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James Doohan dies at age 85,

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Why is everyone sad? Death isn't pleasant, but he was 85, and he clearly lived a very fill life. And now he has release from that nasty Alzheimer's. If there was one disease I wish doctors would hurry up and cure it would be that.

Edited by Wes
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I'm always amazed that he was shot 6 times. I've never noticed that he hid the missing finger that was shot off.

What did he do all the time after TOS? I find it hard to believe a 2nd tier character being typecast especially such a good character actor.

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I think we should be happy for him. A great man's life comes to a perfect end.


he pulled off scotty so well i wish he did other gigs other then star trek. i was saddened when i heard of his alziemers. but like the last shof of Next generation said "all good things ........." on this world at least.


Yes it's true, he had a great career and there were things about him even I didn't know about him, as to him losing his right middle finger in Normandy, that he kept well hidden from the cameras when I was watching the original series and the movies and up to his apprearance on TNG and Generations he always used his left hand. And here I always thought Scotty was a lefty. Who knew? he was quite good, and we will all miss him deeply. :(


Edited by VF-18S Hornet
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he pulled off scotty so well i wish he did other gigs other then star trek. i was saddened when i heard of his alziemers.  but  like the last shof of Next generation said "all good things ........." on this world at least.


Check this out he did do some other "gigs" before and after Star Trek but he will always be remembered as Scotty.Doohan Filmagraphy

Edited by VF-18S Hornet
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This is sad news. Who is left from the original cast now?


He's the second from the original Star Trek cast to pass away.

The first was Deforrest Kelly several years ago. :(

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Off the top of my head, Nimoy, Shatner, .....crap Sulu I keep forgetting his name......and maybe this rusky :p god I love dat rusky!


Sulu is Georce Takei.

Chekov is...

I dunno.


Walter Koenig. Last time I saw him was in Babylon 5... haven';t seen anything from him since

Nichelle's (Uhura) still around too.

It's really sad to see Doohan go. He was a great actor and a really great person too... he'll be missed.

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... :(

Edited by Pat Payne
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What makes them traitors?


He is just really liberal. Anybody who doesn't hand out free lunches to losers is a traitor in the eyes of the California Liberal.


Reagan aided and abeted, as well as making monetary deals with, groups who were openly anti-american and had an agenda involving overthrowing legitimate governments in favor of right-wing juntas.

Bush circumvented American democracy, has committed numerous human rights and international law regulations, and has repeatedly ignored the US constitution in the pursuit of power and of an illegal war. Furthermore, he's obviously implicated in what's most likely the most corrupt government of all time.

Arnie, well, Arnie's a cool guy, but a very mediocre governer, and a total sell-out to the right-wing lobby.

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Furthermore, he's obviously implicated in what's most likely the most corrupt government of all time.


haha only someone living in the US could possibly thing the US is the most corrupt government of all time (i'm guessing thats what you were hinting at)

if the US does anything well, it protects mosts of its citizens from having any clue as to what the world outside our borders is like.

i miss scotty all ready.

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What makes them traitors?


He is just really liberal. Anybody who doesn't hand out free lunches to losers is a traitor in the eyes of the California Liberal.


Reagan aided and abeted, as well as making monetary deals with, groups who were openly anti-american and had an agenda involving overthrowing legitimate governments in favor of right-wing juntas.

Bush circumvented American democracy, has committed numerous human rights and international law regulations, and has repeatedly ignored the US constitution in the pursuit of power and of an illegal war. Furthermore, he's obviously implicated in what's most likely the most corrupt government of all time.

Arnie, well, Arnie's a cool guy, but a very mediocre governer, and a total sell-out to the right-wing lobby.


If there is one clear rule on MW, it's this: NO F'ING POLITICS.

Why? Because people like you will post inane sh*t like that. . . and then people like me feel compelled to address it. . . and next thing you know, we're off to the races, tempers flare, and nobody gets along anymore.

But, instead of addressing what you said, and perpetuating, I will bite my tongue and merely say: STFU. No politics on MW.

Injecting trite political rants into a thread about a Star Trek actors dying. . . you gotta be f'ing kidding me. Morons, all of you.


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Er, ah, on topic...

Pity, Scotty was about the only thing I liked about the original series. (movies aside...)

I'm not a big Trekker at all, but there was just something really likable about him.

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If there is one clear rule on MW, it's this: NO F'ING POLITICS.

Why? Because people like you will post inane sh*t like that. . . and then people like me feel compelled to address it. . . and next thing you know, we're off to the races, tempers flare, and nobody gets along anymore.

But, instead of addressing what you said, and perpetuating, I will bite my tongue and merely say: STFU. No politics on MW.

Injecting trite political rants into a thread about a Star Trek actors dying. . . you gotta be f'ing kidding me. Morons, all of you.



Well said. Beam me up Mr Speaker! :ph34r:

RIP James Doohan. Scotty is immortal. (Bones too.)

Edited by Major Johnathan
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R.I.P., man: that'd be the best reward for someone who brought me so high into the eternal sky...

Ironically today is the 36th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing too.

Strange coincidence...


Maybe Scottie's now reincarnated into a black monolith buried under the lunar ground :p

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Furthermore, he's obviously implicated in what's most likely the most corrupt government of all time.


haha only someone living in the US could possibly thing the US is the most corrupt government of all time (i'm guessing thats what you were hinting at)

if the US does anything well, it protects mosts of its citizens from having any clue as to what the world outside our borders is like.

i miss scotty all ready.


Sorry, meant US history.

Anyway, enough, I'm done.

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Och, ye'll be missed Scotty.

A toast to Mr. Doohan, except, that all I have left is a bottle of very, very, very, very old Scotch.

And yeah, knock off the polotico crap, noone wants to hear your opinion on who's more evil than who, if you don't like it, vote em out, or move, other than that, STFU.

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he had a five year old kid :blink:  pretty amazing for an 85 year old.  his last wishes were to have his ashes be blasted into space.


wow really? thats pretty cool. i wonder if his family will get that done?

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he had a five year old kid :blink:  pretty amazing for an 85 year old.  his last wishes were to have his ashes be blasted into space.


wow really? thats pretty cool. i wonder if his family will get that done?


I hope so. I mean, Johnny Depp is working on a specially constructed cannon to blast Hunter S Thompson off per his last wishes. So if it's good enough for HST, it's good enough for Jimmy Doohan. The difference is that unlike HST, noone has to build a cannon to blast Doohan's ashes into space. I bet any one of the current astronauts would give their left nut to have that honor on the next shuttle mission.

Edited by Mechamaniac
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Sorry, meant US history.

Anyway, enough, I'm done.

Damn and I was looking for an excuse for morning head knocking exercises.



Let me second that, DA:


Edited by Pat Payne
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he had a five year old kid :blink:   pretty amazing for an 85 year old.  his last wishes were to have his ashes be blasted into space.


wow really? thats pretty cool. i wonder if his family will get that done?


I hope so. I mean, Johnny Depp is working on a specially constructed cannon to blast Hunter S Thompson off per his last wishes. So if it's good enough for HST, it's good enough for Jimmy Doohan. The difference is that unlike HST, noone has to build a cannon to blast Doohan's ashes into space. I bet any one of the current astronauts would give their left nut to have that honor on the next shuttle mission.


I can't see how they wouldn't. There is a company that does do burials in space, and I'm pretty sure that they're still in operation. They sent a portion of Gene Roddenberry's remains into a low orbit back about '94 or so.

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the flight engineer was a good series to read...

he will be missed for more than that... but that alone was enough for me.

As parting consolation I will treasure his books much more tha any of nimoys broadway of kirks comercials :unsure:

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