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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I think these people are doing it as more of a show off kinda thing
  2. That’s like a collection of some of the ugliest artwork ever allowed in comics.
  3. So an average zeta series female pilot. Those chics were written in such an awkward way on that show. Then again most female characters in gundam were awkward. Not saying there weren’t some odd quirks with the guys, just seemed that if they were female, you wouldn’t know what side they’re on
  4. Some people have already shown off finished prints of the new master grade kit that hasn’t even really been announced yet.
  5. The pods and guns can be easily removed from the back
  6. I know Rozz definitely had some major issues, and I’ve seen both in concert, but I prefer the older music. The valor years are like a completely different sound mainly because there was no one left from the original band. I remember in the early nineties you could actually catch a show by two versions of the band. As far as Rozz, I also liked Shadow Project.
  7. Not too many live vids with Rozz seem to exist. It’s wild how things have changed in the age of the cell phone. Nowadays you’re guaranteed to find a video on YouTube of any concert no matter the status of the band.
  8. You should crumple up a brown recycled napkin and put it on a stand in front of it and do a shooting effect for fun
  9. That Duke looks more like one of those forgettable action villains from a Van Damme movie
  10. I might check it out. It looks more like a home watch though
  11. Odd to see it as anti earth, yet set up for atmospheric flight
  12. I think it’s a weird color illusion. Unpainted it definitely looks longer, but with the colors and lighting it somehow looks different
  13. You could also see if anyone here has an extra set of the decals you’re looking for
  14. Maybe you could leave the sheet intact and lay down the masking tape right on top. Then peel the tape and place it on the part
  15. I keep thinking that TLA stands for the live action rather than the Last Airbender. If he gets drunk on air, he’d probably be pretty bad with cough syrup
  16. That’s a real blast from the past
  17. Magic the Gathering seems like it’s trying to be the new Monopoly with them adding new franchises into their game. I think they had Bob Ross, Lord of the Rings and now this. Not sure what others there have been. Personally I’ve never played the game, but had many friends that were heavily into it before the Pokémon craze
  18. I think the thing that would make me more interested in this, even though the articulation will be better than the wave kits would be to find out that this wouldn’t be the only hg Votoms kit. And I don’t really mean other Scopedog variants or weapons packs. I have a lot of the wave kits and I really like them and that already would make it tough to buy a non scale kit especially if it’s a one off. I had hoped they’d do more with Vifam and Dragonar in the hg line, but with those being web exclusives I had a feeling they’d stand alone
  19. Twin Pilgrim, Mayflower of Destruction, Cornucopia. Sorry ever since you mentioned where the guns came from, a thanksgiving theme comes to mind
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