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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. ROFL!!! LOVE THIS!!! BTW: anyone see the VF-1A "Angel Bird" eating ramen at 1:57?
  2. Not going to bother with the rest of these; whoever wrote them needs to lose their job(s).
  3. I see what you mean (after looking at a few other things); I still think maybe the visor is the wrong size too. But that head is definitely off.
  4. 1) I think the visor is too small compared to the rest of the head. Also, there's too much space between the visor and the "mouth" area, which is throwing it off for me. 2) Yeah; they're about 10% too big. 3) Yeah...that's gotta suck. 4) Agreed; that could be remedied by an alcohol "wipe", but why should you have to risk the paint job just to compensate for their idiocy? 5) Right? I particularly notice the ones at the top of the chest; no call for that being so unweildly. 6) Well, if ya toss the box and just tell folks it's Macross, I'm sure you, I and the mech won't say a word! And yeah: it does make me wonder what they'll do with the 1S.
  5. I'm finally calling this one finished. I got the replacement plane painted and glued in; time to move on...
  6. Smart call; why pay more to get a set of strike/ super armor when you can get the entire package for one price?
  7. This is why I end up rebuilding stuff like the Matchbox SDF-1; if I actually want to own it before I'm in a nursing home, I'll have to make it myself. As for this one they claim they're going to come out with; I think we'll be sitting here saying the same things this time next year as well.
  8. They must do a detailed study of the most unpopular features of the VF-1 model kits from the past, and then incorporate all the worst ideas.
  9. *Takes notes* Thank you gentlemen; this really helps!
  10. Okay; I had thought Infrared came under "active" for some odd reason (was under the impression "active stealth" was more broad=based than it is). I was also thinking that since Infrared exists as part of the spectrum (I know infrared and heat energy are related but not the same), that perhaps it could be bent or diffracted. *alternately, just stick yer plane in the fridge, pengbuzz*
  11. And now Nexflix has proof that if they don't want their adaptions to suck...
  12. Yeah, I wanted to do that Cy-Kill kit, but never had the money/ opportunity. Were I to do it now, the rider figure would be replaced with a pre-made scale retail one. I would also replace the kit joints with ones from regular transformers toys; both of these, since I have an inherent distrust of joints made from styrene. Also someday: would love another shot at a Gobots Leader-1/ Mospeada Leigoss. Last oen I built was when I was a wee little pengbuzz...
  13. Hey, it's not what you think!!! I was eating potato chips and got crumbs on my shirt!!!
  14. Ah; I wasn't aware of that. And reducing the Brain systems to support rather than primary makes a lot of sense. Yeah; I was asking more of a general question unrelated to the YF-21, but I definitely appreciate the info! I ask because on a certain project I'm constantly working on, I'm constantly refining it and have several issues that need answers. Understood; I wonder then about the VF-17 Nightmare? I also wonder if "active stealth" has the capability to scatter or in some other way mitigate IR signatures/ emissions? Point taken; autism would explain a lot.
  15. Well, admittedly with #2, trying to find a way for stealth to actually work without being pointless due to waste heat. Not familiar though with the ISC, I'll have to look that up. Thanks for the info, and yeah: guess Basara's ego is really too powerful! lol
  16. Those restraints must've royally sucked if they needed to revert to manual controls for any reason. It also sounds like the craft was so twitchy that anything that disturbed the pilot's trance like state or rocked the delicate tolerances of the craft would essentially cripple it. Talk about a "glass cannon"! On a couple of unrelated side notes: 1) I wonder if a craft could directly draw upon heavy quanta to power itself without the need for its' own power source and fuel for thrust (such as nuclear fusion)? 2) Could said craft also dump its' waste heat into Fold Space to avoid detection? 3) Could Basara dump his ego into fold space?
  17. Right? Just leave the rotors off and borrow a pair of VTOL engines from a 1/72 Osprey kit and you'd have a sci-fi craft!
  18. May as well be kids flying them. oh wait....
  19. No: you just heat the soda bottle plastic over an over burner until it's soft, then using oven mitts, pull it down over the wooden buck. Once cool, cut it to shape and glue using super glue or Aileen's tacky glue. The only "vacuforming" I've ever done is when the nozzle on my wife's vacuum got stuck onto my tummy (don't ask!) and it left a mark on me! O.o
  20. Whoever's working on these "very short treks" needs to lay off the LSD!!!
  21. BTW: on this one, you may want to use the kit canopy to make a wooden buck and mold your own from soda bottle plastic; I've found at this scale, the kit canopies are waaaaaayyy too thick.
  22. I'm 955 away from my 5,000; hoping to get there sometime in the next decade. 😜
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