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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I’m a bit interested, more if I can get the cash together for both figures and the ship to to a little display
  2. I’m definitely curious to see the end product. This was one of my favorite Macross models and to see it with some added articulation would definitely be great
  3. I didn’t really think of it, but this does look like it would fit in with those pumpkin heads more
  4. The bicep is probably short since a humanoid arm fits through and I believe the controls are in the forearm with a fake hand beyond that
  5. I still like the prototype for the hi metal yf-21. Hopefully if the get around to an hmr of the 19 they will update it mor than the vf-19’s they did
  6. A lot of out there rumors are pushing for a reboot. But I think that’s a bit out there at this point. If they push for a multiverse, I’ll just totally give up on Star Wars altogether. The multiverse is the killer of franchises. Both Dc and Marvel are trying to pick up the pieces of that stupid mess
  7. I had mentioned earlier that they were available there as well, although it might not have been this particular thread. It’s definitely nice to see these at local places since I didn’t expect hmr macross items to ever show up in brick and mortar stores
  8. Most of these were up on preorder the other night. Most seem to be rereleases, but they did have a couple new items
  9. I’m the other way around. I’ve never liked Aquaman, he’s on my list of most hated superheroes. On the other hand, I actually like Blue Beetle. I’m pretty sure it will be a long while before this comes out. That’s probably a good thing and hopefully people will forget about her last movie by then.
  10. Hopefully the main course is excellent and maybe they’ll throw in a nice dessert since we had to wait so long.
  11. It is an odd decision for sure. Especially since things don’t match up from the series to what’s going on here. Like Char getting another Zaku or slegar showing up early with a gm or even having decent amounts of gm mobile suits in general. For people like me that have seen the show and movies, but the only introduction to Origin was the animated version, it’s a bit odd. I figured things would be a bit different since origin changed some key things, but to skip everything up to this point is a strange choice. At least there’s some cool models as a consolation
  12. Go ahead and explain it. It’ll be fun for all Personally, I don’t like it either I don’t know why everyone wants to make him into a bomb disposal guy instead of a bomb setting guy
  13. The Atom Eve special was pretty good, still waiting on the rest of the series
  14. I’m not trying to say that it’s a perfect face, just that it’s not too small
  15. No, I think you have seen too many transforming vf-1 toys. Most have smaller heads to fit in through the chest in transformation.
  16. I loved Flight of the Navigator as a kid. I wore out a video tape due to constant rewatching back then.
  17. Hopefully something odd doesn’t happen and the magnets end up launching it to the floor. But it is a cool idea all joking aside.
  18. I just heard the news. Love Pee Wee as a kid and the slightly more adult version before he was famous. I also got a kick out of his roles in Cheech and Chong films as well as the goofy vampire in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hopefully he will be remembered more for his humor and less for that infamous theater incident
  19. I saw the trailer a while back and think it looks entertaining enough to check it out on a dull afternoon
  20. They’re cool if you have a lack of space, but can be a bit tough in the torso transformation and parts tend to fly off easy or pop out of place. They’re better for leaving in one mode if you transform it around the rider. They’re actually more fun in bike mode because the rider is highly poseable for the size and the bike is more solid in that mode
  21. I think helper kitty was trying to let you know that the plastic one wasn’t going be as cool as the pe one
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