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Aliens Vs. Predator 2 Script and Movie Review

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There was an Alien vs. Predator vs. Terminator comic. It took place after Alien: Resurrection. It was mediocre at best. They even had a Predator vs. Tarzan comic too.

Also, AVP was actually quite successful at the box office. In fact it made more money than any of the previous Alien and Predator movies. And I'm sure DVD sales were quite profitable as well. Even though a movie may suck, people will still see it.

I guess it could be worse...No wait, it couldn't...

BTW, the dreamed about duo of Scott and Cameron on A5 was actually very close to happening. James Cameron said in an interview that he had an idea for the fifth movie and was talking to Ridly about it, but it never got farther than that.

I have now completely given up on both franchises.

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Even as I skimmed over the review at the link, the first Predator is playing on cable now.  I just want to vomit all over my keyboard in disgust at the apparent utter lack of appreciation or understanding of either of the franchises' original films.  But what good would that do? 

Do these A--HOLES even bother to watch the original movies before they sit down and start churning out this kind of CRAP?!  I hope this is a joke.  Really.


If people keep watchin' this crap... they'll keep producing it. I won't bother with anything that looks lame because I don't wanna waste a dollar on it. Hell... that's what DVD is for. Only when you get some really sucky movie you can never get your 2 hours of time back!

Edited by Skullsixx
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The movies are a lost cause.  What we need is another Alien vs Predator PC game...


No more lith tech pls.

Put it on Doom 3 engine or something.

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ok, i think i remember posting something simlar when avp reared its ugly head.

it is very very very simple to make a good avp movie if the following formula is followed.

Space marines + Aliens + Predators + poo blowing up = kick ass movie.

come on fox execs, its simple math here, its not even the new math, just read the above formula, and dont poo on your fanbase...

-.- sad to see fox make the impossible possible, and pen a worse crapfest than than avp1, this script review makes avp look like oscar material.

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I liked the aliens. I like the preds. I like space marines. I don't want the movies to be horror. I want war.

What they need to do is make a trilogy of movies (like LOTR) where there is like a war between the three and we the audience are along for the ride seeing it from all three perspectives. What are the orders being given from each side? What are the tactics they use to beat each other? Who are the main characters or heroes on each side. And what are they actually fighting for?

The preds I can imagine as just that: hunter warrior types with a code that must be followed. (they choose melee weapons and poo)

Aliens are like intelligent animals with no technology but breed and sneak aboard to "infest" a planet until they have farted up all the native lifeforms where ever they go. They are like pests, that can't completely be wiped out. Like a cockroach infestation. Only hang out at night ("monsters mostly come out at night..mostly" ) and will creep everywhere. Because of superior numbers they can ambush and swarm you.

Humans are just that: corrupt, wanting to "capture" the aliens for profit and turning agianst thier own kind (no honour or code here :D), thinking they are the the poo, but too reliant on the tools and infrastructure. (we have to set poo up before it is safe which means we are slow. And when our supply line is cut off we are farted)

They should have made a trilogy of movies.

I disgree with death hammer that aliens wasn't scary cause it had "Action". That action was an excuse to see a massacre. (not a fight) The aliens were ten times more menacing when they actually move like animals and leap at you and swarm you and poo. Aliens = vietnam in space. And yes you do see more aliens, but weren't you scared shitless when they had a room full of the aliens and the marines are using thier motion trackers and wondering where the fuq they are and the aliens come out of the walls? If anything, aliens was even more claustrophobic than the first.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Normally I'd link you people to a story like this and make some scathing comment about how stupid this is, but after reading this review I'm simply speechless. Even if you skip Moriarty's editiorializing, the script simply sucks. If they make this, expect one awful, awful film.

However, this being Macross World I know there's at least one of you out there who'll read this and think to yourselves "Hey that doesn't sound too terribly bad. Maybe it won't be a complete waste of celluloid, and it'll have one or two neat fights." Well know this...since the last AvP film I've immersed myself in a terrible martial art with a 2000 year history, and I'm prepared to give you the Hokuto One Hundred Crack Fist and send you straight to hell. Scum like you have killed cinema long enough.


The only thing that isn't "too terribly bad" about that was the review. I laughed my ass off.

This is as bad as Disney with their constant sequel after sequel BS. Why can no one with any sense walk up to one of these writers/producers/asshats and lay the smack down and get a GOOD movie out there?


- C

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Can't wait till they make Batman VS Aliens. :p


didn't some one actually make a comic for that? I seem to remember a superman vs aliens as well <_<


And there was even a Green Lantern vs Aliens. The silver age GL discovers them in space and doesn't kill them because it's their nature to kill so he exiles them to a planet. Years later the modern age GL has to save some alien friends from those exiled Aliens.

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Can't wait till they make Batman VS Aliens. :p


didn't some one actually make a comic for that? I seem to remember a superman vs aliens as well <_<


Yeah there was. Batman finds a crashed xenomorph ship with alien eggs on board. Its by Dark horse and that's all i can remmember. The AVP Comics sounded like they had cooler storylines. Dunno why they never just adapted those to movies.

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You know what I think, I really think that James Cameron, really needs to remove that rededundant plot about how some humans want the aliens for their own evil intentions and come up with something fresh. I like 1/1 LLV's idea for a three way showdown between the three forces and the way how they should make it bout war and not about horror but it's too bad that they didn't do it that way with first. However, going back to movie sequels, I already know off the bat the second movie is gonnas suck balls due to fact that they seemingly rushed in to making a sequel which greatly epitomizes why some sci-fi and action/adventure movies don't do so good in movie theatres because of that. If a movie that does good during it's opening weekend that racks in millions of dollars in ticket sales, then it deserves a sequel, but not one that comes out one year immediately after the first because it would suck as a result of ther producers rushing to get it down. The best example I can use is the Matrix. It did so good that people demanded a sequel to it that came out four years after the first and the sequel did very good as well. You see, by taking the time to come up something fresh and original and not rushing into things, you can make sequels to movies better than the original.

But I wished that they incorporated much of the content from the original Aliens and Predator series like what they did in the Arcade game by Capcom where they used the APC's, the Dropships, Powerloaders, the Marines, Dutch Schaefer as a cyborg and etc. to better tie both movie franchises in to one.

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Even as I skimmed over the review at the link, the first Predator is playing on cable now.  I just want to vomit all over my keyboard in disgust at the apparent utter lack of appreciation or understanding of either of the franchises' original films.  But what good would that do? 

Do these A--HOLES even bother to watch the original movies before they sit down and start churning out this kind of CRAP?!  I hope this is a joke.  Really.


If people keep watchin' this crap... they'll keep producing it. I won't bother with anything that looks lame because I don't wanna waste a dollar on it. Hell... that's what DVD is for. Only when you get some really sucky movie you can never get your 2 hours of time back!


Don't get me wrong; I like "crappy" movies [but in a different sense]. In fact, I consider myself a B-movie fan. But it's when Hollywood passes off utter CRAP as something more than it is, as "A-list" material that's supposed to justify hugely inflated budgets and marketing blitzes and such--that's when I think "you must be joking if you expect me to pay to see this..." It's like being fed a tuna sandwich, all the while they're telling you "oh no, it's fine caviar, really it is!" As the old proverbial saying goes: don't piss down my back an' tell me it's raining...

But then again, in regards to its acceptance from the masses, as my Grandaddy used to say: you can get a fool to buy sh-t from you, if you can it in a fancy jar an put a pretty enough label on it...

Edited by reddsun1
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If it's the troops in Starship Troopers vs Colonial Marines, my bets are on the Colonial Marines because they've got sonic electronic ball-breakers, nukes, knives, and especially... SHARP STICKS!!!

AvP is the type of movie that should be used for MST3K.

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Yeah there was. Batman finds a crashed xenomorph ship with alien eggs on board. Its by Dark horse and that's all i can remmember. The AVP Comics sounded like they had cooler storylines. Dunno why they never just adapted those to movies.


Dark Horse seemed to have a real think for Vs. comics for a while, with crossovers between Batman, Terminator, Robocop, Judge Dredd and Aliens.

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i hate you hollywood¡... :angry:

why do they spit like that in the face of people who once liked the orignal movies like that?.

i barely read a few lines of the plot and i think taht it will go like this: a predator teaches a girly inept underachiever delivery boy how to have faith in himself.....Agh¡

when i see the letters VS i expect violence and blood, not this.

I´ll stick with the original predator film.

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There's also Superman vs Alien *Superman gets beat up because he is far from a yellow sun - or there are too many Aliens for him to handle*

Superman vs Alien 2 *Darkseid face huggers his own millions of troops and use them to plant an alien colony on a planet he wants to destroy*

Superman vs Predator *Superman gets beat up because he gets sick due to an alien virus carried about the Predator ship that his immune system has never seen before*


Superman vs Terminator comics *Skynet is real, tied with Lex Luthor or something, and partners with the Cyborg Superman to send hundreds and hundreds of Terminators back in time (contrary to Terminator law which is usually only one Terminator per side at a time due to some scientific law).

*awaits Superman vs Robocop*

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Oh god I remember the Robocop VS Terminator cross over, I still have the 4 issues too somewhere in my room I think. I thought it was very interesting that someone like Murphy would be apart of skynet........but when I think back to the comic, and to the original Terminator story to what it's become now........I almost want to throw up.

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all this vs's crap seemed very cool when I was 14-16 years old. Now all grown up, I have to say, making movies based on what stupid, ignorant 14 to 16 year kids think is cool is a really bad idea.

Edited by GobotFool
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I liked the aliens. I like the preds. I like space marines. I don't want the movies to be horror. I want war.

What they need to do is make a trilogy of movies (like LOTR) where there is like a war between the three and we the audience are along for the ride seeing it from all three perspectives. What are the orders being given from each side? What are the tactics they use to beat each other? Who are the main characters or heroes on each side. And what are they actually fighting for?


Play the campaign mode of StarCraft.

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I liked the aliens. I like the preds. I like space marines. I don't want the movies to be horror. I want war.

What they need to do is make a trilogy of movies (like LOTR) where there is like a war between the three and we the audience are along for the ride seeing it from all three perspectives. What are the orders being given from each side? What are the tactics they use to beat each other? Who are the main characters or heroes on each side. And what are they actually fighting for?


Play the campaign mode of StarCraft.


LOL! That's what i wanted to say.

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This whole thread is confusing me. How can they make an "Aliens vs. Predator 2" when there is no AVP1. And I've also read some references to some movies called "Alien3," and "Alien Resurrection," which likewise don't exist.

I'll tell ya what I am glad of, that the Alien franchise stopped at two movies. With the quality of "action/suspense" movies put out by hollywood these past 20-odd years I fear they might have ruined it.

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Actually Starcraft takes a lot of the idea from aliens. The terrans remind me of the colonial marines. The Protoss remind me of predator. And the zerg are like the aliens because they mutate. (or have evolved stages of growth)

When I first played it the memory of aliens and predator movies came into my head. And they don't even hide some of the references either. (the dropship voice is so identifiable from aliens, the ED209 voice for the mecha is so familiar from robocop, and the captain global voice for the ship with the main gun has to be obvious for robotech people.)

Blizzard should make the AvP movies.

I'll tell ya what I am glad of, that the Alien franchise stopped at two movies. With the quality of "action/suspense" movies put out by hollywood these past 20-odd years I fear they might have ruined it.

Jurrassic park movies were my fix for action/suspense. When the effects for the dinos was first shown, that made me pee my pants. The only problem is I don't think it is as all out scary as aliens or predator. Like in pred you see the alien actually rip the brain and spinal cord from the body and skin the victims. The aliens rip from the person's chest. What do raptor's do? They chase, like the aliens, and are very fast, but for some reason not as violent as the other two movies.

Maybe with all the remakes they've done: they should remake the first aliens vs predator movie. :p

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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all this vs's crap seemed very cool when I was 14-16 years old. Now all grown up, I have to say, making movies based on what stupid, ignorant 14 to 16 year kids think is cool is a really bad idea.


I agree the mentality is bad for us fans desiring quality films, but many have made a career in film producing product for the 14 to 16 year-olds. Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckhiemer, and Joel Schumacher...the list is extensive, however unfortunate that may be :)

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Have you seen the update on AICN now? Apparently Fox told them to cease and desist, and so they pulled the script review down.

But, hey... let it never be said that (A) Fox doesn't pay attention and (B) that we are unreasonable. I consider the article to have served its purpose at this point... based on the response here and on other message boards, its pretty clear that fandom doesn't want what Fox is selling in this particular case, and if that means Fox goes away to try and come up with another premise, that can only be a good thing. And if the film does finally get released looking exactly like the script I reviewed, then Fox won't be able to claim that they didn't realize how terribly out of touch with fandom they are.

I could not agree any more about Fox being "terribly out of touch with fandom." Sadly, I feel pretty certain that they will just go right ahead and continue production without changing a thing. Nothing could make me any sadder than to know that such an effort will go into something which the true fans have already decreed as outright bad. But hey, I guess Fox would believe that there are still plenty of other idiots out there who don't know any better. :(

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  • 8 months later...

Ya know, I remember, back in those old days, both films were rather scary....well Alien and Aliens, and Predator (not 2).........but as I watch the franchise expand.......I can only laugh and go "Man....worst 8 bucks I ever spent this summer". The only thing to maybe make me feel frightened while watching this movie is if I started choking on popcorn or a milkdud.

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I have given up on the Aliens franchise long ago! Why must all these sci-fi movies come packaged with some county sheriff, chick teenager, drunk father/farmer, innocent young boy, small town folk stereotypes etc etc.

I really hope Cameron would just go and make a Starcraft movie and give us lotsa Big Gun wielding Terran Marines in armour hosing down Zergs by the bucketful while the Protoss Carriers and Terran Battlecruisers duke it out in orbit courtesy of ILM.

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