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LIVE ACTION ROBOTECH (WB gets the rights)

UN Spacy

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It won't surprise me if any VF resembled this guy. Hollywood just loves the F-22.

...as long as they don't look like they were rendered on an Amiga 500 like they did in Shadow Chronicles.

If someone with the amount of passion as Peter Jackson has for the LOTR's novels was helming this project I might be a little more optimistic but at this point I really can't see the point in doing this.

I'd like to think Tobey's heart is in the right place, but I can't bring myself to expect too much. How about we all pitch in for a few copies of SDFM and DYRL and send them to his house & office?

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Because ROBOTECH would sell more tickets...

A lot of people who grew up on Robotech don't know squat about the original Macross. It's only the ones (like myself, and many others in this forum) who did their research to find out that Robotech was taken from the three shows. Back then, we didn't have the internet. We didn't have access to the original videos...

I seriously hope that if the movie is made it will kick butt and make all the bitter "Macross" fanboys (and believe, I'm one of them, but I still stay loyal to Carl Macek and Robotech) eat all their negative words.

Besides, just because, or IF they made a "MACROSS" movie, chances are, the % rate of it sucking would be the same of any Robotech movie sucking.

Lighten up. And be glad. Like I said, it's bound to open doors for more ideas.

Thank you, I AGREE!!!!! :D

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The main reason hollywood is going to do a movie called robotech is because its what most ppl that grew up watching it in the 80's know and love. Also there are liscensing issues between studio nue and HG. HG owns the rights to robotech or anything that has similarities to it in the states... at least thats what they claim...

So if they were to call the movie say... macross they would get alot of heat from HG and the court system for using that name. It also looks like the studio responsible for production signed a partnership with HG.

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I expect the upcoming movie toy to be functional and with minimal details a la Hasbro Transformers, hence it'll be cheap. But then again, Toynami would be reaping a lot if the movie pulls through. Wouldn't mind if Hasbro has a shot at this and see what they'd come up with.

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Thank you, I AGREE!!!!! :D

I agree with, too! What a badddass that fifbeat guy is!!!

I still can't believe all the negativity surrounding the movie, IF it ever happens.

Whether is sucks or is great, I'm about $15 short the movie ticket. Big deal.

Besides, I, and everyone else, still have their macross DVDs (and Robotech DVDs) to fall back on.

Anyone who rather NOT see a movie get made because it's more Robotech than Macross need to get their head examined IMO.

Man, you guys ever see the Fist of The North Star live-action movie? Well, that thing could have been titled anything... same result. I mean that was a fairly low budget movie, but it doesn't matter... It just depends on how they approach it.

If it gives me the same feel or entertainment value as Robotech or Macross, I'll be happy. If it sucks a$$, then life goes on...

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We all obviously enjoy Macross, what's the point? We all know it will never be as good as the anime. If someone with the amount of passion as Peter Jackson has for the LOTR's novels was helming this project I might be a little more optimistic but at this point I really can't see the point in doing this.

We all love macross because it's Macrossworld. I'm sure Robotech.com has a fairly different opinion about all this.

I'd like to think Tobey's heart is in the right place, but I can't bring myself to expect too much. How about we all pitch in for a few copies of SDFM and DYRL and send them to his house & office?

Toby's heart is in his wallet... If he was such a big fan then why didn't he buy the rights BEFORE Transformers came out? Are you even sure Tobey knows he got the property. I'm sure it's all big news to us but he has people fielding properties everyday. People love to holding on to rights in Hollywood. He's probably waiting for the next big director to come up to him and say "hey I heard you got the rights to do the Robotech movie." To which he'll look to someone in his pussy posse and they'll nod to him then he'll reply "Oh yeah Robotech, I've been working my ass off developing the crap out of that, if you have any ideas or fresh take on it let me know. I'll be at the bar eating fair trade vegetarian sushi and sipping organic mimosa" Which pretty much means he's a douchebag like everyone else. Heart in the right place my ass...


Toby cut me off at the bathroom at the Newsroom... I'm a little bitter.

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You know, I'm surprised to see a lot of negative attitude towards this proposed movie. And mostly because they're going off "Robotech"... As much as I hated the Transformers movie, I'm glad it came out. Because you know it opened doors for "giant robot" movies.

Okay...so Transformers (IMHO) stank like partially digested anchovy flesh. Robotech will, in all likelihood, suck as well. What other giant robot stories would Hollywood be willing to take a chance on?

1. Voltron (Suckage.)

2. Gundam Wing (Pure suckage.)

3. Johnny Socko and his Giant Robot. (Need I elaborate?)

4. Evangelion. (May it rest permenantly in development hell. Amen.)

Seriously...I can't think of ANYTHING else with enough name recognition to tackle. So what giant robot movies have they opened their doors to, exactly...?

So, if the Robotech movie does come out, you know, and I'm almost 60% sure, that Japan would make their own version of MACROSS. And those Japanese and Korean movies, if you watch them, a lot of that stuff is up to par with big Hollywood productions, as far as effects go... so it would, by no means, be low budget crap.

You have more faith than I.

Not that that's a bad thing, of course.

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The best thing is to wait for a script to show up. The script could be bought and sat on for years.

Some things to watch at would be Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe. Both of these could fall horribly on their asses. I still have yet to hear a pitch from Tobey's company to WB (assuming it will be made to WB). As far as we are all concerned, no green light has been issued so no pitch to the studio execs. We have a scribe, but no script. No director so we have no real vision about where this project is going to go. So unless we have a script or a director with a distinct vision, this project could be entering into development hell.

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If Robotech has the words "Micheal Bay" in the directors credit, I probably won't watch it. I'm sick of his shaky camera antics.

I would like someone to make a Go-Bots movie: make it serious, make it good, and be the best giant robot movie ever. That would be great! Scooter drenched in blood? I'm there.

Gubaba... what's the best macross DVD set to buy?

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Okay...so Transformers (IMHO) stank like partially digested anchovy flesh. Robotech will, in all likelihood, suck as well. What other giant robot stories would Hollywood be willing to take a chance on?

1. Voltron (Suckage.)

Apparently, that's already in pre-dev, and a script got leaked like a year ago or so. Some guy on Aint it cool news said it was the best script he'd ever read. Yet he mentioned that, in the story, the lionbots were literally made out of junk.

It sounds like a joke, but we do have a Street Fighter movie about only ChunLi coming out, so I really don't know what to think anymore.

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Toby's heart is in his wallet... If he was such a big fan then why didn't he buy the rights BEFORE Transformers came out?


Toby cut me off at the bathroom at the Newsroom... I'm a little bitter.

Sorry to hear that, but somehow that rant just made me wonder how the Robotech movie would be with a self righteous Kevin Costner type "Dances With Wolves" or "Waterworld" treatment... *shudder*

The best thing is to wait for a script to show up. The script could be bought and sat on for years.


So unless we have a script or a director with a distinct vision, this project could be entering into development hell.

I honestly don't think this movie is going anywhere, either. I still hope that some clarification on Macross rights in the US comes from it, though.

I would like someone to make a Go-Bots movie: make it serious, make it good, and be the best giant robot movie ever. That would be great! Scooter drenched in blood? I'm there.

I don't know if the words "serious" and/or "good" belong in the same sentence with GoBots. To each their own tho.

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The main reason hollywood is going to do a movie called robotech is because its what most ppl that grew up watching it in the 80's know and love

That I could debate on since we're all here on Macrossworld, and not Robotech.com

If they go with the project, cool! I wish them luck. Hell, the writer for ESB and Raiders, sweet!....hope the guy does his homework...reads the novels and watches the series. Good luck to him too.

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Okay...so Transformers (IMHO) stank like partially digested anchovy flesh. Robotech will, in all likelihood, suck as well. What other giant robot stories would Hollywood be willing to take a chance on?

1. Voltron (Suckage.)

2. Gundam Wing (Pure suckage.)

3. Johnny Socko and his Giant Robot. (Need I elaborate?)

4. Evangelion. (May it rest permenantly in development hell. Amen.)

Seriously...I can't think of ANYTHING else with enough name recognition to tackle. So what giant robot movies have they opened their doors to, exactly...?

what? you haven't seen Robot Jox??? :p hehe.

WB bought the rights to Robotech. not macross. thus, will WB be able to use the original valkyrie designs? will they be able to use the original SDF design? i'm not sure about this. does anyone know the status of the legal battle concerning mecha designs?

so my worry is this... if the old mecha designs can't be used, it won't even be macross. face it, robotech fans, it won't EVEN BE robotech 1st generation.

second worry: tobey maguire is looking to star in the movie himself. as hikaru/rick hunter. regardless if you are a macross or a robotech junkie, is this a good thing?

ok before any of you cry out "negativity" or "hater", hear me out. admittedly i am a purist when it comes to anime. specially with macross. but with this movie, i am not voicing out my worries as a purist (this is a hollywood production after all, and we have to accept the fact that it will cater to its audience... basically, the general public. and it won't stop a mega million dollar production just because of some loyal fans and purists). however, i would still like to voice concerns as any normal movie-goer, with respect to quality and respect for the source material. i don't have to be the ultimate marvel fanboy to complain about something wrong in a spiderman movie, for example.

anyway, in the end, if the robotech live action movie sucks, then macross fans can always say: "ugh. well, we told you so. what do you expect, that's robotech." :p

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Because ROBOTECH would sell more tickets...

A lot of people who grew up on Robotech don't know squat about the original Macross. It's only the ones (like myself, and many others in this forum) who did their research to find out that Robotech was taken from the three shows. Back then, we didn't have the internet. We didn't have access to the original videos...

I seriously hope that if the movie is made it will kick butt and make all the bitter "Macross" fanboys (and believe, I'm one of them, but I still stay loyal to Carl Macek and Robotech) eat all their negative words.

Besides, just because, or IF they made a "MACROSS" movie, chances are, the % rate of it sucking would be the same of any Robotech movie sucking.

Lighten up. And be glad. Like I said, it's bound to open doors for more ideas.

I think you may have misunderstood me.... I'm saying why make EITHER Macross OR Robotech, there's really no point, it's Hollywood snatching up whatever they can get their grubby little hands on to make money. Why are you going to pay 9+ dollars to sit in a smelly, crowded movie theater with below average sound and (most likely) analog projectors to watch a 2 hour butchering of these timeless anime classics. I'd rather save that 9+ dollars and buy a case of guiness and some nachos and sit in the comfort of my home and enjoy Macross/Robotech on my reclining couch on my 42' LCD HDTV.....but that's just me.

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The answer to dreamweaver's question of designs can be found in the large "Robotech and HG Licence Debates" thread that's pinned (and locked). IIRC HG has the SDF Macross TV series, meaning whatever is contained in that series. Intellectual rights, the ability to continue the Macross story, and all that good stuff remain in the hands of Big West.

Good riddance if they can't use the designs from Macross. :)

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I think you may have misunderstood me.... I'm saying why make EITHER Macross OR Robotech, there's really no point, it's Hollywood snatching up whatever they can get their grubby little hands on to make money. Why are you going to pay 9+ dollars to sit in a smelly, crowded movie theater with below average sound and (most likely) analog projectors to watch a 2 hour butchering of these timeless anime classics. I'd rather save that 9+ dollars and buy a case of guiness and some nachos and sit in the comfort of my home and enjoy Macross/Robotech on my reclining couch on my 42' LCD HDTV.....but that's just me.

I don't know, man. I wouldn't call it pointless. =) And Hollywood is Hollywood because it IS all about money. That's not to say that it can also be great entertainment at the same time. And trust me, I dislike almost everything coming out of Hollywood these days. If it has Jerry Bruckheimer, Micheal Bay or Brett Ratner's name, I stay far away from it. Who watches crap like Armegeddon, Bad Boys II and, uh, Transformers (or should I say, who buys that crap!!!!).

If anything, and above all, I'm curious about a live action version of Robotech. And I'm not expecting the second coming of Star Wars. If it's good, great. If it sucks, then heck, like I said, maybe someone (Japan?) will open up and make their own live-action version of Macross; or maybe YOU'LL win and we'll get nothing more. But it won't affect my life enough for me to say "I hope they don't make it!"

It seems your main problem is going to the theater! =) And i feel you on that; I hate going to the movies because of everything you said. It is a hassle beyond belief. Expensive as heck (actually, the ticket price never bothers me, it's the over all hassle). Over priced food. Dirty. And when you want to see some high profile movie, you have to worry about long lines and such... People who talk and talk should be taken out and punched in the face. And parents who bring their noisy a$$ kids who kick the back of my chair should be hung! (or teach their kids manners!!!)... I seriously would like to make some of these kids' noses bleed.

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What the heck is wrong with you people? You thought Transformers sucked? What were you expecting? :blink: Geez, you people are hard to please (epsecially you, Gubaba). :p You guys don't know a good movie when you see it. And for the time, Robot Jox was the SHITE!! :D

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So basically "Robotech" the Live Action movie will be a glorified version of Captain Power?

I can see them bringing Britnay Spears in to play the "idol" - she needs some work, probably can still sing, could be back in shape relatively quickly given her age and a good work out program...

Britnay! This is your chance!

Toby Macguire as Rick Hunter doesn't really work - except in one way: It will just CEMENT the idea that whenever Americans get their hands on something great and Japanese; they inevitably screw it up :) So - I hope to see Toby as "Rick Hunter" - although it'll probably be more like Hick Gunther ....

Of course - I actually think that Holywood would go for the Invid over the Zendradi.

The whole concept of giant humanoid clones just like us getting influenced by music just won't fly...

I think if they want to make it true to Robotech - they need mindless aliens and mindless action and scenes that have little if anything to do with one another.

In fact -maybe the best thing they could do, in making the Robotech movie - is take a play from the Classic Robotech Handbook.

Take some scenes from Bay's Transformers, then trhough in some scenes from Independence day and Enter the Dragon.

Have Brazillians do the voice-over dubs.

Mix in Britney Spears music videos and throw in Ricky Martin as Roy Fokker for good measure.

And there is Robotech :)


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Wow, such negativity spewing forth. I must be the last, best hope for mankind with the sheer amount of positive energy that I carry. :lol:

No I'm with you. As much as I'd love a Macross movie, I certainly won't be bashing a Robotech movie simply because it's called "Robotech". The original series might be the anime equivalent of Frankenstein's monster - but in the end there is still a lot of potential with a Robotech movie.

And Lawrence Kasdan as the screenwriter is awesome news.


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What the heck is wrong with you people? You thought Transformers sucked? What were you expecting? :blink: Geez, you people are hard to please (epsecially you, Gubaba). :p You guys don't know a good movie when you see it. And for the time, Robot Jox was the SHITE!! :D

They did get Peter Cullen to do the voice for Optimus Prime... that was cool.

Maybe I'm anal but I just couldn't suspend disbelief that everybody somehow got from Hoover Dam to downtown LA so instantaneously. No wonder Americans are so stereotypically bad with geography  :unsure:

edit: I have the same issue with "24" too though. There's absolutely no way Jack Bauer can get around LA that fast!!!

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Maybe I'm anal but I just couldn't suspend disbelief that everybody somehow got from Hoover Dam to downtown LA so instantaneously. No wonder Americans are so stereotypically bad with geography  :unsure:

Technically, it was "Mission City," not downtown L.A. Fictional city meant to be close to the Hoover Dam so they could keep the pacing up in the film. No geography disputes to resolve :)

Now, if you want real debate, explain how in the context of a 5-minute car chase the world mysteriously rotated so fast it went from mid-afternoon to starry night...

Back on topic: Has anyone considered the possibility that a Robotech movie might actually be a blessing for Macross because it could sever the ties that bind them for future creative work? If a good, independently-focused Robotech movie gets made, which revises the source material in such a way as to make it completely distinct from Macross (e.g. the aforementioned F-22 Raptor Veritechs), we could end up with TWO series to love from here on out, instead of a bitter rivalry. Idealistic thinking, perhaps, but I'm gonna hope for the best because the alternative is to get cranky, and nobody likes a cranky poster. :D

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What the heck is wrong with you people? You thought Transformers sucked? What were you expecting? :blink: Geez, you people are hard to please (epsecially you, Gubaba). :p You guys don't know a good movie when you see it. And for the time, Robot Jox was the SHITE!! :D

Remove the "the," and your last sentence would be correct. ^_^

What was I expecting from Transformers? I was expecting a story about giant robots beating the ever-lovin' crap out of each other, not a story about a schlub and some girl who has nothing to recommend her beyond her (admittedly stunning) midriff. I didn't expect that the "big revelation" involving said hot-but-vapid character would be that she spent time in juvvie (OOOH...that's a big one, considering how important her moral high-standing was to the guy!). I didn't expect a way-too-long "comedic" scene involving destorying a garden, or robot piss jokes. I didn't expect a lot of lazy ethnic stereotypes. I didn't expect the Decepticons to be so weak that some guy with a grenade launcher could off one. I didn't expect the characters to be so dumb that, when they KNOW the enemy is going to try to get the Cube, to move it into downtown L.A. in the early afternoon. And I didn't expect that when the robots FINALLY start kicking the stuffing out of each other, that the edits would be so fast that I couldn't tell what was going on, or who was thumping whom.

So yes. "Stunk worse that partially digested anchovy flesh" is actually rather mild, considering how cheated I felt after I saw the movie. if you thought it was a good movie, I'm dying to hear what you think is a bad movie... :p

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned the love triangle. That's one of the reasons why Macross/Robotech worked so well. Take that out of the story, and what's left?

As girly as it may sound, that's one of the reasons i liked the story so much!

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I posted this on another board, where we were trying to figure out what the "Robotech Blueprint" was:


- The "big picture" involves a war between aliens and humans.

- Inter-character and individuals' internal conflicts come from having to deal with the personal consequences of the war.

- Even though the humans and aliens use robotic military vehicles, the plot must not revolve around this aspect or highlight it too strongly. The genre of original shows that Robotech was based on was about de-romanticizing giant robots and the story must stay true to that spirit.

- The plot should, however, involve "Protoculture" (however the movie chooses to define what this is).

- During the course of events, at least one human and one alien must fall in love with one another, showing that we really aren't that different after all.


- War is a bad thing, but in situations like this, a necessary thing, and something that humans are quick (and some of us perhaps even eager) to adapt to.


- Where: The story must start on Earth or in our Solar System.

- When: The future, not more than 100 years or so from now.


- There should be a mix of military and non-military types.

- One character must be a singer.

I ran all five segments of animated Robotech (Macross Saga, Southern Cross, New Generation, Sentinels, and Shadow Chronicles) through the rules and they all seem to pass. Anything I missed?

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So what's the deal with the legal problems? That HG can't use any designs from any macross show beyond the SDF:M/macross saga anime, and if they use the ones from macross, that it wouldn't be able to be shown in japan so they'd have to change it into an f22 raptor-inspired valkyries .??

Sorry haven't been following the thread as attentively as I should have.

And what's the macross itself going to be called? The mukcross, right?

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I posted this on another board, where we were trying to figure out what the "Robotech Blueprint" was:


- The "big picture" involves a war between aliens and humans.

- Inter-character and individuals' internal conflicts come from having to deal with the personal consequences of the war.

- Even though the humans and aliens use robotic military vehicles, the plot must not revolve around this aspect or highlight it too strongly. The genre of original shows that Robotech was based on was about de-romanticizing giant robots and the story must stay true to that spirit.

- The plot should, however, involve "Protoculture" (however the movie chooses to define what this is).

- During the course of events, at least one human and one alien must fall in love with one another, showing that we really aren't that different after all.


- War is a bad thing, but in situations like this, a necessary thing, and something that humans are quick (and some of us perhaps even eager) to adapt to.


- Where: The story must start on Earth or in our Solar System.

- When: The future, not more than 100 years or so from now.


- There should be a mix of military and non-military types.

- One character must be a singer.

I ran all five segments of animated Robotech (Macross Saga, Southern Cross, New Generation, Sentinels, and Shadow Chronicles) through the rules and they all seem to pass. Anything I missed?

Also you've got to mention Reflex weapons and that the aliens are surprised we have them given how primitive in military tactics we are to them. Plus the fact that aliens are scared to damage the precious ship for fear they can't make any new protoculture energy from it which is why despite humans being outnumbered and no match for the millions of aliens we still survived the war. It's not "Robotech to the rescue!" like that toy ad!

Definitely needs to play up the idea that this is the end of human race and the giants are just going easy on us. If it ever tries to make the humans look too gung ho, and sure of themselves, then it's lost the feel of the original. Rick and his mentor were drawn into the fight because they love flying (and to protect people - they have no choice) not because they are proud to kill. (definitely show flash back of them in the flying circus or whatever)

They do however need a face off battle between a robot and a giant with the giant ripping the robot apart to show how scary these aliens are and how they've been built for combat and to survive harsh environments. (going into space for a short time?)

This is the achievement of the aliens (in this case robotech masters?) research for however many years into making giant soldiers. Because of the limited ammo, and sheer number of enemies not to mention size of them, you can imagine a VF-1 being in a situation where it just doesn't have any ammo to spare and its only weapon is to go into robot mode and fight close range or steal an enemy weapon and use the hands of the robot to pull the trigger of a giant's rifle of whatever to continue fighting.

When people mention robots are not all a robot movie is about, that shouldn't necessarily mean we can't highlight their importance in the war and why humans decided to go with the crazy idea. :D I want to see close-range fight with a giant and a robot and the differences between the aliens way of fighting (probably worse at dogfighting in earth than space) and humans. (not as useful and experienced in space - outclassed by the meltradi Qrau powered armor)

The general feel is that humans survived the event of Space War One through luck, enemies' own misunderstanding of our behavior (scared of music? this is our only psycological advantage just as Professor Xavior in the X-men might be able to beat Magneto by probing his mind and showing him traumatic images of his troubled childhood :D) and their own fear that they will destroy a one-of-a-kind ship which is too delicate to harm too much, so they must hold back.

They could easily have taken hostages on earth and blackmailed the humans into giving the ship, but somehow they are more interested in following the ship than invading earth. It's NOT independence day. The aliens think differently and have more important issues than to worry about humans. I don't think it would be good if they tried to make them out as evil. Scary maybe, but part of that is because they know no better and were taught that there is nothing out of the ordinary with destroying planets. "War is the meaning of life". :D I'm pretty sure they are as curious about humans as they are devoted to carrying out the orders of the leader. Because they have strict rules they probably care about the glory that comes from winning in a fair fight too. (ie seeing humans as little threat to themselves so not taking us seriously, where going hard on a weak target isn't anything you can be proud of)

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I think they might go with a trilogy:

1. first movie is about minmay, the deadalus manuever and how it saved sdf-1 from blowing up, as well as global destruction of earth.

2. second movie is post-apoc earth with crap tanks which have better firepower and armor than valks but take ages to get from one place to another. They are heavy vehicles who come to the rescue at the last second like knights coming to the rescue. (THIS is when you can have a "robotech to the rescue!" tone to the battle, but just not for macross saga. :D. Robotech masters have an easy time now that rick is gone. But the tanks turn the tide of a fight like knights on horseback.

3. third movie is all about the RT master's enemy taking control and rick coming back with shadow alphas. It's a survival movie like aliens. Invid are too powerful, can sniff you out, and can swarm you if you are not sneaking.

...Just like the original. Now now, we all know what happened when transformers didn't stick close to the old designs and story. Everyone got angry. I think if the movies are a trilogy, and each one tries to preserve the spirit of the cartoon, fans would be happy. If Peter Jackson could stay close to the tolkien books when making the LOTR, why not the same thing for movie adaptations of Robotech?

This is all assuming they can make the VERY-tech look like the thing in the cartoon. If they have to go straight with mospeada mecha, I say it should stay in space and just *skip space war I and make a movie that has the robotech name but isn't like what the cartoon was. Fans do want to see something close to what the thing they loved was on a big screen. Everyone got angry at ang lee hulk, bitched about aliens in indiana jones, and moaned about how the robots had no armor covering their body in transformers.

*make a prequel movie of this if the first robotech movie does well. The prequel will explain how robot technology rapidly developed, the crash of the alien ship and the effect it had on religions and the warring that occurred on earth with futuristic weapons etc and the arrival of aliens forcing humans to pump all their effort into getting the ship off earth. What this would be is essentially a "Mospeada Zero" remaking the design of the first transforming fighters the way some people like to consider the VF-0 is kawamori's remake of the vf-1. An early alpha and beta fighter could replace the VF-1 from the old 80s cartoon. Perhaps they could make a sleeker fighter designed for atmospheric fights, and enlarge the fighter so it looks like it is suitable for giant-fighting in robot mode? (just as the VF-0 in macross Zero is larger than the VF-1 in SDF: macross?)

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