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Arcadia YF-19 coming in 2014


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Good man!

Mildly bothersome to have to adjust the wings to get them to look correct from all angles/top and bottom, but not a big deal to get them even/symmetrical with one another.


It's actually a pretty big deal getting them symmetrical at their correct angle.

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Yep, that's been my biggest gripe with the landing gear all along, the nose looks way too short. I kinda ignored it, and figured it worked like the F-4, with the front gear jacking up in the air once the plane started and hydraulic pressure built up.

Looks awesome that way, and grats for having the courage to try it!

Edit: Also, something stupid I realized.. the collapsing grip does absolutely nothing to raise the gunpod tip.. the part that collides with the crotch plate isn't even the part that can collapse. <_<

You mean the underside of the barrel? I thought that was for the shield-stow gimmick...
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Man, gotta be careful when detaching the nosecone. Do it at a wrong angle and the sharp corner where the Kite is will get damaged pretty badly.

Yup. Mentioned it the first day I had it that I doubt anyone will have a mint YF-19 in that area after long. I don't.

Edit: Also, something stupid I realized.. the collapsing grip does absolutely nothing to raise the gunpod tip.. the part that collides with the crotch plate isn't even the part that can collapse. <_<

Yup. Seems to be truly pointless to add a gimmick to allow it to fit the shield 1mm closer, instead of making it so it looks decent in fighter mode.

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Never buy another toy again? Problem?

Just seems like you (1) have horrible luck (2) are never happy about any of your purchases and (3) find issues with items before they're even released.

Now if that's not the case then maybe find an opportunity or two to post about something you do like or are happy with.

Back on-topic I'm looking forward to seeing some completed painted arm cannons that Kurisama has created. I will order a set myself as it's an add on I wish Arcadia had included with this release.


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To quote Jeff Goldblum: "He did it. The crazy sonofabitch did it." :lol:

Seriously, though, that's awesome!

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Just seems like you (1) have horrible luck (2) are never happy about any of your purchases and (3) find issues with items before they're even released.

Now if that's not the case then maybe find an opportunity or two to post about something you do like or are happy with.

Back on-topic I'm looking forward to seeing some completed painted arm cannons that Kurisama has created. I will order a set myself as it's an add on I wish Arcadia had included with this release.


Might pay attention to other posts in this thread more. I'm hardly alone.

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Just seems like you (1) have horrible luck (2) are never happy about any of your purchases and (3) find issues with items before they're even released.

Now if that's not the case then maybe find an opportunity or two to post about something you do like or are happy with.

Back on-topic I'm looking forward to seeing some completed painted arm cannons that Kurisama has created. I will order a set myself as it's an add on I wish Arcadia had included with this release.


Nah this is MWB. Everyone complains. It wouldn't be the same without complaints.

Actually I hope the complaints which are valid are addressed. Give us a stand, make better ankles. tampo print more details etc are things that these toy companies can easily do if they think about it. Remember there is only going to be one release of a new toy each year. That extra time means they can hear our complaints and get better review scores.

Oh yeah and if you got yours with a cracked wing, complain like hell so it doesn't have to happen to the rest of us. lol

A lot of people can't afford this and are not buying new toys unless prices come down. I know one guy who is horrified by the mark up and thinks it is way too expensive. But he collects transformers too. I was wise to not try to get everything. If you just save your money up, don't try to get everything, you can still afford this stuff easily imo. If you are a unemployed guy on the street looking for food in a the trash bins, maybe you could raise money by holding a raffle, the money is earned from ticket sales, then whatever you make from the raffle can go to valks. Put up a YF-19 for the raffle, and when the time comes when the winner complains his prize has a cracked wing, you can apologise to them and give them a refund. But you will still have enough left over from the ticketsales from those who didn't win to be able to afford a valk.

Use you brains. I think Mommar should do this with his busted YF-19. Arcadia will reissue the YF-19 soon I bet. Probably in new paintschemes. Now is the time to do this to raise money for more toys. How are you guys going to survive when the new tv series comes out and you got to get those?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Nah this is MWB. Everyone complains. It wouldn't be the same without complaints.

Actually I hope the complaints which are valid are addressed. Give us a stand, make better ankles. tampo print more details etc are things that these toy companies can easily do if they think about it. Remember there is only going to be one release of a new toy each year. That extra time means they can hear our complaints and get better review scores.

Oh yeah and if you got yours with a cracked wing, complain like hell so it doesn't have to happen to the rest of us. lol

Actually, I did the best measurements I could on the swing bar. It looks like it's mounted ever so slightly off on the left versus the right. Or vice versa. It's slight, I'm not sure many have noticed, but it really does affect the angle of the wings, in all three modes, and the position of the main bar that mounts in the wing root is such that the wings can't ever be aligned quite straight. It isn't just on mine, well, it's on the two I've received however I can clearly see it in Bats photos as well. The bigger problem is it makes the wings look like one is slightly stubbier than the other. I would argue this is an engineering issue. To be honest, the rear stabilizers on the VF-4 were ever so slightly off as well but it was so minor I had to strain to notice and it didn't matter. But with the YF-19 the moment I took it out of the package something about it just seemed off. I had to turn it over and adjust things several times until I realized that, essentially, the inclusion of the High Speed mode has lead to the wings being off by just enough I can notice it. The 19P doesn't have this issue. For all I know the length's of the metal bars in the wings are off. And maybe not every batch is off, but on at least five of these things I've noticed the inconsistency and it has always been on the left wing.

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I actually am not a big fan of high speed mode to be honest. It wasn't really seen that much in the anime. I know that one day when I swoosh the toy in plane mode they will get loose. I would have preferred it if they didn't include that gimmick and just went the route of the VF-19. If I were to do a review I ould mention how it might not feel as fun to hold as a VF-19 if that is what you do with your toys a lot.

Come on Bandai. Bring back Himetal macross toys. Now is the time when there are people complaining about arcadia prices being high. Your timing sucks.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Sigh...wings are fine/symmetrical/even/not-misaligned on mine. I didn't have to disassemble, modify or perform any incantations to get them right either.

Maybe I got the only good copy Arcadia released, or maybe B_A_T didn't take the time to align one wing vs. the other while taking all of those lovely pictures.



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People complained about Hi-Metal prices more didn't they? Maybe it has more to do with age... lol.

Well in my day I can get a 1/48 scale valkyrie for what that 1/100 costs! :lol:

But that was when yamato toys were cheap. hehe You got to look at the times. (they were still alive)

If Bandai were to do Himetal YF-19 I know people would look at that as a nice cheaper alternative to the bigger 1/60 and this would force Arcadia to set theirs a bit lower out of the pressure of competition.

They were late to the market so by the time himetal VF-19 came out people were already convinced NOT to buy it because yamato was doing the 1/60 vf-19. I bet part of the reason they put such high quality attention on VF-19 was BECAUSE they were scared of what bandai could achieve at 1/100 scale. So that scared them into using highest level plastics etc. But you didn't see this with VF-17. It was expensive even though it is a much simpler transformation than VF-19.

A 1/100 VF-17, YF-19 and YF-21 would sell. Put them next to a VB-6 Monster. and they would make great display pieces. Perhaps when the next tv series comes out bandai could consider 1/100 himetal again.

1/100 destroids, enemy mecha, and good guys mecha would be awesome if they can pull off decent PT and do cool poses. The big toys that use ball joints is ridiculous because unless you have a stand those ball joints just go to waste because of all the weight bearing down on it! But they work well on smaller and lighter figures. VF-1 HiMetal is in some ways superior to 1/60 VF-1 v2 in the area of FAST packs (no ugly bar connecting the two pieces) and transformation. (simpler shoulder mechanism) despite less detail.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Stop living in the past.

Yamato is dead

Hi-metal is dead

Arguing prices is like deciding who's the most retarded on the short bus.

This thread goes of course more than Malaysia flight 370.

The thread feels rather "saturated" after the toy was released and everyone started to post pictures of the 19.

So...what's next? Is there any upcoming toy fest, within the next couple of months, where Arcadia will be participating?

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Heres a link to a quick vid of my Arcadia YF-19 with Yamato Fold booster on its back with brand new batteries, folding away without a care..... yes the lights are trippy LOL.



Sorry, dont know how to embed the vid in the post so just the link for now....

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Seems like the new 19 has entered the secondary market @ drake, same release price aka high, so no harm in telling ...

But judging from the price (maintained, not considerably lowered) probably its a good sign for arcadia.

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This thread goes of course more than Malaysia flight 370.

Ouch... too soon... skull. Too soon...


I gotta say this about 1/1 though... for years he was screaming for a v.2 VF-1 and everyone including me gave him a hard time. I actually changed my mind after one of his post and a couple years later Yamato announces the v.2...

I mean it isn't gonna happen in this case but... lol.

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Well, while transforming my YF-19 for the second time, I noticed that mine already had a broken off hip tab from the factory. I didn't even move the legs too far but was wondering why the left leg moved farther forward than the right. And no, I didn't accidentally break it it off if anybody's wondering. Doesn't affect the transformation or playability though.


BTW, not sure if it was mentioned before but watch out for the circle shoulder pieces. One of mine popped off and I just glued it back on. Good thing I have hardwood floors and not carpet. Would have been a birch to look for.


Edited by OzmaLee74
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