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Did they ever make an arcade game of this movie like the one they showed in the film to recruit fighters all over the universe?

They didn't. A 3D-based game like that was way too advanced for the time. Games released during 1984 were either vector graphics (Star Wars), 2D sprites (TRON) or LD-based with no game graphics (Dragon's Lair).

Universal still has the mock-up unit in one of their backlots, though.

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Did they ever make an arcade game of this movie like the one they showed in the film to recruit fighters all over the universe?

They didn't. A 3D-based game like that was way too advanced for the time. Games released during 1984 were either vector graphics (Star Wars), 2D sprites (TRON) or LD-based with no game graphics (Dragon's Lair).

Universal still has the mock-up unit in one of their backlots, though.


Atari had a crack at it, but it never got beyond uncompleted prototype form:


and Atari were also not beyond 3D graphics in 1983:


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That was a most excellent review A7. This goes on my list as one of the best Sci-Fi films ever, it made me want to be a Starfighter when I was young :lol:.

I thought their was no DVD release until I found it at Tower Records this summer (and Scarface). I just hope their will be a 20th anniversary edition in a few years.


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I wouldn't buy this film on DVD, but I admit it did totally immerse my imagination as a child.  The CG effects were lots of fun and I remember the work fondly.  I still appreciate that early CG stuff, even if today, the movie isn't to my liking as an adult.

Yes it is true, the meat once enjoyed in one's youth, a man can not endure in his old age ;)

LOL :) That one could be used in sooooo many ways...

*evil grin*

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That was a most excellent review A7. This goes on my list as one of the best Sci-Fi films ever, it made me want to be a Starfighter when I was young :lol:.

I thought their was no DVD release until I found it at Tower Records this summer (and Scarface). I just hope their will be a 20th anniversary edition in a few years.


A 20th anniversary DVD would be very nice. that would be some time next year. While this movie has a strong cult following, I am not sure it is big enough for the film studio to feel they can make a profit off of a 20th anniversary special edition. Tron and Blackhole received the 20th anniversary treatment though, so I guess anything is possible.

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One thing I was never compleatly clear on, was Alex the actual pilot, or was he just the gunner?

Who here would buy a last starfighter game? With all this 80's revival stuff going on, really the idea isn't so far fetched.

Alex was the gunner, and Grig was the pilot... until they got into combat. At that point, Alex' controls could override Grig's console.... as far as I recall, at least.

But yeah, I'd buy a Last Starfighter game... sure as hell. Provided it didn't suck, that is... no amount of nostalgia can overcome game-suck....

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Like it or not it's better than nothing! Here's the gunstar I tried to convert for FS2...

BTW my version of Death Blossom fires 125 Photon torpedos, guess I can change them to Tri-Colbalts if some REALLY pisses me off! :p


My death blossom

Now if only I could find someone to do teh Kodan ships and the Starfighter base MAYbe we could ge t a real mod going?


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  • 11 years later...

Every time they make a film based on my favorite childhood memories, a small part of me dies. Please, for the love of God... PLEASE do not do a remake of this movie. If you maybe want to do a sequel, I might be open to that idea...

If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!

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I absolutely ADORE this movie. I will admit, I would like to see this movie with updated effects. Though some of the shots of the Gunstar still hold up today IMO. watching one of the special feature docu's on the BluRay, they stated that they originally wanted to show maneuvering thrusters firing ect, but due to the lack of time available they had to tone done most of the shots. A few, though, still look gorgeous....particularly the shot of the Gunstar when the death blossom panels are closing after it's Attack. That looks perfect.

The Gunstar is also one of my favorite sci-fi fighters of all time.


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The Last Starfighter, Bladerunner, Tron, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Time Bandits, Flight of the Navigator, & The Black Hole are all still some of my favorite Sci-Fi movies.

I also reccomend watching The Music Man before Starfighter, works surprisingly well as a pretend prequel :)

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The Last Starfighter, Bladerunner, Tron, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Time Bandits, Flight of the Navigator, & The Black Hole are all still some of my favorite Sci-Fi movies.

I also reccomend watching The Music Man before Starfighter, works surprisingly well as a pretend prequel :)

What about Howard the Duck?

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Lol, I keep watching that fan trailer....man I love this movie and that fan trailer I thin ink does the movie justice without giving everything away the way many trailers do these days.


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Guest davidwhangchoi

So can you guys name the 2 Trek alumni that are in The Last Starfighter?


didn't know there was trek alum in the movie... interesting to know.

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Admitidly, one you never see one of them except from behind, but he is still listed in the credits. The other you do get a good look at though.

Will Wheton (Wesley Crusher) is the first. He is billed as Luis's Friend. He is one of the kids you see running around at the beginning...the tall one in the numbered shirt I believe. The other is Mark Alimo (Gul Dukat) he is the Alien assassin, before the disguise is removed by the Starfighter game.

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