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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, let me put my 2 cents in here. According to what I've read about the film, God has lost faith with humanity and decides to wipe us off the earth by sending a legion of angels to do it. One angel, I'm not sure which one decides to rebel against God and fight against against the angels (armed with a machine gun and sword, mind you) in order to protect a woman who is supposed to give birth to the messiah. The trailer is on youtube, and I got to say that: THIS IS THE DUMBEST MOVIE I THINK HOLLYWOOD HAS EVER TURNED OUT!!!!! First, if God wanted to wipe humanity out, why bother with angels, he could just fling the planet into the sun or crash the moon into the Earth. And second, the hero angel and the humans that fight with him are using machine guns. MACHINE GUNS CAN KILL ANGELS?!! If you believe the Bible, one angel alone can slay thousands, and yet a legion of angels can be taken out by man-made weapons? Give me a friggin break! I have no intention of wasting my time with something THIS DUMB!! ^_^

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reminds me of The Prophecy, with Chris Walken.

Seconded. I thoroughly enjoyed that film on several levels. First, Christopher Walken as a very bad angel was the perfect part for him. The quirky humor involved with his suicide slaves was great. Vigo Mortensen (I think that's who it was) also did a fantastic job as the devil. Some of the lines in that movie were perfect. The devil telling the detective to "leave a light on" is the kinda line that makes an audience member chuckle while simultaneously feeling a little scared.

I'm not too sure what to make of this Legion film but the fact it has a similar vibe to Prophecy in the preview is a good thing to me. There were other Prophecy films but if I recall, even with Walken, they sucked. Constantine was another movie along those lines and much flashier than Prophecy and I seem to recall it being fairly enjoyable (if not as witty/creepy as Prophecy).

Yes, you do have to have somewhat lowered expectations of angels to make these movies work. Obviously if they're invincible killing machines than any movie where humans were trying to fight against them would suck (probably the same reason I was never into Superman). Also, just as Physicists have to dumb themselves down for scifi movies, I'm sure people who are really into religion have to let themselves be willfully ignorant to really enjoy a film of this nature. If the movie is going to tell you "God decided to send angels to destroy man" you just have to accept that God, in the context of this movie, had a good reason for doing things that way. If you watch the movie and they never touch on what that reason was, then it's a good time to start bashing it.

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Well... in the bible there's two instances of humans interacting on the physical level with angels... Jacob wrestles with one and early on Angels have sexual relations with humans and give rise to human/angel hybrids called nephilim.. of which Goliath is the most famous and he got taken out with a rock.

So... sure.. machine guns, why not?

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Well... in the bible there's two instances of humans interacting on the physical level with angels... Jacob wrestles with one and early on Angels have sexual relations with humans and give rise to human/angel hybrids called nephilim.. of which Goliath is the most famous and he got taken out with a rock.

So... sure.. machine guns, why not?

True, Jacob did wrestle with the angel all night long, and would not let him go until he recived a blessing. However, if Jacob had inflicted any real damage to the angel, then how did he manage to "dislocate" Jacob's hip by touching him? I don't think the angel was in any real danger of being killed by a man. Also, Goliath is a human/ fallen angel hybrid but nowhere in scripture does it indicate that he had angelic powers. Sure he was a giant, and those of his race were giants but they were not angels. Besides, Goliath challenged the army of Israel, and David was standing against one who ridiculed God.

I believe that God put little "something extra" behind that stone David used!

In any case, I still think the idea of a group of humans and one rebel angel using machine guns to kill angels is just plain dumb. I can suspend my belief only so far when watching movies, and LEGION would require more than I've got. ^_^

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True, Jacob did wrestle with the angel all night long, and would not let him go until he recived a blessing. However, if Jacob had inflicted any real damage to the angel, then how did he manage to "dislocate" Jacob's hip by touching him? I don't think the angel was in any real danger of being killed by a man. Also, Goliath is a human/ fallen angel hybrid but nowhere in scripture does it indicate that he had angelic powers. Sure he was a giant, and those of his race were giants but they were not angels. Besides, Goliath challenged the army of Israel, and David was standing against one who ridiculed God.

I believe that God put little "something extra" behind that stone David used!

In any case, I still think the idea of a group of humans and one rebel angel using machine guns to kill angels is just plain dumb. I can suspend my belief only so far when watching movies, and LEGION would require more than I've got. ^_^

the point is humans can interact with angels on the physical level.

I imagine it will be much like Constantine and either a mind-numb action-filled popcorn flick or arrogantly condescending to the religious.

Why can't it be both? :lol:

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reminds me of The Prophecy, with Chris Walken.

Yeah I was think that too. The trailer was shown during Zombieland for me. The first 3 Prophecy movies were alright, after that even Christopher Walken couldn't tolerate it. I remember seeing the 4th on cable it was a turd.

I don't think this movie is really even worth talking about much really. If it has mindless violence that's all I'd want to see, but if it's filled with Hollywood sermons-on-high I'll pass.

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I saw this trailer several weeks ago at some movie. During the spider demon granny bit my friends and I all look at on another gasped, "Evil Dead 3!~~~!!! Where's Ash?" expecting Bruce Campbell to pull up with in a 57 Chevy with a shotgun and some hot one liners. Then the tone changed and it went all Prophe-Stine and spiky mace wielding gritty angels with demonic pets were fighting dirty people in a diner. Oh well, might be a cool movie, but I felt totally teased and bummed by the intro which had a total Evil Dead vibe to the twisted granny.

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  • 2 months later...
OK, let me put my 2 cents in here. According to what I've read about the film, God has lost faith with humanity and decides to wipe us off the earth by sending a legion of angels to do it. One angel, I'm not sure which one decides to rebel against God and fight against against the angels (armed with a machine gun and sword, mind you) in order to protect a woman who is supposed to give birth to the messiah. The trailer is on youtube, and I got to say that: THIS IS THE DUMBEST MOVIE I THINK HOLLYWOOD HAS EVER TURNED OUT!!!!! First, if God wanted to wipe humanity out, why bother with angels, he could just fling the planet into the sun or crash the moon into the Earth. And second, the hero angel and the humans that fight with him are using machine guns. MACHINE GUNS CAN KILL ANGELS?!! If you believe the Bible, one angel alone can slay thousands, and yet a legion of angels can be taken out by man-made weapons? Give me a friggin break! I have no intention of wasting my time with something THIS DUMB!! ^_^

ok... i'd give it a chance first. i don't know the whole story, and, unless what you've "read" is already the whole script, i'm guessing neither do you. ;)

me, i liked the trailer, and i'm definitely seeing it. it could be awesome. then again, it could be a total crapfest. i'm giving it a chance before i order my legion of angels down on it. :)

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I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. :rolleyes:

Only Hollywood.

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I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. :rolleyes:

Only Hollywood.

It also shares the name with the sequel book to The Exorcist, what would become the movie Exorcist 3.

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The trailer of this movie reminds me of an old movie titled 'Revelations' which was based on the Book of the Revelation of John. I remember how awesome it was with Angels fighting against fallen Angels/Demons.

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In any case, I still think the idea of a group of humans and one rebel angel using machine guns to kill angels is just plain dumb. I can suspend my belief only so far when watching movies, and LEGION would require more than I've got. ^_^

well the whole idea of angels physically existing is pretty dumb so it's kind of moot. :rolleyes:

That said, I like the idea that they're fighting the supernatural with guns. Personally I think it's bullshit when movies make it so demonic/magical/supernatural forces are ridiculously powerful and can only be fought with magic or some such crap. Screw that, all problems can be solved with the liberal application of firearms. B))

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well the whole idea of angels physically existing is pretty dumb so it's kind of moot. :rolleyes:

That said, I like the idea that they're fighting the supernatural with guns. Personally I think it's bullshit when movies make it so demonic/magical/supernatural forces are ridiculously powerful and can only be fought with magic or some such crap. Screw that, all problems can be solved with the liberal application of firearms. B))

The Bible and the Torah have numerous instances of angels interacting on the physical plane. Jacob wrestles with one, angels are supposed to have mated with humans giving rise to the nephilim, when Satan tempts Jesus he tells Jesus to throw himself down so that the angels will carry him off to safety.

So angels can exist on the physical plane and seem to do so when interacting directly with humans.

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The Bible and the Torah have numerous instances of angels interacting on the physical plane. Jacob wrestles with one, angels are supposed to have mated with humans giving rise to the nephilim, when Satan tempts Jesus he tells Jesus to throw himself down so that the angels will carry him off to safety.

So angels can exist on the physical plane and seem to do so when interacting directly with humans.

like I said. :rolleyes:

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The Bible and the Torah have numerous instances of angels interacting on the physical plane. Jacob wrestles with one, angels are supposed to have mated with humans giving rise to the nephilim, when Satan tempts Jesus he tells Jesus to throw himself down so that the angels will carry him off to safety.

So angels can exist on the physical plane and seem to do so when interacting directly with humans.

A common misconception about angels is that they are supposed to be "spirits of the dead", but in Christian mythology at least they are essentially another form of "life".


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A common misconception about angels is that they are supposed to be "spirits of the dead", but in Christian mythology at least they are essentially another form of "life".


Right, even though their time of creation isn't stated, they're not spirits of the dead as in Christian mythology, the spirits of the dead do not come back but lie in rest until the Judgement day (spirits claiming to be returning loved ones can be assumed to be lying demons).

The theology of Angels coming down to wipe out humanity is a little suspect though. In Corinthians it states that we (I suppose Christians) are supposed to judge Angels.

Edited by eugimon
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I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. :rolleyes:

Only Hollywood.

Wasn't that several demons collectively referring to themselves as legion, "for we are many?" And then, they got the Dan Ketch penance stare.... Oh wait, that last part was that Nicholas Cage movie....

Anywho. Interesting as I think this movie looks, I do get the feeling that somebody saw the Prophesy movies, and thought "Yeah! We can do this even better! We'll make it bigger, and louder, and add CG. And, it needs guns, lots of guns."

It looks like one of those mindless fun ride type of flicks. The ones that are far more entertaining than they have a right to be, if you're in the mood for them. All it seems to be missing is a semi, with the Green Goblin's face on the front.

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It looks like Legion is officially the first box-office stinker of 2010.

Legion - 21%

Well, in the first post I suggested it could be as daft as a brush.

Here are some of the more enjoyable quotes from Rottentomato's for those who can't be bothered clicking on links....

It's one of those movies you just want to hate, you just have to hate because deep down, you know it hates itself.


A ridiculous piece of hokum that is far more fun than it has a right to be.

Welllll.........you never know......

But this one tops it off for ROFL.....

It's a wonderful life where every time you hear a whelp ring out, another angel gets his head blown off!

Full points for the Wonderful Life crossreference....


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i wished i read this thread before wasting money on watching this movie.

Legion ended up as a half-baked zombie apocalypse movie with loose christian theology. God decides that he wants to exterminate humans again ala The Flood but this time decides to send angels down to possess humans and become zombies rather than with large bodies of water or brimstone and fire. Michael thinks God sucks and goes on to try and save mankind for some unexplainable reason which is to protect a yet to be born baby that will save mankind (which sorta reminded me of Sarah and John Connor at that moment).

Acting was bad. The lines were horrendous. The story....need i say more? Heck even as a zombie film it sucks.

Don't waste your moolah on this guys. Trust me.

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I remember me and my friend actually laughing out loud in the theater when we saw this trailer for the first time way back when... I don't think I've ever seen a stupider looking movie.

I think Piranah 3D is gonna take the cake...

I heard the trailer for it got such bad comments

they're re-doing it.

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I think Piranah 3D is gonna take the cake...

I heard the trailer for it got such bad comments

they're re-doing it.

Come on, we are all waiting for the scene where the little fishy swims down the periscope and bites the sub captain in the eye.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


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