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Robotech and REMIX by Titan Comics


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3 hours ago, DewPoint said:

You cannot anymore.  Some individual(s) was using downvotes as a personal grudge or some kind of running joke.  See no3Ljm's avatar; it was made during that time.

Then How is Brofessor still getting downvotes?

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19 minutes ago, Knight26 said:

Then How is Brofessor still getting downvotes?

He's not.  @TehPW was expressing confusion/annoyance that someone actually hit Like on one of his posts so his terrible karma went up fractionally.

I don't doubt for one second he'd still be getting downvoted to hell if the upvote/downvote buttons were still enabled, since he does come here in what I can only characterize as a well-meaning but profoundly over-optimistic effort to keep people informed about an ongoing Robotech project as if we were likely to greet such a painfully bad comic with anything but derision, scorn, and a very slight touch of the same kind of compassionate pity one might feel for an animal that was beyond medical help and in desperate need of euthenasia.  

If anything, Robotech Remix really does prove that it's time to take Robotech out behind the shed and put it out of its misery in the manner of Old Yeller.  The franchise has essentially given up on the idea that any part of it besides Macross is marketable, and in so doing has become the very thing it was always accused being: a terrible Macross fanfic.

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it doesn’t seem anyone thinks Southern across is marketable, so I suppose I can’t disagree with that move. I haven’t watched it in a while but I don’t recall it being more than mediocre. Definitely rushed. 

Still hoping KC gets around to Jeanne/Dana and Hover Tank figures before it all gets brushed under the rug. Show wasn’t great but... dat tank. 

after all this time spent using Mospeada designs, making them so prevalent, seems weird to just toss it all aside. maybe we’ll see some new Mospeada stuff soon, and this is a preemptive move to avoid licensing confusion (not that they’ve ever cared before)? The “genesis breakers” thing has me wondering if there’s going to be a new manga or even anime.

i guess I’m not sure what they’re trying to do with whatever is left of the property. Though I don’t think they are either (I don’t think they’ve ever been). I can’t image whatever fans are left are interested in watching “Macross Saga” again, but don’t want to just watch Macross. 

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2 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

it doesn’t seem anyone thinks Southern across is marketable, so I suppose I can’t disagree with that move. I haven’t watched it in a while but I don’t recall it being more than mediocre. Definitely rushed. 

No sympathy from me.  It’s just one of many self inflicted wounds that have haunted this franchise over the years.  A major difference this time around is maybe the people working on this comic are a lot more shameless about the legal side of things.  I think the unfortunate timing of that interview with the guy working on the comic talking about how enthusiastic he was about about Macross 7 and then the creator of Macross 7 saying he does not appreciate his work being used in that way without his permission before Remix even started is a bad sign.

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2 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

it doesn’t seem anyone thinks Southern across is marketable, so I suppose I can’t disagree with that move. I haven’t watched it in a while but I don’t recall it being more than mediocre. Definitely rushed. 

Well, yeah... it's hard to argue that Southern Cross has much in the way of commercial potential when the series debuted during the mecha genre's heyday and still managed to get such poor ratings that the network airing it earmarked it for cancellation barely 1/3 of the way into its broadcast run and its main merchandising partner decided it wasn't worth producing merchandise for.

Really, the fact that they got the rights for a song should've been Harmony Gold's first clue they'd bought a lemon.


2 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

Still hoping KC gets around to Jeanne/Dana and Hover Tank figures before it all gets brushed under the rug. Show wasn’t great but... dat tank. 

It'll be interesting to see if they try.  My expectation is that they'll do the math and come to the same conclusion that Robotech's previous licensees did... insufficient expected ROI to be worth the effort.  Toynami could, at least, keep costs down by basing its designs on existing Macross and MOSPEADA toys... but a Southern Cross toy would have to be engineered from scratch, which is much more expensive.


2 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

after all this time spent using Mospeada designs, making them so prevalent, seems weird to just toss it all aside. maybe we’ll see some new Mospeada stuff soon, and this is a preemptive move to avoid licensing confusion (not that they’ve ever cared before)? The “genesis breakers” thing has me wondering if there’s going to be a new manga or even anime.

To be honest, all that time was spent using the MOSPEADA designs because using Macross designs was off the table for various legal reasons and nobody liked the Southern Cross designs very much.  It wasn't really a voluntary creative choice.  That said, the Legioss was more or less made to be an imitation-brand VF-1 Valkyrie in Japan so it served the same purpose in Robotech as an adequately similar substitute for the fan-favorite VF-1.

This is, of course, also the reason the Waltrip Robotech II: the Sentinels comics and the new Titan Comics Robotech series kept the VF-1s around instead of introducing the MOSPEADA designs.  Comic books are legally merchandise, so since Harmony Gold could authorize the use of those designs in merchandise there was no compelling reason to swap the VF-1s out for another design.  The legal restrictions that forced HG to use MOSPEADA designs in their animated sequels don't exist for comics due to the differences in their legal status.  I doubt Robotech Remix's continued use of the VF-1 and Macross characters has anything to do with whatever Tatsunoko is cooking up for Genesis Breaker MOSPEADA 2083.


2 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

i guess I’m not sure what they’re trying to do with whatever is left of the property. Though I don’t think they are either (I don’t think they’ve ever been). I can’t image whatever fans are left are interested in watching “Macross Saga” again, but don’t want to just watch Macross. 

Well, Harmony Gold and Carl Macek did put a LOT of time and effort into indoctrinating Robotech fans with the idea that Macek had taken three unpopular, unsuccessful, deeply flawed shows from Japan and "improved" them to make one allegedly-amazing series (Robotech).  The reality, of course, being that Macek took a highly popular, highly successful series, a cult classic, and a flop and he edited them together into a series that got weak-to-middling ratings.  Some Robotech fans just aren't willing or mentally able to cut ties with Robotech because they're convinced against all evidence and reason that Macross is somehow worse for not being a dark, gritty, war drama like they think Robotech is but it actually isn't.


15 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

No sympathy from me.  It’s just one of many self inflicted wounds that have haunted this franchise over the years.  A major difference this time around is maybe the people working on this comic are a lot more shameless about the legal side of things.  I think the unfortunate timing of that interview with the guy working on the comic talking about how enthusiastic he was about about Macross 7 and then the creator of Macross 7 saying he does not appreciate his work being used in that way without his permission before Remix even started is a bad sign.

That's Robotech... cutting corners and infringing upon copyrights since 1985.

That's a big part of why HG punted the old comics out of the universe entirely.  There was so much blatant copyright infringement that flew under the radar back in the day but would absolutely get them sued if they did a reprint now.

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34 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

That's a big part of why HG punted the old comics out of the universe entirely.  There was so much blatant copyright infringement that flew under the radar back in the day but would absolutely get them sued if they did a reprint now.

That can't be right. HG owns the entire Macross franchise, so they can't infringe on anything.

And even if they didn't, Macross has been ripping Robotech off shamelessly for the last thirty years. Really HG should be suing Big West for copyright infringement, but they're just so darn magnanimous that they keep letting it slide.


I mean, the Robotechies wouldn't LIE to us, right?

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4 hours ago, Knight26 said:

@Seto Kaiba  Do you mean the Antarctic Press Comics that blatantly copied lineart from DYRL and other Macross sources?

Antarctic Press were the worst offenders, but far from the only ones... it was something that started early on and got progressively worse as time went on.  Titan Comics is arguably the new worst offender, since they started at around Antarctic's level of blatant-ness with the rampant tracing, blatantly stealing designs from Halo and other franchises, and having allegedly stolen fanart then attempted to pass it off uncredited as their own work (according to the artist, anyway).

Titan Comics seems to be acting on HG's desire to have Robotech regarded as "American Macross" the same way Star Blazers is "American Yamato" by Macross-izing everything.

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17 hours ago, JB0 said:

That can't be right. HG owns the entire Macross franchise, so they can't infringe on anything.

And even if they didn't, Macross has been ripping Robotech off shamelessly for the last thirty years. Really HG should be suing Big West for copyright infringement, but they're just so darn magnanimous that they keep letting it slide.


I mean, the Robotechies wouldn't LIE to us, right?

I hope you're being sarcastic , amigo:shok:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I apologize for upsetting anyone with these posts. Only one more issue to go after this. :)

Spoiler Alert for Event Horizon Chapter 3 or Issue 23 September 2019


1. The introduction summary at the front of the comic incorrectly states the SDF-1 belonged to the Zentreadi when it really belonged to Zor and the Robotech Masters. This introduction also states the Regess is using shadow technology to steal protoculture from multiple realities. However, it was originally the REF returning from Tirol who used shadow technology to liberate Earth. In this series I do not recall anyone weaponizing shadow technology. However, in the first panel it is explained the RDF developed shadow technology and the Invid stole it.

2. Miriya appears from hiding to murder Max in the last comic but Dana knocked her out. The Invid have invaded and Miriya joins Dana and Max as allies in the face of the Invid threat.

3. Dr. Lang had been containing the space time rift left by the missing fold generators using shield harmonics and now adapted it to close the Invid shadow portals. This mysteriously returned the missing fold generators.

4. Rick and Minmei hold hands to generate a vision. They see cyclones, Praxians, Robotech 3000 soldiers, and E.V.E.

5. The crew discovers Lazlo Zand’s secret dimension. Claudia finds Roy alive.

6. Lisa folds the SDF to Optera using the recently materialized fold generators.

7. Breetai implies he asked Exedore to request Azonia join them at Optera.


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My apologies to those who do not find this worthwhile.

Spoiler Alert for Curtain Call Part 4 of 5 appearing as a backup in Event Horizon Chapter 3 Issue 23 September 2019


1. Max is captain of the SDF-1.

2. Minmei is dead in this timeline. Dana from a future timeline is present in this comic’s current timeline. In the timeline Dana is from, Minmei is alive and about 38 years old. The Minmei from this streaming concert footage is about the age of the deceased Minmei from this comic’s timeline.

3. Rick searches the SDF-1 and finds the source of the streaming concert footage. It is a hologram of Minmei. She acknowledges Rick’s presence.


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Robotech Remix #1

I forgot about this comic in the last month XD



Cover #1



Ok... I don't know who's she...


How to F**** space-time-continuity


Bowie step-brother?


SDF-3 Pioneer, more diferent from first version and Shadows Chronicles


Hollow Moon Invasion!


The Attack of Bioroids from Another Timeline


Bowie "Sterling" and... Nekki Basara pastiche????


And we have Mylene refrence...


Rick trying to access the Sound Force with Minmey


After battle and plot begins...


Cover D Bootleg toy version XD



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  • Old_Nash changed the title to Robotech and REMIX by Titan Comics
1 hour ago, Einherjar said:

This farce ends in 2021.  That’s the spoiler of all spoilers for this comic.

If only we were so lucky... or is this a Logan's Run-type situation where the authors'll literally drop dead that year?



2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

I apologize for upsetting anyone with these posts. Only one more issue to go after this. :)

Spoiler Alert for Event Horizon Chapter 3 or Issue 23 September 2019

Y'know, I'm not sure it's actually possible to spoil this comic's story... because it doesn't have one.  A "story" implies a coherent narrative, and this is just a collection of random arse-pulls strung end to end.  It's like they had a bunch of bad sci-fi cliches tacked up to a corkboard in their office and took turns throwing darts at it while blindfolded.


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

1. The introduction summary at the front of the comic incorrectly states the SDF-1 belonged to the Zentreadi when it really belonged to Zor and the Robotech Masters. [...]

Like every other Robotech storyline, Titan Comics' Robotech wants to be Macross when it grows up.:rofl:


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

This introduction also states the Regess is using shadow technology to steal protoculture from multiple realities. However, it was originally the REF returning from Tirol who used shadow technology to liberate Earth. In this series I do not recall anyone weaponizing shadow technology. However, in the first panel it is explained the RDF developed shadow technology and the Invid stole it.

If it wasn't readily apparent that Titan Comics doesn't give two sh*ts about Robotech before, it sure as hell is now.:rofl:

It's less a story and more a Robotech madlib.


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

4. Rick and Minmei hold hands to generate a vision. They see cyclones, Praxians, Robotech 3000 soldiers, and E.V.E.

"Girl, are you the Lament Configuration?  Because I look at you and I see visions of Hell."



2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

5. The crew discovers Lazlo Zand’s secret dimension. Claudia finds Roy alive.

Days of Our Lives will steal this plot twist any day now.


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

1. Max is captain of the SDF-1.

Apparently the Macross that Titan's Robotech wants to be when it grows up is Macross 7.


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

2. Minmei is dead in this timeline. Dana from a future timeline is present in this comic’s current timeline. In the timeline Dana is from, Minmei is alive and about 38 years old. The Minmei from this streaming concert footage is about the age of the deceased Minmei from this comic’s timeline.

What, is there a hard limit of one insufferably obnoxious deadweight character in the present?


2 hours ago, Brofessor said:

3. Rick searches the SDF-1 and finds the source of the streaming concert footage. It is a hologram of Minmei. She acknowledges Rick’s presence.

In the grim darkness of the godawful Robotech future, Robotech is still streaming on Crackle... with ads!



16 minutes ago, Old_Nash said:

Robotech Remix #1

I forgot about this comic in the last month XD

Could'ja do us a favor and forget about it all over again?

I'm prepared to apply as much percussive persuasion as necessary to ensure the answer is yes. :p 

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2 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

Y'know, I'm not sure it's actually possible to spoil this comic's story... because it doesn't have one.  A "story" implies a coherent narrative, and this is just a collection of random arse-pulls strung end to end. 

I never actually thought of it before, but the way you phrased this had a big old lightbulb appear over my head.

Robotech is literally the Human Centipede of anime. :rofl:

Edited by Chronocidal
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2 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

Robotech is literally the Human Centipede of anime. :rofl:

Few things freak me out. Human centipede is one of those things that freaks me out;


Edited by blackconvoy_D01
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I actually spent a good portion of my lunchbreak simultaneously cringing and laughing til I cried as I realized just how fitting that analogy is.

The only one reasonably healthy is the first one, while the other two die slowly and painfully.  The only one still producing any new material is the third one, but even then, it's all recycled sh!t!


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I’m actually kind of curious to see what they do with this new dimension-hopping Dana storyline. 

I couldn’t follow what was happening before - I didn’t really want to, tbh - but I’ll give them a couple of issues to see if they’ve got anything real interesting going on or if it’s just business as usual. 

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Estimated quantity of 'Sales' for ROBOTECH REMIX #1: 8,109. With the caveat 'One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers.  That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.' (US only)

So there are probably still a few thousand who are buying this thing. It will be interesting to see what sales numbers will be for the later issues.


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1 hour ago, hachi said:

Estimated quantity of 'Sales' for ROBOTECH REMIX #1: 8,109. With the caveat 'One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers.  That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.' (US only)

So there are probably still a few thousand who are buying this thing. It will be interesting to see what sales numbers will be for the later issues.


Those are the same kinds of numbers you see for a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days.  The only question is are these guys over-packing books like Marvel does just to drive numbers up?

Ignoring story/that it’s Robotech the artwork in Remix is pretty good.  Whoever the penciler/colorists are they make a pretty good team.  You should see some of the dreadful stuff Marvel puts out now, that would stand out on a shelf these days.

Edited by Mommar
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2 hours ago, Mommar said:

Those are the same kinds of numbers you see for a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days.  The only question is are these guys over-packing books like Marvel does just to drive numbers up?

Ignoring story/that it’s Robotech the artwork in Remix is pretty good.  Whoever the penciler/colorists are they make a pretty good team.  You should see some of the dreadful stuff Marvel puts out now, that would stand out on a shelf these days.

Agreed, the artwork is better.

Onto those sales numbers, are those total units sold (including retailer stock) or actual units sold, including from retailers?  I am willing to bet the former, retailers will buy stock to buy stock incase the series proves popular, and first issues tend to sell better as they are more collectible.  Also, are these domestic or do they include international sales?

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I don't know whether it's ironic or hypocritical that for all of mockery Robotech fans and maybe HG staff have given to Macross 7 over the years that certain aspects from the show are now slowly showing up in an official product.  And at the expense of so many years of canon.  How the mighty have fallen.

Edited by Einherjar
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5 hours ago, hachi said:

Estimated quantity of 'Sales' for ROBOTECH REMIX #1: 8,109. With the caveat 'One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers.  That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.' (US only)

3 hours ago, Mommar said:

Those are the same kinds of numbers you see for a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days.  The only question is are these guys over-packing books like Marvel does just to drive numbers up?

The million dollar question is the one @Mommar asked half of:

  • How many of those 8,109 copies "sold" (shipped) were Diamond engaging in the overshipping shenanigans it routinely uses to cheat up its reported "sales" numbers?
  • How many of those 8,109 copies "sold" (shipped) were variant covers?

Each issue of Robotech, and now apparently Robotech Remix, has like four or five variant covers.  Given that this comic appeals pretty much exclusively to Robotech fans, I'd say that it's probably safe to assume that a nontrivial percentage of its sales are Robotech fans buying more than one (and likely all) the variant covers.  Those 8,109 total copies shipped are likely to only actually sell about 6,000, to maybe 3,000 actual buyers.


28 minutes ago, Einherjar said:

I don't know whether it's ironic or hypocritical that for all of mockery Robotech fans and maybe HG staff have given to Macross 7 over the years that certain aspects from the show are now slowly showing up in an official product.  And at the expense of so many years of canon.  How the mighty have fallen.

In many ways, it's because the Titan Comics staff working on Robotech and Robotech Remix are very obviously not Robotech fans.

We've kind of come full circle back to the days of Academy Comics and Antarctic Press.  Robotech has a comic book licensee that doesn't know what Robotech is about, and doesn't much care about learning.  Their investment in keeping the comic going stretches just barely far enough to look up Robotech on Wikipedia and click through to related articles that are about Macross, and to Googling Macross fan pages for art reference.  They don't give a flying f*ck about Robotech's setting and story, they're just going to treat Macross like it's the "Free Idea Bucket" until they get their hand slapped by some lawyer the way Academy and Antarctic did.

That the "Robotech Masters" now look like the Mardook seems like a choice destined to ensure that hand slap comes early and often.


23 minutes ago, anime52k8 said:

honestly, the art on this is pretty good and I kind of dig the SDF-3. Frankly it's a little boring now that it's actually competent looking and not a bizarre comedy crap-show.

It's basically just a more angular take on the Macross-class.  It doesn't look like crap because they're just copying a design from a creator who's actually competent.

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5 minutes ago, Bolt said:

Titan comics should've just named it Robotech the Twilight Zone. It would've sold more out of curiosity alone. 

Yeah, but presumably they're not actively trying to get sued... that'd be trademark infringement.

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45 minutes ago, Knight26 said:

I just looked at Issue #2, was that an Orgoid in the horribly drawn back section talking about the multiverse?  Does HG have any rights to Orguss?

No - or it would have ended up in RT.  (or they are dumber then they are accused of being)

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Robotech Remix #2

Into the Twilight Zone


Cover A


The cast, but no one die...


Old Alternative Universe SDF-3 "Double Falo", and Sentinel Rick better father than Max


Let's shopping robot pieces in an Alternative Macross City, but the Earth was never destroyed...


Giant Sammie??? WTF!!


Earth Helmet Action!


Isamu pastiche trying to reach the limit of sky... (yeah, I believing Titan trying to insert all Macross in this serie) and the gang


Hell, Yeah! Akira's bike stop XD


Falling alien robot and Shiro or Dingo Egret!


Nevermind it's only a Rick Hunter clone


Rise of the Undead Zentraedi!



Bonus trash - explain about Multiverse (I miss Cave Johnson...)


Hey Look, Orguss XD


Until the next month^^
(or not XD)

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8 hours ago, Einherjar said:

I don't know whether it's ironic or hypocritical that for all of mockery Robotech fans and maybe HG staff have given to Macross 7 over the years that certain aspects from the show are now slowly showing up in an official product.  And at the expense of so many years of canon.  How the mighty have fallen.

I’d call it a copyright violation. :rofl:

I’ll be here all week folks. 

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