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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Nice to see a good old fashioned brush painted kit once in a while
  2. That’s basically what I’ve been hearing. The HBO max rumors are all over the place right now. They range from a massive reduction of employees like 70% to complete cancellation of service. I haven’t heard anything concrete yet, but maybe tomorrow we’ll get some answers
  3. Lots of rumors going around about HBO Max. Everything from massive cutbacks to all out cancellation. To me it sounds closer to the cutback thing, but haven’t heard anything solid either way
  4. I don’t know if necessarily quality standards as much as realizing the potential for extreme financial loss. A lot of big movies aren’t doing as well financially as expected this year at the theaters and then this particular film wasn’t necessarily meant for that. Technically it was supposed to be an hbo max film, but that crazy budget kept ballooning. From what I’ve been reading it was only supposed to cost somewhere around 50 million, then reports are that they were somewhere between 75 and100 million and that still wasn’t covering all the final completion costs. Then tack on another 100 or so million for marketing and distribution if they decided to put it in the theaters. The whole thing sounds like a money pit
  5. From my understanding the movie was done filming, but not complete. It sounds as if the test screenings went poorly and the film was already over budget and would need even more to finish and even more if they decided to do reshoots to fix the film, so they decided to cut their losses since after all that there’s still more expenses including marketing and distribution if they decided to do the theater thing
  6. It didn’t look too impressive from the pictures anyway. Very cosplay kinda look. I guess the audiences at those screenings will be the last to see it for a long while.
  7. After you pointed out the face stitching, it looks like he’s wearing some dudes tighty whities over his face
  8. I can kinda see the noodles, but I don’t get the trash.
  9. The ms sazabi was way out of my price range, but I really feel bad for anyone having problems ordering it. I don’t think anyone should’ve listed it before getting confirmations about stock. That just wastes everybody’s time and then adding an undetermined price adds to the issue
  10. I snapped a pic of a few and the sale is still up
  11. They might be compatible between them, but they’d probably barely be taller than the knees on the tomahawk to fit the glaug
  12. Probably, but I hate the idea of sacrificing looks for a gimmick
  13. Personally I think the regult is too round, unlike others that have been too thin. as far as the glaug, it is still a prototype, so hopefully it will be tightened up by release.
  14. I might watch the drunk history episode about her later
  15. It’s mostly due to the animation at the time. Everything was hand drawn to look as awesome as possible. So in the transformable toy situation you can have one company that does a better fighter mode, while making an ok battroid mode or vice versa. In the kc from what I’ve seen it’s down the middle on all modes so it’s consistently ok in all modes, but not great in either. I do have to say that they have been making improvements and I’m kinda waiting to see if they come out with something in another couple generations of reworks that actually is great at least in the battroid mode. Maybe the competition with other companies in similar scales will force that to happen sooner than later. But the three zero is already starting out pretty good. I’ll hang back on this 1j and see the reviews before deciding if I should get into them or not
  16. Yeah, I’m not a fan of the redesigns. Give me my joes the old fashioned 80’s way. Just not too old fashioned like the pre 80’s
  17. Yeah, things are a bit dry right now since all the big shows are on break. I got a couple weeks before she hulk comes out
  18. A bit late, but finally got out to the movies. I really liked this film. Probably because I loved Ragnarok so much. The humor was great and liked the overall story. Definitely loved the resolution at the end and probably one of the most satisfying endings to a movie. Definitely the best marvel film of the year. Personally I’m tired of multiverses and time travel stuff and it’s nice to keep it to a bare minimum
  19. I usually find out the date and hobby search puts a release time for preorders of standard items and figure out the places to shop from there. I don’t like using them for hot items because they instantly sell out. I’ve rarely had luck on their site but they usually have good info
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