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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. It seems to have been a flop all around. Haven’t seen it and don’t know anyone that went to the movies this past weekend. Most people around here were getting ready for the storm, going to the store or prepping their homes and in some cases under mandatory evacuation. Luckily everyone we know ended up well. Although it does seem to have put a significant dent in the box office, but I don’t think the west coast alone could have saved the movie from box office disaster
  2. Honestly they don’t have too many small parts. The issue I’ve had is that the transformation can be a bit fiddly and sometimes frustrating. I bought two of each so I didn’t have to worry about that though. The figures are definitely more fun on the bikes though
  3. When one of those characters gets a theme song from Ozzy, then of course he’d go from obscure occultist to super stardom
  4. Zentraedi definitely didn’t build mecha for comfort
  5. I’ll probably end up a broken record, but I still believe the best way to do things with the older designs, is just to do three separate kits. One for each mode. Tomy Tech and wave did the two kit mix and match, but then to display all modes at once you had to buy two of each kit. as far as the yf-19, the Bandai kit still is the best battroid kit and the best battroid toy would probably be the revoltech. All the toys toys have super skinny legs or low articulation. And the VF-19 kit was very floppy, but a nice try for the time
  6. I have some of the extras boxed at the moment from when we moved, but I’ll definitely take a look. It’s odd to hear that the Robotech version might actually be the better one for once
  7. It’s one of the things I don’t like about the kit. Battroid and gerwalk look pretty great, even though I don’t like the yf-19 gerwalk mode. The fighter looks clunky since they wanted to keep the legs and the connector goes in very odd for the stand. I probably will just make a better connector piece for it once it’s all finished
  8. One of mine was Japanese and the second one i opened was Robotech and both had the same issue. I kinda think the workers probably just grabbed parts to throw in the packages. And in some cases they just forgot important things like an entire front wheel
  9. I have it, and opened it, but I’ll have to find the box it’s packed in. I may have posted pictures of it here, but I’ll check a few pages back
  10. I’d be more interested if it didn’t transform personally. Partsforming would be a decent compromise though
  11. Please, no time portals or time travel of any kind or even multiverse crap. It always feels like the writers ran out of ideas and don’t know what to do
  12. I used to watch Tenchi a lot back in the 90’s to early 2000’s. Back then it felt like a very original idea, but the more additions meant lower quality and the harem newness wore off. I haven’t kept up at all and would probably be totally lost
  13. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I transform my 1-A cannon fodder a bit and so far it’s holding up pretty well. No cracks or anything. My Yamato ones would have given up at the amount I’ve messed with this one. I don’t have too many Arcadia ones though.
  14. I’ll agree that the regult is a great kit. I’d also recommend the wave destroids especially since they’re 1/72 scale just like most of the newer kits. But I don’t think you should throw the old kits away, even though the collage would be awesome. Maybe start with a newer kit and learn a few simple things and use what you learn in an older kit. I would probably say to pick something that hasn’t been done better by a newer company. Maybe the tv sdf1 or the zentraedi power armors. When you get your skills up tackle some of those. They’re a lot of work, but you’ll be more proud if you can turn those into treasures.
  15. And an art style that looks like the old comic
  16. This seems like the opposite. Personally I don’t mind things a bit jokey with certain characters, but it depends on the situation for me
  17. This looks so bad, but I want to see it for the sloth. Even when it’s supposed to be scary, it looks too cute
  18. The box art and variety of the old kits are really the only major draw to them. I personally think the ones from Imai molds, wether that’s the og release or Bandai rereleases to be the better of the classics. But with those, there’s a lot more work to be done. Seam lines, mismatched parts and the necessity for paint. It can really be a long laborious project. The new kits on the other hand will have more durability, articulation and less of a need for seam filling and have a much more precise fitting. I’ve snapped up two yf-19 kits from Bandai and those are pretty super easy with a lot of color separation, but still have seam issues. The upcoming vf-1j from max factory might be the best looking battroid only kit in plastic and looks like it will be pretty simple. Hopefully they put out more kits, because that one looks like a real winner. And the Hasegawa Regult series has been pretty great as far as looks, but will need a little seam work as well, but have some great innovations in the way they did the knee joints. I’ve built a few regult kits from several companies in the past, but the new ones from hasegawa have made it to where I’d never bother with the old imai or Arii kits ever again. as far as transforming kits, I’ve never liked transforming models. I’ll take a partsforming kit or non transforming kit any day and leave the transforming to the toys In short, I’d say the old kits make better collectors items since the packaging was so beautiful back in the day, while I’d buy a modern kit for the build unless it’s of a subject that the other companies haven’t done. Although I’m keeping up hope for more enemy mecha from hasegawa. I kinda forgot to mention tomy tech, but those great little kits are very hard to come by these days, but prepainted parts and articulated joints along with those little decal sets made the worth the price. Those were tiny masterpieces
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