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  2. And here I thought the ban on cybernetics would make the VF-27 follow suit. I'd assume most NUNS territory probably wouldn't adopt it since either the VF-24 or VF-25 are more better options in flexibility. In the same vein of antagonist, maybe illegal VFs, I'm almost certain aside from Fasces no one adopted the Varauta Army variable craft, almost definitely because of the Spiritia absorption beams and a little more because the Fz-109's base model VF-14 wasn't as popular as the VF-11. Although looking through the stats, comparing the M3 VF-14 and Fz-109F, the latter has a noticeably higher standard cruising speed (10,000 m Mach 4.5+ compared to 10,000 m Mach 3.8+) and I think it's a safe bet that the max cruising speed is much higher. It strikes me as odd since they both use the same type of Shinnakasu/Daimler FF-2770D thermonuclear turbine engines and P&W / Daimler HMM-5C thrusters, unless the airframe was modified to the extent that it can handle quicker speeds.
  3. Just watched the latest episode Dot and Bubble. I was rooting for the monsters this time. They deserved to be fed.
  4. Today
  5. I like it ! pretty cool mash up. But they should have gone for a custom color scheme, rather than the obvious, jarringly different schemes of each one joined.
  6. They’re definitely not gonna be a simple build, but not exactly difficult either. Wave kits have a pretty good fit, but often still need some touch es of glue and paint. The seams need some filling since they usually go straight down the middle and I haven’t built the super or strike versions, but I’m pretty sure they need some drilling for attachments. Even the wave Votoms kits require some minor drilling for weapon attachments and I figure these pack probably do as well
  7. Lol. I just thought the same thing
  8. It seems a reasonably safe bet that the VF-27 is not a lost/phantom design after 2059 given that several of them do show up in stories set years after the events of the Macross Frontier series/movies. That said, both of the VF-27s we see after the events of Macross Frontier appear in side stories and are shown to be in the possession of (extremely well-connected) civilians. If you don't count the generic VF-27 in Macross 30: Voices Across the Galaxy and the unlockable Havamal colors for same, the only time we've seen it in a pure NUNS livery is in the VF-25's Master File. (On page 27, by happy coincidence.) The two we see in civilian hands are: Mei Leeron's personal VF-27γ in Macross 30. The Uroboros Hunter's Guild boss seldom takes to the field, but when she does she's shown to have a VF-27γ Lucifer with a unique white and purple color scheme and Hunter's Guild markings. Ivan Tsari in Macross Delta Gaiden: Macross E. The head of Zelgaar Heavy Industry is shown to have a personal VF-27γ Lucifer with "jet black" coloring that he uses during the events of the story in 2062. He, unlike Mei Leeron, is also confirmed to be a full-body cyborg.
  9. Did the Vf-27 ever get adopted by NUNS, like the Yf-29 was, or is it a functionally extinct design now that the Galaxy is space dust? I know it was heavily optimized to the point only a cyborg could functionally operate it, but the Yf-29 was altered for use as a spec-ops aircraft so I wasn't sure if it also received a similar treatment.
  10. Seto Kaiba

    Macross 30

    Good to know. I've got multiple copies, but my old PS3 is showing its years... and replacing it with emulation seems like a good way to replay the game into the future.👍
  11. I agree. I'm in Europe and on it's page I get this. It lists the Euro online stores it will be available.
  12. Just to be clear, this weeks episode is not an episode of "Black Mirror". You might be forgiven for thinking so. 😄Also, if anyone needs the concept of "Timmy Mallet" explained to them please let one of us Brits (of certain vintages) know... 😁
  13. Regular retail release. When I check the Tamashii link, I still see it listed as all regions though it looks like grogall is seeing something different.
  14. This isn't Premium Bandai, right? Will it be up for preorder on HLJ, Amiami, etc?
  15. That’s because the are in the real world where things get hairy and kinda messy
  16. Lightsabers these days seem better at destroying metal than flesh, so a can opener would be perfect. It would incinerate the top of the can and wouldn’t even cook the tuna.
  17. Looks like these would make for great customization. Add more armor for a more mecha kinda look or maybe soft goods and some putty to give it more of a character kinda look. Lots of fun ideas could be possible
  18. That news is actually about ten years old now. Next Generation Air Dominance requirements came out in '14, and multiple governments have been publicly working on unmanned "loyal wingman" systems since at least '15. The US has been flying prototypes since at least March '19 (with the Kratos QX-58 Valkyrie). Mind you, the idea of unmanned escorts in fiction is a pretty old one too. It goes back to at least the 1960s as far as I'm aware... and seems to have been the logical consequence of late 1910s and 1920s advances in remote control of vehicles via radio making their way into the commercial sector in the 1950s and a growing interest in the idea of AI and robotics kindled by 1940s developments in computing and popular fiction from writers like Isaac Asimov. By the late 1960's and early 1970's the idea had enough traction to get used in Star Trek at least twice, with the most blatant example being Kirk's Enterprise using two unmanned Antares-class "robot ships" as wingmen against the Klingons. That said, Macross didn't actually start doing "loyal wingman" style drones until 2008's Macross Frontier debuted the RVF-171 and RVF-25 acting as motherships for groups of QF-4000 Ghosts. The Squire used by the VF-2SS Valkyrie II in Macross II: Lovers Again is not a true unmanned fighter like the Ghosts used in other Macross titles. Rather than being an AI wingman capable of independent operation, Squires are "dumb" drones that are controlled remotely by the onboard computers of the Valkyrie II they're assigned to. All of the thinking behind their operation is done by the Valkyrie II's computers, the Squire is just a remote weapons terminal. That's why Macross II's official materials refer to Squire using a borrowed term from Gundam: they're Bits, not Ghosts... just controlled by computer over radio instead of via psychic waves from an ESPer. The Macross II timeline version of the VF-4 had funnels ala Gundam too, though with the same computer-based control system. (The distinction between funnels and bits in Macross appears to be exactly the same as in Gundam too.)
  19. Indeed. With closeups of those areas that differ in style from DX, HMR, KC, etc.
  20. By hikarumacs: https://x.com/hikarumacs/status/1796535714504655220
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