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About Convectuoso

  • Birthday 08/22/1982

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Alaska Base Survivor

Alaska Base Survivor (10/15)



  1. Convectuoso

    Hi-Metal R

    So, there's the VF-19 Kai releasing next month, then the VF-4 reissue... And that's it? I'm a bit concerned about this line. There's been a lot of teases, but no actual announcements.
  2. Cancer sucks. I lost my father to it a couple weeks ago
  3. Looks awesome! Good job, @captain america Can't wait to have it in hand
  4. Using my membership discount and the coupon it went down from 190 to 160, and shipping is free.
  5. My thoughts exactly. I watched the first one and didn't feel like watching the other one. Bad writing and acting. Visually looks like a '90s TV show. And Dafne Keen's character looks like a young version of Cheetara
  6. Some people are already posting pics of the VF-1J
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