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Who Else Has Contempt For Harmony Gold?


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I have never seen a more incompetent, unprofessional group of...people...than the staff of Harmony Gold and Robotech.com. Their contempt and indifference toward their customers will result in the failure of their Shadow Chronicles OVA, and bury robotech in the process. It's too bad. But then maybe I'll be able to get a look at Macross Zero in the US without all the little ******* at HG crying about rights to protect a franchise that they are doing nothing to help... :angry:

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Wait hold on, somebody spilled the milk, lets all gather to lament!

Shouldn't a thread like this at least list particular grievances? If it did list particular grievances, wouldn't it be just like other threads that already exist?

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Sorry if it's old to all the dorks who have been on here for years, but it's new for this one. Thought I'd be able to discuss it here since rt.com censors topics like this, no matter how mildly put. They would rather hide their failings than deal with them.

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You'll find the people here generally helpful, friendly and extremely knowledgable about all things Macross.

However, as a newbie it's always best to follow normal forum etiquette when joining a new board and be polite and use the search function before posting (or at least say you used the search function, but couldn't find what you wanted).

A full list of does and don't can be found here.

Enjoy your stay here.

Oh, I'm guessing you got banned from the RT forum?


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Well to stay on topic:

I don't agree with thier censorship and how you can't mention other products (like the valks made by other companies) but I can understand why they do it. If I were them I would try to rob macross purists of any access to macross so they were forced to buy robotech. Makes business sense.

But hopefully this attitude will change. What I wanted to see is the two worlds co-exist so that fans of the robotech universe can get what they want while fans of macross can get what they want easily as well rather than have it wither away and die and nobody gets anything. As a fan of macross I'm so glad macross plus went under thier radar. Macross should not be tied to the robotech universe. They should be seperated or people will be confused and miss out on the story. (most people I know who were familiar with robotech in the 80s, just assume the SDF:macross is = "the macross saga" from robotech. I think this needs to change to clarify the story for them otherwise any mention of protoculture and thier role will not make sense)

To robotech people Protoculture = the mysterious power that acts as an nergy source for robotechnology. Like a battery for the mecha.

To macross purist Protoculture = the ancient first culture which was an advanced civilisation that was wiped out by accidents from the civilisation's own genetic experiments and discovery of other dimensions.

Being an old show it is already hard to get people to be macross fans. But when you got extra obstacles like hard-to-access toys, no future series, (and the radical change from the original to macross 7) and dying interest, (the tv series animation hasn't aged well) it can only make it worse. It's a shame really.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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No offense- I used the term on myself too. People just get too clicky on these boards, like you don't have the right to say anything if you haven't been lurking here for years. RT.com is bad like that.


Enjoy Macross/Robotech for what they are. i've read the boards a couple of times over there and they're super censored so why bother posting. When they do something interesting it like they were able to come up with it on their own and Wow it fresh to those that havent heard of any thing else. Which is just the way it was for me. But if i had not been over their it wouldn't have sparked the interest to learn more and then have found this great Board. I'm failry new and the comments and news available here surpasses what they have at RT.com

This is a great board. :D

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nobody is bashing the question me3, just the fact that if you looked around you would have found http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=153

which is basically 57 pages answering your question.

then there is three pages of the differences between robotech and macross http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228.

they don't mock because of your ignorance... just your blindness :lol:

back on topic. I agree. Much as I love my jetfires... hg is the reason I didn't own a 1/55 vf as a kid :angry:

what I have never understood is why hg and bandai didn't set up a proprietary distributorship back in the day. Sure you can sell japanese toys in america but hg gets to tack on 10% import fee and a hg sticker. Same in reverse would apply as well. I bet the bandai re-issues would have sold well enough state side and I know a re-issue jetfire would fly off the shelves. I also bet a bandai imported and tarriffed mpc alpha/beta combo would sell real well in japan. Nobody would lose money as those that want the toys simply import them anyways, with mad shipping prices. More product means more exposure means more demographic which means more sales... interpret the education level of hg board of directors as you will.

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If HG wants my respect, they should stop sitting on their other great property. That's right, I'm talking about Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. If you thought Robotech was a hack-job, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Only the talent at HG could take two disparate shows, both taking place 100's of years apart, and mash them together into an unrecognizeable mess.

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Believe it or not, I actually do enjoy Robotech and the story, have for 20 years. I also own Macross 2 and Macross Plus. It is frustrating to see HG really doing nothing with the license. Yes, after 20 years they are making an OVA finally with new material. The irritating part is that the characters can look nothing like their Macross counterparts due to this BS rights deal with HG. They had to make a five part comic series just to explain why all the ships look different now. Now, after it was going to come out two years ago, they can't find a distributor even. The rt.com website censors delete any posts asking what's wrong, so you can't even talk about it or find any information. HG is like the RIAA and can't seem to get with the times.

They are too worried Macross imports will harm robotech sales, yet they do nothing for robotech. 20 years ago they made the same mistakes, which buried the Sentinels. They tried to control the toy market and when Matchbox pulled out, we were left with nothing. As a result, I am still stuck with my Jetfire transformer, and my VHS copy of "Clash of the Bionoids". They made the mistake of trying to market Robotech to 5-year-olds. Today- same difference. If they don't want us to see Macross Zero and buy other cool toys like the destroids, then why don't they pull their heads out and just make these things available? It's not like people wouldn't pay or there is not an interest. Hell, if people are still buying remastered remastered dvd versions of the original, why not put their name on it and let us at it? It would continue with their strategy of not actually having to do anything new.

Anyway, sorry this is so long. I thought I had posted this in that other topic. Still figuring out site navigation, I guess.

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I dont have any contempt, they bought the rights fair and square,,,it would be nice if the rights wernt sold, so I do have contempt for the people that sold them and im sure they hate it now too

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COntempt may be the wrong word here. If you look at what they originally tried to do, HG was not a bad group, true their translations stunk, but they did try to bring the three franchises over seperately. What they have done since then is the problem, especially nowadays. By handling the properties so poorly they have shot themselves in the foot, I could go into it more, but hey there are alreayd about what 6 threads dedicated to this subjecT?

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Welcome aboard! HG can have their stuff. I'm happy that there's a small following for Macross and the "dorks" at RT can live in a red state and date their cousins.  :D  J/K!



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the only thing I can say about HG is they make it hard on people who want to do non HG approved projects... I think it hurts them in the long run and makes people like me sad and irritated.

Other than that, i can't say I particularly care anymore.

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HG is like women, you can't live with and without them.


I think I'd live much happier without them...HG that is!

I hate HG with a passion: shady/sub par toy deals, no proof to back up what they said, and not caring much about the fans...how do they expect to succeed with these kind of business sense.

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Yeah this topic is a massive retread around these parts... but just to show we are not draconian like the corporate types over at RT.com I'll let this thread live a little longer provided it does not turn into a crazy nuts bashfest.

I, like EXO, also want to know what brought this on from me3.

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