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    Macross, Robotech, Transformers, Voltron, Mecha Girls, Gundam, Plamo

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  1. Will be kinda ironic if they yellow and have that stamped on them.
  2. Your not alone. KC has so much potential but its run like a bunch of grandmas at a flea market booth. The mold is Ok if they just upscaled it to 1/35, added better thicker plastic, more metal for balance and created great packaging they could really go places. No one can blame you for a last purchase they deserve the criticism.
  3. Totally wanting that armored one and the brownie is really looking cool too.
  4. Messaged you was late reply. Custom Painted AG Sets for Max/Milia & Roy VT-1 & VE-1 would be interested in as well. Thanks!
  5. I waited too long so I cancelled my Preorders and bought something else.. looks nice but I've become price sensitive about the these things. I hope everyone enjoys them.
  6. I hope it goes that smooth.
  7. He was an amazing actor! I loved all his movies, they just don't have real actors like him anymore. R-I-P Donny
  8. Looks great! good job! I would buy one or two depending on what they go with. 100% if you size it up for the ThreeZero Valks. HM-R is good too
  9. Ok thanks! I might just keep the money aside for the Elitseeker as I know its going to be impossible for me to keep one of these clean even inside a case. I've got two full time air cleaners & dehumidifiers and still dust is endless. dust itself, often from people have trace oils on them .
  10. No one knows anything about the business contracts unless the companies themselves provide the info publicly or its leaked or changes in the products themselves demonstrate an unspoken change. good guesstimate's can be made from experience and observation, but that's about it.
  11. How rare is this going to be compared to other releases like the super ostrich?
  12. I would be careful with EE. everything I've bought from them they broke the seal, opened it and looked through it. told me in email it's to ensure nothing is broke but not everyone is cool with that. also they will take deposits without telling you and not refund you if cancelled unless you say something to them. I would use PP with them as a payment method.
  13. Well it's been one of those things for me were it was engrained from my youth as I collected baseball cards and that's were the whole crazy started. The cards worth this but if it's graded it's worth double kinda thing. Scam yeah but back then it seemed a good thing. These grading company's are owned by billion dollar parent companies. It's all big money And backroom deals. Baseball cards, coins, toys.. they are trying to make everything unaffordable and rare by creating perceived scarcity. Sometimes I learn the hard way, sometimes I have to learn a few times to get it right. My only defense really is the last three years I've suffered unknowingly from radon poisoning and the lack of oxygen was starting to create brain damage. Fortunately I figured it out before it got to the point of dying from it. A Lot of choices I made during this time were from exhaustion and lack of sleep(radon displaces oxygen ) It was a mistake in sending those things in and for buying too much. Even today I had the chance to buy an extra something I've already have but rethought about maybe letting the other person have it, maybe it's been something they always wanted. I agree about you probably knowing more then the graders. I think they hire high schoolers to work there. They asked me several times in emails what I sent them was, how to know if it was complete and what made the variants different. Like my submission was a training program for them. Total shitshow I agree with you and you all will never hear me pushing it ever again. I had to rethink and relearn why and what I was collecting otherwise it's not fun to do. Graded sealed things are like that guy who has an amazing sports car kept in the garage but he never drives it, worried it might get dirty or a scratch but talks about it constantly like it's some religious idol or something. I just don't want to be that guy(anymore).
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