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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Just seemingly continuing my self-appointed role of highlighting lesser-known British-produced media of popular 80s toylines, how many of you are familiar with the British "Zoids" comic?: https://zoids.fandom.com/wiki/Zoids_(comics) I really enjoyed the issues I got as a kid - I'd forgotten the stories were bundled in with a certain friendly neighbourhood web-slinger! - but like many of these tie-ins, it just faded away as the toy lines popularity declined in the UK. Like many UK versions of universes created solely for toy sales, there was some serious talent involved; one of the artists was Steve Yeowell, who would later go on to draw that very British take on the superhero genre, "Zenith", in "2000AD" and scripts were by Grant Morrison, who probably needs no introduction. I also remember there being a pre-cursor mini-comic to this, about when the first big motorised "Zoids" kits started appearing; I can't now recall if it was a promotional tie-in given away at toy shops, published as advertising in British comics of time or as "free" gift in certain British comics (I think the latter). Edit: ah, apparently the "mini-comic" was originally a fold-out poster magazine, then resized to a mini-comic given away in toy shops.
  2. Wow, takes me back to the time when - at least in my part of the West - it seemed Rumiko Takahashi was anime and manga...
  3. Thanks again to everyone for the advice, Cobi are now sending me the parts. Also, I didn't know they did a HMS Warspite! I almost certainly don't have room for it, but thats my favourite warship... 😃
  4. Okay, thanks. I don't watch much anime any more these days (just too much other stuff to do) and didn't know if there was something I was missing.
  5. A friend tipped me off about this last night and while I've only had time to see a little bit of the first episode of "Frontier"... bloody hell. A "Macross" series. Streaming. In the UK! My younger self scouring "Boots" for VHS copies of random "Robotech" episodes would never have believed it! I may be missing something - as I say, I didn't have to play around last night - but the subs I saw were Closed Captioned?
  6. renegadeleader1, many thanks for the kind offer, but following Scylas advice I contacted Cobi and they advised me to essentially treat it as a complaint and make a claim through their website. If things don't work out, I'll let you know. And yes, it is the black link.
  7. I had considered that, I was put off by the shipping prices when I looked at their "spares" category on their website, but I'll give them a go. One issue is that I don't think I have the receipt unfortunately.
  8. Not sure where else to ask this, but this seems the most suitable thread: I recently got a set of three Cobi tanks (the various Tank Museums three pack with the Panzer I, R35 and - swoon - Valentine Mk. IX) but unfortunately the Panzer I suffered an, ahem, engineering casualty during construction and I broke one of the track links. Theres no spares in the box and whilst I found somewhere that did spare links, it turns out they're the wrong size. In addition, the R35 seems to be missing a piece (it doesn't seem to have fallen out whilst I was emptying the bags/box. The parts I need are listed in the instruction manual as 102496 and 152349. Does anyone know where I might be able to obtain spares, preferably in the UK or at least the EU? eBay doesn't seem to have anything, Cobis website seems to have only a limited selection and so do any of the other third party retailers I've looked. I don't suppose its something Bricklink would do?
  9. Just a follow-up to this - to those interested in "Action Force", specifically the comic book version, its been announced that Rebellion (the current publishers of - ahem - the Galaxys Greatest Comic, "2000AD") will be releasing Treasury editions of the "Action Force" comics that appeared in "Battle".
  10. Perhaps the battle isn't talked about because everyone that fought in it was... sent to Coventry? I'll get my cooling vest...
  11. I know the villain is from a story thats highly regarded but... I've never seen it. I think I have to hand in my bag of jelly babies now or something. 😉 It was broadcast just a little early for my timeline. According to RTD, no, viewership isn't as hoped (though this may be because in the UK at least, there is some competition as the sportsball season gears up for some event or other) but viewership among under-30s is off the charts. Of course, we only have his word for it but its also possible at the moment that people are staying in as we have lighter evenings and "Who" is broadcast currently on the BBC about the time people will be heading out for the pub (or bubble tea cafe or axe throwing club or whatever it is people do on Saturday evenings now), possibly they're catching up later. I know I have been.
  12. That voice. (this will make more sense after you've seen the latest episode). Also, Fifteen utters one of the most chilling lines I think I've ever heard a Doctor say, props again to Ncuti Gatwa for the delivery. There will be a new "Tales of the TARDIS", at least via the BBC media sources, on the 20th June. SPEC-U-LATE!
  13. Just to be clear, this weeks episode is not an episode of "Black Mirror". You might be forgiven for thinking so. 😄Also, if anyone needs the concept of "Timmy Mallet" explained to them please let one of us Brits (of certain vintages) know... 😁
  14. Some general impressions of the new season: excepting "Space Babies" (which some people seem to like... ) I'd say its been a solid run of episodes. If I had some niggles, its that the last three episodes all felt like they needed just a little more time to wrap up properly. The other odd thing is that we still haven't actually seen a lot of the new Doctor yet; what we have seen hints at a lot of potential, but the last two episodes feel like they lent on the companion a bit (to be fair, in the case of "73 Yards", this was because Ncuti Gatwa still had other commitments at the time and could only appear briefly; on the other hand as it was largely a standalone episode it feels like it could have been pushed further back into the run). And no, I won't be the first to point out that the current season is leaning quite heavily on the door marked "fantasy". Maybe this is the series where we finally find out how the Doctor becomes Merlin... 😉
  15. I think a good tribute you can give him is that, while you may not always have enjoyed his movies, almost everyone whose movies you did worked for him at some point or another,
  16. Little bit of a follow up: I may have got a bit confused about a certain famous UK business personality appearing in "Action Force"; the story in question may have been in the UK "Transformers" comics. However, the events that led up to that story were part of a previous "Action Force/Transformers" crossover; I think installments may have been published in each comic at the time. Whilst revisiting "Action Force" to check, I was reminded of some of the artists that worked on it - Geoff Senior is probably the most well known internationally, but there was also Robin Smith (a "2000AD" artist, not to be confused with the Galaxys Greatest Comics other Smith-droid, Ron Smith) and the sadly often overlooked Jerry Paris; an artist probably best known in the UK for his video game magazine covers and art, but who also produced comic strips for a couple of them as well. He had a fantastically chunky "mecha" style that I've often wondered may have been manga or anime inspired. Something else that was dredged up from memory is that almost forgotten in the "Action Force/G.I. Joe" comics history is that "Action Force" had a precursor series of comic adventures; the long-running UK war comic "Battle" (later "Battle/Action Force") ran a series based on the original Palitoy line and which featured some interesting variations on the lore, especially as the "G.I. Joe" line developed more influence over time; did you know for example that the COBRA F.A.N.G. helicopters were developed from S.A.S. H.A.W.K. helicopters? (according to "Battle/Action Force" at any rate!). When "Action Force" became its own thing, comics wise, "Battle" implemented a suspiciously similar substitute, "Storm Force", with a hero with an interchangeable weapons arm who led a paramilitary organisation who flew across the world in a weaponised Concorde...!
  17. The company that produced "Action Force", Palitoy, had a long history of doing just that. The 12" "G.I. Joe" figures had a longer life in the UK under the "Action Man" brand (and also partly, I suspect, because World War II history here is kind of like of trying to avoid footbal... excuse me, soccer here; no matter how much you may not like it, its inescapable pretty much all year round). "Action Force" was a spin off into the popular "Star Wars" smaller figure format (which Palitoy also adapted for the UK market, the two most famous examples probably being their version of the X-Wing and the Death Star), and then they started more directly bringing over Hasbro figures though with some changes (it seems to be generally regarded that the "Action Force" APC is a better toy than the "G.I. Joe" original). For further coverage of Palitoy , the "Analog Toys" YouTube channel has plenty of videos covering them.
  18. I realise I'm a touch biased, but it does sometimes feel like the European "G.I. Joe" comics - branded "Action Force" to start with, as the toyline was initially released under that title for some time here before the branding was unified - gets a little overlooked in discussions of the comics (the UK "Transformers" stories seem to be better known). I know they were released as the "European Missions" or something at least once. It'd probably be a complicated rights issue, but don't you want to see the time G.I. Jo... I mean, Action Force had to deal with Richard Branson dredging up Megatron from the Thames again? 😄
  19. When a Black Hawk loves an Apache very much...
  20. After that trailer... this could be something S.P.E.C.I.A.L... 😉
  21. I've never owned a Metal Build, but assuming thats the packaging material around it, it could be a shorter "shipping" antenna just to keep the slot filled but without the risk of the long antenna breaking whilst its in the box?
  22. I mean, it has "B" at best written all over it, but Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis? Boy, I hope they keep the thing with the chairs. 😄
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