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There's a couple of mini-reviews here:


under: ToyboxDX Invincible BBS - voltron thread 3/4 way down. (sorry I can't figure out a direct link)

Looks to be a pretty positive response, with a huge amount of diecast.


Here's the link to the actual thread on TOYBODXDX


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I know this is already being stalked about in anoother thread


Yet you still started this thread. <_< You are the weakest link - GOOD BYE :rolleyes:


Hey man what's the point making this thread? To only answer a single question from you? :huh:

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ok, got mine from VE today.


well, no fingerprints on mine, so Toynami QC actually got that.

everything seems tight right now, none of the loose floppiness that started with the Robotech MPCs.

I have #1134/15000.

no stickers, everything looks to be painted on. The paint job on mine is quite nice. This thing is pretty heavy also. heavier than the Bandai 1/55s.

the only gripes right now are that the black lion tail likes to fall down and it's not as sturdy as my knock off Devastator. It's standing, but is a little wobbly.

The arms connect through very short stubs, so I'm wondering what the weight of the green/red lions are going to do over time. The back wings are too small.

This thing is huge, bigger than a 1/48 valk. the paint on mine as i said is quite nice, everything fits where it's supposed to. all joints are tight and ratchet nicely. sword feels a little dainty.

hang on, baby girl is crying about something now, let me post the pics and get back.







don't know what's up with imageshack, i'll try photobucket...

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Only differance I see here between the mpc and the classic version I still own is that Black Lion is "thinner" and the Blue Lion has a sparkling finish to it. Looks good, but not enough to retire my old school one. :)

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As far as I can tell the poseability is the only glaring difference between new and old. I don't particularly care if my Voltron can do a Heisman trophy pose or looks like it's busting out on a DDR pad, so unless there are other substantial features I won't spend for a minor refreshening of a classic...

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Just got my Voltron MPC!!! This thing is awesome. It is so poseable. Highly recomended!!


do you have pictures of yours?


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That's what we need to see-lotsa' pics and at least a cursory examination of its features from a MW-er's point of view...

Edited by myk
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Show me the LIONS. Every review spends 99.9% of photos and text on the combined mode. If that's all that mattered, they should have just made a large, articulated action figure--it'd be cheaper and better. But since the majority of Voltron toys are designed to separate, lets get some info on the lions. Are THEIR legs ball-jointed? Shoulders? Neck, jaw, etc? Are they skinny? Dispoportioned? How similar/dissimilar are green and red lion? (Always the key for me---those two always look weirdly proportioned).

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- Whole bunch of diecast, this sucker is heavy)

- lots of shiny chrome (plated)

- great proportions for Voltron, lions are great too, black lion looks better than old black lio, but still not awesome

- Ratchet joints (some)

- Articulation is good overall, great in the arms, good on the legs

- arm lion mid sections are jointed

- arm lion heads are ball jointed (minimal movement)

- All contact point on arm lions swivel (3 points, 2 on body and head)

- Nice paint job, blue and green lion have metallic shimmer

- tight connections to make voltron

- tight joints overall

- lion legs are not held flush to body, a little play is allowed for a slight A stance for the lions


- Arm lions: head (ball and swivel), torso (bend and swivelx2), legs, tail extends/detracts, arm postfolds up/down, mouth open/close, mouths have hole posts to hold shield and sword in place

- Leg lions: heads pivot for flush levelling on an A-stance, heads pivot up/down for leg mode, legs, tails extend/detract, mouths open/close, legs, trap door in the rear for gettin a boot up the arse

- Black Lion: Head rotates and pivots, shoulders rotate and include holes forarm post insertion which also allows full rotation as well as having a "trap door" to store the black lion legs in Voltron mode, jaw and face in mouth, legs, "wings fold and pivot, ears fold down to become horns, back legs/thighs pivot for A-stance and rotate, torso rotates a few degrees halted by the belt buckle, foot pivot is also the knee pivot so Voltron can bend his knees, tail folds up in the back but pops out or interferes when rotating torso

What Sucks

- chrome chips off a bit easy

- sprue snaps can be seen on many pieces

- no lion weapons, only shield and sword

- no extras (like shooting missiles, hidden pops, nothing)

- Wings are too small

- Little white part in wings is unpainted (I'll be painting mine)

- arm connectors are plastic, not die cast metal (you'd think if they needed it anywhere it would be there)

Basically, this thing is pretty bad ass. Makes me almost glad I never got the old GoLion and got this 20 years later. I think it is superior to the old where the old only wins out in the hidden tricks like shooting heads, and hidden misiles on the feet lions.

So.. what are you waiting for?!? Go get one o' these bad boys! It's freakin sick! My wife was even impressed by it.

How big is this guy?


Edited by DatterBoy
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Very nice review!!! I agree with everything that you said. I have one too and I really like this Voltron. I am going to be selling my old school Go lion soon. It would have been nice if they made the compartments pop out like the old one but thats okay I dont really play with my toys but display them. I would recomend to go get this toy!!

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Don't give up your old GoLion for sure. I don't know about you, but even if I get a new, I never abandon my older toys, this is just a different version. I'm pretty sure, however, that if you got this, you'd not hate your original, but you'd not be dissapointed, I'm sure of it. This one has the feel of the old GoLion with more poseability. It's the weight of the thing that really makes this a solid toy.

Also, the older GoLion had the sparkly paint, at least the Blue Lion that I used to have did. Always loved that about it. When I saw this one had the sparkly paint on the blue lion as well, really brought back memories. On the other hand, the blue lion I had was a flea market toy, could have been a KO, but I'll never forget that paint.

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I still prefer the Golion Godaikin version because of it's ablitity to fire missles and it even has the individual weapons for the lions. I'm still looking for it too... :D:p:lol:

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This woulda have been nice if they did put in the extras like the green and red lion head shooting out. Overall it's ok. The plastic feels really cheap though. It's a lot better than the robotech line, but I don't think Toynami is ready to venture into the SOC playing field.

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