, or it's just psycho bs and we'll never get it.

I think the whole Helen being the 5th makes Tigh's choice of killing her even sadder; she kinda turned into a sack of crap sleeping around, but it makes you wonder what else is there. I thought it was going to be Kara for a second that he was married to. I don't see how she's going to fulfill the prophecy now that she's dead

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Yup, low levels of radiation. I think Baltar advised the scout folks not to drink the water in an early scene too.

Probably was a big factor as to why they left.

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Yup, low levels of radiation. I think Baltar advised the scout folks not to drink the water in an early scene too.

Probably was a big factor as to why they left.

Ah, thanks Mog.

Hey, let's jump back to December 2003 and see what MW members thought of this show after the Mini Series aired, in a thread titled:

Battlestar Craptacular, Another childhood dream ruined...

should be a good laugh to see how opinions might have changed

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Oh, how dare you embarrass me like that...

Yeah, the first 2 hours left me with a bad taste... it was actually MW member Bobepatt that left the miniseries DVD set at my house by accident (he never watched it) after it just there for a while I ended up watching it and I ended up watching straight thru... and i was converted.

Damn you chowyun!!!!

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Yup, low levels of radiation. I think Baltar advised the scout folks not to drink the water in an early scene too.

Probably was a big factor as to why they left.

It was polluted with Emo - took out Dualla, almost Adama and put Roslyn in a timeout. Strange that Lee was unfazzed.. <_<

Waitaminute!!! I'm a mod... I can delete that thread or better yet... I can change the title to "The Official My Little Pony Thread."

GJ EXO, prove once again with great power comes great pettiness. :rolleyes:

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Oh, how dare you embarrass me like that...

Yeah, the first 2 hours left me with a bad taste... it was actually MW member Bobepatt that left the miniseries DVD set at my house by accident (he never watched it) after it just there for a while I ended up watching it and I ended up watching straight thru... and i was converted.

Damn you chowyun!!!!

Don't feel bad Exo, I saw a LOT of other MW members who seemed to hate it at first from that thread but have apparently warmed up to it judging from this current thread.

Back then I dipped my toe in by watching the mini and then quietly observed from the side lines as the comments got better and better once Season 1 started and then I jumped in.

Waitaminute!!! I'm a mod... I can delete that thread or better yet... I can change the title to "The Official My Little Pony Thread."

well I guess we'd know who to blame then :lol:

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I actually convince a lot of people to watch it by telling them that I didnt like it at first. And from there they become true converts. Well that and I tell them about all the naked Boomers, I leave the part out where it's all PG-13.

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Hey, I started that thread! Boy have things changed. I went from hating the show to loving it. Now when I watch the original, I cringe at the cheesiness. So much for being a 'purist'.

LOL, no worries, it was like 5 years ago. I think back then I couldn't stand how the Mark VII Viper looked and now I like it. Also the ribbed look of the Galactica bothered me, but now it just wouldn't be the same without.

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Theres no way around it, the original Battlestar was a pure cheese factory, ( I admit I used to watch it on the weekends when I was little kid back in the day). But the last 4+ years has proved that sometimes a remake of an old movie or series pays off & can be far superior to the original!! It will be a sad day when the this Series ends......

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But the last 4+ years has proved that sometimes a remake of an old movie or series pays off & can be far superior to the original!!

Its just a shame that Hollywood 9 times out of 10 get it wrong.

All they need to do now is something like buck rogers in the same way.

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Interesting start for the last final part of the last season. BSG has become really dark and grim. Anything is possible now with the revelations about Kara and the population of earth.

Still I miss something. A sense of (black) humor, even when things look there darkest humans mock their fate. I enjoy the story and want to know where it leads but I don't care who they kill off in the process of wrapping this series up.

I'm sort of expecting a metaphysical ending alla NGE where Balthasar (or some one else) gets to choose the final fate of humanity and the cylons. With large scoops of WTF sauce. I doubt the writers would go for a go for "a kill em all" but we shall see.

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Its just a shame that Hollywood 9 times out of 10 get it wrong.

All they need to do now is something like buck rogers in the same way.

I agree on the 9 out 10 theory, usually Hollywood makes it worse.... I remember even as a kid, in the early 80's when Buck Rogers was on TV & thinking it was cheesy, That is a series that would have to go through some serious revamps & slate cleaning!! B))

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I agree on the 9 out 10 theory, usually Hollywood makes it worse.... I remember even as a kid, in the early 80's when Buck Rogers was on TV & thinking it was cheesy, That is a series that would have to go through some serious revamps & slate cleaning!! B))

Hawk disagrees about said cheesiness


Well Buck Rogers was a Glen Larson show also, so who knows

Miss the black humor? I thought it was hilarious that someone graffitied "Frak Earth" so close to the CIC

Galactica Hallways are turning into Skid Row

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Still I miss something. A sense of (black) humor, even when things look there darkest humans mock their fate. I enjoy the story and want to know where it leads but I don't care who they kill off in the process of wrapping this series up.

That sort of humor is a coping mechanism when people are under an enormous amount of stress, and usually only carries on when there is some hope for relief. The lack of that black humor is just one more way the writers are showing the hopelessness of the situation.

I'm sort of expecting a metaphysical ending alla NGE where Balthasar (or some one else) gets to choose the final fate of humanity and the cylons. With large scoops of WTF sauce. I doubt the writers would go for a go for "a kill em all" but we shall see.

I just hope they don't give them an 'easy out' rescue by the Beings of Light from TOS. Something like that would ruin the whole series.

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I thought they executed some things well on the show. Other things not so much. More miss than hit, thoguh, from my perspective and a bunch of wasted opportunities. On the whole, I compare it with another show that had promise but ended up being a soap opera directed at a male demographic: The Shield. Liked it at first, but then some of the story evolutions seemed too contrived and not given enough forethought. Seems obvious the whole human-cylon thing was more a budget choice than one based on storytelling.

The Final Five makes it patently obvious that this show did not have B5-style preplanned story arc and that they were making it up as they went. That smacks as cheese as bad, if not worse than the contact basketball outfits Hatch and Benedict wore. :lol:

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as much as I didnt really like the final 5 revelations, I blame it to ending the show too soon. A lot of shows make it up as they go along. It's the nature of the business. And please B5 was cheesy, comparing it to BSG just shows how big of a nerd you are. (in a good way <- "don't press that report to mod button...haha)

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Ah, thanks Mog.

Hey, let's jump back to December 2003 and see what MW members thought of this show after the Mini Series aired, in a thread titled:

Battlestar Craptacular, Another childhood dream ruined...

should be a good laugh to see how opinions might have changed

Macrossworld: Where childhoods are raped daily!

(Love you, Exo! :D )

Vostok 7

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as much as I didnt really like the final 5 revelations, I blame it to ending the show too soon.

With the huge breaks they had in between the half seasons, they're fortunate to hold on to what fanbase they have. I doubt they could have held on to enough viewers to support a season five.

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With the huge breaks they had in between the half seasons, they're fortunate to hold on to what fanbase they have. I doubt they could have held on to enough viewers to support a season five.

Its not the fanbase that's the problem, its that the schedule was so radically off-putting that it didn't allow new viewers to get on board. That, and the show really became entrenched in it's own mythos, making it harder for viewers to pick it up without having to watch everything that came previously.

As for Babylon 5? I liked the show, but to say that they actually had a gameplan from the start is, IMHO, terribly naive.

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That, and the show really became entrenched in it's own mythos, making it harder for viewers to pick it up without having to watch everything that came previously.

I think that's RDM's style. ST:DS9 was similar like that. It was serialized. You had to watch previous episodes to figure out what was going on. BSG is the same way. Without some knowledge of previous episodes, it makes it hard to figure out why things are happening now. A new viewer may come on and wondered why Adama was playing a drinking game with Tigh, calling him a talking down Helen, wanting Tigh to shoot him, and the new viewer would probably not really understand that sequence. You would have to dig back a while to find out that Tigh isn't just Adama's XO, you would find out they've been friends since the 1st Cylon war. The breaks just feel like the issue, it's RDM's way of telling a story.

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Wow, that was one of the most depressing things I've ever watched on television. Leave to the BSG crew to obliterate every aspect of a hopeful story arc on the frakking show!

First Earth, then Roslin's entire faith, then Kara's Destiny, Dee's life, only Helo and Sharon seem unaffected...so far


So if Ellen is the Fifth, Tigh poisoning her on NC makes the act even worse than it already was seeing how she came back for him...

Hugely anxious to see how this all plays out!

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Despite it being a depressing or a sad episode, you know we'll all be watching every last episode to see how it ends!!!

Not sure why I'm putting this as a spoiler, but just in case... I have this weird feeling this series will end with a trip to the Movie theater!!

But thats just me! B))

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So the BSG Live Auction took place over the weekend at the Pasadena Convention Center.

Article Here

Some highlights:

The iconic red dress worn by Tricia Helfer as Number Six sold for $US13,000, with proceeds going to Tricia Helfer's animal charities. Katee Sackhoff's flight suit (as hot shot Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace) however, went for even more - $US14,000.

The only disappointment for the weekend were the big ticket items - the full sized models of the Viper Mark 7, Cylon Raider and Raptor that all failed to meet their reserves. With price estimates beginning north of $US30,000, $US50,000 and $60,000, it seems that the GFC has affected front lawn space for super wealthy Sci Fi fans.

Allright, so which one of you perverts ponied up the 13k to sniff Six's dress? :lol:

Some items are currently up for bid on ebay

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If i were rich, which would be a major factor for this comment. I would have loved to have the $$$ to buy a complete Viper pilot uniform & helmet!!

Namely Grace Parks (Boomer/Athena's) uniform & Starbucks (Kara's)!! Wow, to be wealthy!! B))

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