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New Star Trek Movie In 2009..


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It's amazing that in about 1.5 centuries, technology evolved to the point where a mining/industrial ship easily pwnd a small fleet of starfleet ships <_< . Would have been slightly more interesting if Nero's ship was a Scimitar derivative or something.

The Narada is Borg customed. Apparently the Romulans have a facility that keeps Borg tech locked up. It can also fire while cloaked.

Also from the dialogue Nero gave the Klingons their own Wolf 359 killing 47 warships. Transmissions which Uhura intercepted.

In a deleted scene Nero was somehow kept prisoner by the Klingons.

Now wouldn't it be ironic if the prison he was kept was Rura Penthe.

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I read about the Borg upgrades too, in summary of the comic prequels.

Borg weapons vs Constitution-era federation ships...

(though in the theater, I just figured raw power of Romulan disruptors combined with the sheer size of the Narada gave it enough advantage)

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OK so further thoughts time.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in some time. The characters were nailed (Pine as Kirk did an excellent job and I think Urban as McCoy was definitely a highlight). The movie had GREAT action. I loved how they threw in the references to primarily TOS and the original movies in such a way that fans would get them, but they were still good jokes to even non-fans. Perfect way to keep the nerds, without losing the "uneducated" at the same time. Someone needs to compile a list of the homages! I loved Sulu not being able to get the Enterprise to warp, an excellent reference to the Excelsior in STIII.

Some small details I LOVED was the increased realism in space. Several space scenes had minimal noise (or muted noise) which I felt was great and refreshing, since most sci-fis are filled with noise in space. Also the debris floating around (such as when the Kelvin is hit but is sitting after the captain boards the Narada, for instance) was another nice touch of realism.

Some have complained about the iPhone bridge, I didn't have a problem with it. I thought it was well done. Also, Chekov's accent didn't bother me, considering he was younger and fresh out of the academy compared to the Checkov we see in the TOS and so on and so essentially hasn't "unlearned" his accent yet.

I do agree about the engineering. It was a nice effect and gave a better sense of realism than the original Treks, but definitely was much too big and industrial. Also the logistics nightmare of the fact that everyone has to go through all those low beams to even get to the shuttlebay was a little odd. Another issue was the fact that the Starfleet base on the ice planet looked like a set from Lost. But other than that, it was a great movie.

Also, I have to say I wasn't a HUGE fan of the new Big E. I definitely want to see more of the other ships seen around the Starfleet base and other scenes! Some really neat looking designs there that I hope we see more of!!

All in all it was a great movie. Definitely one of the best prequels/reboots/etc. etc. I've ever seen.

Vostok 7

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Memory Alpha took that number from the "Enterprise Tour" : http://www.experience-the-enterprise.com/ww/

"Class: Constitution class ship. Type: Heavy Cruiser. Registry: NCC-1701. Designer: W. Matt Jeffries [sic]. Construction Site: Starfleet Division, San Francisco Fleet Yards. Overall Mass: 495,000 metric tonnes. Length: 2500 feet. Saucer Diameter: 1100 feet. Ship Height: 625 feet"

The 3000 feet number comes from the CGI artists : "The overall length roughly agrees with the 3000 feet stated in the Post Magazine article 'Star Trek' Returns : http://www.postmagazine.com/ME2/dirmod.asp...2FB2117F7DD841F . We also learn during the tour that the bridge is located on A Deck and the sickbay on G Deck. The stated crew size is 1100."

Crew : 1100 !!! :blink: The Big E in the prime timeline had a crew complement of 430. The Big E is bigger than ever. But that does not make any sense at all given the size of windows and the bridge.

Not just the bridge window... I'd have to watch it again and really pay attention, but the port that dumped Kirk's pod, IIRC, was fairly large. Given the size of the pod in relation to Kirk a bit later, again, I'm not sure the 2500-3000' size is really working. It's like they made their Enterprise based off the original and refit Constitution we all know and love, then started blowing numbers for size and crew compliment out their @$$es after the fact.

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I read about the Borg upgrades too, in summary of the comic prequels.

Borg weapons vs Constitution-era federation ships...

(though in the theater, I just figured raw power of Romulan disruptors combined with the sheer size of the Narada gave it enough advantage)

If the borg upgrades are canon then it's WAAAAY underpowered. I think it makes perfect sense without the borg influence.

Edited by eugimon
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I was cruising around and went to walmart, I found an NCC-1701-A diecast figure from hotwheels, but the figure itself was mislabeled without the A, but clearly the refit version. Flipped over the box, the TV series is suppose to be the regular, and the refit is suppose to be the A.

It looked pretty cool! But 12 dollar was still a pass for me.

I'm not sure what Hot Wheels is doing. From the box, the NCC-1701 looks like it should be the Enterprise from the Abrams movie... but why the red Busard collectors? They were blue in the movie? And yeah, it looks like the meant for the refit Contititution to be the NCC-1701-A. The box even explains how the A was commissioned after Kirk blew up the old one. But the NCC-1701 registry lacks the A on every one in every store I've seen them at.

Another thing, the box seems to indicate that they made five ships... the NCC-1701, the NCC-1701-A, the Enterprise-D, the Reliant, and a Klingon Bird of Prey. But in three different stores I've been too, I've seen plenty of A, the D, and the Reliant, but none of the Bird of Prey or the other Enterprise.

$12 is a lot for them, since they're actually mostly plastic with a tiny ammount of diecast. They also have no moving parts, aside from positioning the ship on the stand (although the D's saucer section DOES separate from the engineering section). $12 doesn't seem too bad compared to the $20 Wal-Mart is asking for them. Always Low Prices my foot. Anyway, since I've managed to miss every other Star Trek ship toy since the Playmates Enterprise-D back in the day, I bought the A and the D. If I'm bored and I see it on sale, I might pick up the Reliant, but I can definitely live without it. Can't comment on the other two because they don't seem to actually exist.

If I am going to start collecting them, I'd really like it if they made a few more. Say, Excelsior, Sovereign, and Ambassador, at the least, and maybe a NX and TOS TV Enterprise, so that at minimum I can have all the Enterprises.

EDIT: Corrected some info. Just gotta pull harder...

Edited by mikeszekely
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It is a good action-scifi movie. But definitely not "Star Trek". I am grateful that's all another universe. The actors have done everything they can to save the film. Specially Eric Bana as Nero. But JJ really blew up Star Trek saga with this. It is a JJ style blockbuster only, not Star Trek.

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It is a good action-scifi movie. But definitely not "Star Trek". I am grateful that's all another universe. The actors have done everything they can to save the film. Specially Eric Bana as Nero. But JJ really blew up Star Trek saga with this. It is a JJ style blockbuster only, not Star Trek.

Well maybe if you can get the original cast back together with Roddenberry, we can get the old trek back... and I can use the DVD as a sleeping aid.

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I never expected him to act serious in the Kobayashi Maru, but it was a little too far. Like one put it, more Zack Morris, than Kirk.

Nah, I liked how he acted, don't forget that this is new impetuous Kirk with no Daddy.


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Well maybe if you can get the original cast back together with Roddenberry, we can get the old trek back... and I can use the DVD as a sleeping aid.


We just need some red matter and a unused planet to create a singularity from. How about Venus, Nobody there except big tanks and Monobikes. Just steal the cast bring them to the future and plonk them on the new sets..... and ACTION!!

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I'm only 20 mins (or less) from "that Iowa town" and I can tell you that it's fairly simple:

Kirk will be born there. "New Kirk" was raised there. :)

(remember, Roddenberry himself approved it, even on-screen movie canon can't over-ride that IMHO)

PS---as for Kirk being born in a ship---I figure it's the same as the babies that are born in airliners (especially if said airliner is over the ocean and not even in any particular nation's airspace)---wherever the parents say on the birth certificate.

Thanks for the input. Sorry that I forgot the name. I expected as much :lol:

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I honestly see more Yamato influence than Star Wars.

-Getting utterly bitchslapped in the first battle against a new enemy

-Impetuous young crew manning the hot new space ship just out of drydock.

-Kodai someone rebellious at the loss of his brother/Kirk at his father.

-Okita & Pike

-The Rivalry between Kirk & Spick isn't unlike the one between Kodai & Shima, which I suppose would leave Uhura as Yuki?

-Nero isn't much of a Desslor, but in the span of a short film, he works.

-Bombardment of Earth with Radioactive Meteors/Destruction of Vulcan with red matter/attempted destruction of Earth.

-Spck & Starsha..kinda.

Star Trek hasn't been shy about borrowing from Yamato before, and from the looks this time, they borrowed all the right elements.

As for film Rankings...

-New Film




-First Contact







Edited by Keith
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-New Film




-First Contact







I would put New Film and II on level pegging. First contact would be much further down the list, and I like Generations even though it was flawed. Listen to the commentary, even the makers wanted this film to go further than it did.


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And thank you to whoever finally brought the subtitle for this thread up to date, it was looking silly. (Come to think of it, did we see ANY footage from that first teaser-trailer in this film, I don't think so......)


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At least they fixed Kirk's death in the final cut. In the novelization based on the original shooting script he gets pointlessly shot in the back.

Yeah, I heard about that, it would have been suckier.....


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I honestly see more Yamato influence than Star Wars.

-Getting utterly bitchslapped in the first battle against a new enemy

-Impetuous young crew manning the hot new space ship just out of drydock.

-Kodai someone rebellious at the loss of his brother/Kirk at his father.

-Okita & Pike

-The Rivalry between Kirk & Spick isn't unlike the one between Kodai & Shima, which I suppose would leave Uhura as Yuki?

-Nero isn't much of a Desslor, but in the span of a short film, he works.

-Bombardment of Earth with Radioactive Meteors/Destruction of Vulcan with red matter/attempted destruction of Earth.

-Spck & Starsha..kinda.

Star Trek hasn't been shy about borrowing from Yamato before, and from the looks this time, they borrowed all the right elements.

You know, it is possible that they were ripping off Yamato, but do you think that the producers would be "visually literate" enough to have seen it?


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You know, it is possible that they were ripping off Yamato, but do you think that the producers would be "visually literate" enough to have seen it?


It's not outside of reason. Same script writers as Transformers puts this in an animation watching generation, a lot of general research went into a wide range of Star Trek TV/Movie references, and it wouldn't be the first time ST borrowed from Yamato. The entire gag with Scotty sabotaging the Excelsior & stealing the mothballed Enterprise was soo blatantly "borrowed" from Yamato 2 with Sanada sabotaging the Andromeda whhile the mothballed Yamato was being stolen.

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Yeah, I heard about that, it would have been suckier.....


Oh it was. He's just smiling smugly at Picard when Soren fires. Picard then shoots Soren in a very out of Character moment. Even changed, it wasn't until I heard Shatner's take on it (the whole "knowing it was a one way jump" bit), and reading the original that I began to feel how fitting it actually was.

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You know, it is possible that they were ripping off Yamato, but do you think that the producers would be "visually literate" enough to have seen it?


Meh, much of those shared plot points easily describes plot of the Master and Commander movie/book. Anime isn't exactly the most original story telling either. :rolleyes:

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That, and several themes just come up naturally in writing. Work hard enough, and you could pretty much say it ripped off anything. It was like how people claimed Disney's Atlantis ripped off Nadia, forgetting that both were heavily influenced by the same book.

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When Spock is mind melding with young Kirk Spock tels him how the disaster came to be. Spock describes that it is a star that is going supernova, and is going to destroy Romulus. Old Spock tells the Romulan Senate he will try to stop the destruction, but is not able too and Romulus is destroyed. Is the star that went nova the star that Romulus orbits or a near by star? Was his plan the create a singularity in the path of the energy wave and shield Romulus from being hit?

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When Spock is mind melding with young Kirk Spock tels him how the disaster came to be. Spock describes that it is a star that is going supernova, and is going to destroy Romulus. Old Spock tells the Romulan Senate he will try to stop the destruction, but is not able too and Romulus is destroyed. Is the star that went nova the star that Romulus orbits or a near by star? Was his plan the create a singularity in the path of the energy wave and shield Romulus from being hit?

Nearby, and yes, that was the idea.

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When Spock is mind melding with young Kirk Spock tels him how the disaster came to be. Spock describes that it is a star that is going supernova, and is going to destroy Romulus. Old Spock tells the Romulan Senate he will try to stop the destruction, but is not able too and Romulus is destroyed. Is the star that went nova the star that Romulus orbits or a near by star? Was his plan the create a singularity in the path of the energy wave and shield Romulus from being hit?

According to the prequel comic, it's a nearby star that continues to get larger, the more matter it pulls in. Even in the comic, they say they don't understand why it's working the way it is. Spock is able to create a singularity inside the star to kill it, but he and Nero get pulled into the resulting black hole. That's how they end up back in time.

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Everyone mentions plotholes and stuff, but seriously if a nearby star or a planet you can see with your naked eye thru the athmosphere disappears, it'll be catastrophic to that planet you are on. There would be some serious gravitational shifts. If Jupiter disappears from our system, we are ______!

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Saw it. Good fun film. Much better than Wolverine.

I have one issue. What is with Earth chicks going for Vulcans?

Women are always asking "What you feeling?" Earth Men rarely answer. What makes them think Vulcans will? Maybe they are "bigger" but Vulcan's only have sex every 7 years right?

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Well Pon Farr only happens every 7 years. I think they have the ability to mate more than that. They'd be in serious trouble as a species if they cant (well they already are, but even more so).

slow rate of reproduction offset by extremely long lives.

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That is true...they do live hundreds of years.

Just a blurb from the wiki

"During pon farr, adult Vulcans undergo a neurochemical imbalance, that takes on a form of madness (culminating in the plak tow). A Vulcan could die within eight days if their pon farr isn't satiated. (TOS: "Amok Time"; VOY: "Blood Fever") Vulcan males experience pon farr every seven years of their adult life. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders"; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)"

Sounds like basically, Pon Farr must be taken care of, but the option is at least there for reproduction outside the event itself. The wiki articles don't specifically state that Pon Farr is the only time mating is possible. So perhaps there isn't yet a canonical rule for this yet.

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