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Yamato 1/60 Regult

UN Spacy

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Jeff Bridges..

I was being silly.

Back to the regult.

If this kit is a success, I am pretty sure we will see a toy get made of it one day. Hopefully soon. B))

I have a question. I am sure this is a toy many of us would love to army build.

Would you prefer a lower detailed toy (such as no cockpit) to cut down on production costs (so you could buy more than one), or would you just prefer a Regult that was a true "masterpiece" toy? One that came with a pilot (non scale to fit in the cockptit), a detailed cockpit, extra articulation, maybe a few gimmick features? (Light up eye, sounds)...but costs so much you can only afford to buy one (after you sell one of your kidneys, perhaps).

Which REGULT toy would YOU prefer?

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I prefer a no-cockpit model since I doubt I'll ever get the pilots to put in there. If there were pilots and full-cockpit 'deluxe' version, I might buy one... but my army builders would probably lack it. If they were about ~$100 each I could see buying 3 or 4 army builders, at least of the standard model (AA guns) and one or two with long-range and short-range missiles. Not real into the Scout variant, though.

Don't really want gimmicks. I want it to be as articulated as the Revoltech and a bit beyond (articulated AA guns, etc). The main "gimmick" I would still want is the opening and closing eye.

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  • 4 months later...

HLJ has had these since the beginning of their run. They put together a monthly group order for overseas customers and orders it from Yamato. The great thing about it is that the customer doesn't pay Japanese sales taxes on top of the shipping.

I think that the outlook of having a 1/60 mass produced version was never good in the first place. The metal molds would have been way too costly.

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I see Hobby Link Japan has these for sale - that's probably not a good sign we'll see a cheaper toy version of this someday...

HLJ has had them for sale since just after their initial release. It's where I picked up my copy...

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So we're saying; IF one were to lay down all the jack for this, there's a greater than 80% chance we'll never see a cheaper toy version?

( I know, I know )

A $200 range pre-painted no cockpit detail toy release would make many of the current buyers cringe I think.

Can someone here ask Yamato how its looking? The great minds at MW have no sneak peak into this type of matter?

And EXO - was it you who was going to do your own Zent soldier? Did that happen? Or was it Jason C?

If I did spring for this pod I would need the T-Rex or 'other' figure for it...

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It was me. I've actually started the process but I'm still researching materials and cost. (and I promised that I won't introduce new projects until I deliver on some long over due customs and projects). The Trex soldier wont fit in the Regult.

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Just re-read over the entire thread to get some facts straight. Realize the T-Rex will not fit in the pod.

That's OK. I would just pose him next to it. Anyone bored of their T-Rex guy and want to sell?

2 Other things I noticed going back over every page of this post.

1 - If its going to be posed with non-weathered V2s I think weathering it much does not look right.

2 - I would want an extra one to shoot up like the end of the second episode and the T-Rex guy would work fine crawling out of the heap.

The re-casters in China and Korea are probably fast at work doing recasts so maybe get the high end Yamato version to leave unbuilt or very cleanly built. And a $110 recast version for my 'Hikaru just shot the heck out of me' version...

Of course to display this right I would have to get another 1D and rip its arm off and weather it as well.

I'm surprised there are no pics online from someone setting up this scene with their Yamatos already...

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I'm not really sure about what I'm going to say but I think it probably could be possible to fit a T-Rex Zentradi if the Regult had a front hatch like in the first combat scene of DYRL…

I think a good way to display both the Regult and the T-Rex guy would be with the Zentradi soldier crawling out of the back hatch.

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Anyone want to chime in on the odds they will make a $200 range no cockpit toy version? Slim to none? or are there peeps on here that bet its still coming?

Or chime in on whether Graham can actually ask to find out? (while he's at it maybe ask about the patlabor line too?)

Or buzz in as to where I might get a T-Rex guy other than via kidney-trade on Yahoo Japan?

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Noone here assemble or paint one yet?

Ok, just about finished up, i went with the 4 color scheme, medium gray for the legs, blue main body, deep sea blue for the leg accents, and superlight gray for the rest, and gunmetal for everything else. Still dialing in the weathering but here is where it stands now. I did not get any decals, i don't think it came with any, so i scanned some of the vintage decals, cleaned them up in paint and printed them out on waterslide decal paper. I want to add some more when i get around to it..







Also the guys at the Aussi Macross World Con had a built one on in display.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A painted toy & figure, with interchangeable parts to create all the variant pods. Light and sounds. Plus a yamato trained cosplayer who flies all the way out from japan to instruct me on all the features and it would still be about $100 too much.

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$500 is quite a lot for me to plunk down with the shortcomings others mention here.

I might still do it, but the fear of a pre-painted, $200, no-cockpit detail version is giving me added hesitation.

Sure wish we had some inside info on whether they have a cheaper toy version in the works...

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$500 is quite a lot for me to plunk down with the shortcomings others mention here.

I might still do it, but the fear of a pre-painted, $200, no-cockpit detail version is giving me added hesitation.

Sure wish we had some inside info on whether they have a cheaper toy version in the works...

I'm going to go ahead and say Yamato aren't going to do it. There are still these model versions around for sale which means not even the die-hards were willing to buy them. Plus, do you ever see any pics with people's customs? Not really, no. Minutes after the SDF-1 was released there were already mods, different paint schemes, photos all over the place. Hardly anyone in our own group has put theirs together yet or has made excuses about other projects. They're just not that excited or else it would already be done. We'd have TV Schemes, DYRL schemes, somebody already modding theirs to look like the scouts. There's none of that. The Regult just isn't popular enough. If it had sold out in an instant and there were pics from collectors up everywhere I'd still say it was unlikely. But with it's cold reception (admittedly it's too damn expensive) I'm going to assume there's zero chance of this happening now.

Edited by Mommar
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I'm going to go ahead and say Yamato aren't going to do it. There are still these model versions around for sale which means not even the die-hards were willing to buy them. Plus, do you ever see any pics with people's customs? Not really, no. Minutes after the SDF-1 was released there were already mods, different paint schemes, photos all over the place. Hardly anyone in our own group has put theirs together yet or has made excuses about other projects. They're just not that excited or else it would already be done. We'd have TV Schemes, DYRL schemes, somebody already modding theirs to look like the scouts. There's none of that. The Regult just isn't popular enough. If it had sold out in an instant and there were pics from collectors up everywhere I'd still say it was unlikely. But with it's cold reception (admittedly it's too damn expensive) I'm going to assume there's zero chance of this happening now.

I disagree. I believe that the reason the Regult didn't do well is because the kit is lacking and too expensive. Consumers may not know all about the costs of releasing a new toy, HDP kit, garage kit or whatever but we all know when something is worth the asking price or not. A nice box, pilot figure, decal sheet and/or factory painting would've driven more people to get this even at a slightly higher price. If Yamato simply couldn't spice this offer up due to production costs, then Yamato made a mistake releasing it in the first place.

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I agree, it is a pricey kit to have. One would think that at the price point, there would be the heavy and light missile options. That said, I am happy they came out with it. The idea of having one in a "correct scale" with the 1/60s is cool. Missile pod options would've been nice, but I'm not all that big on having them, and it would've been worse if the price was higher due to having them.

I would love the scout version though. Almost makes me wanna buy another one just for that.

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Glad that Yamato made it and wish it had more variety and a pilot figure for the cost. Yet the price was just too high and unlike the federal government I don't have other people's money to spend and their future earning potential to squander without care.

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I disagree. I believe that the reason the Regult didn't do well is because the kit is lacking and too expensive. Consumers may not know all about the costs of releasing a new toy, HDP kit, garage kit or whatever but we all know when something is worth the asking price or not. A nice box, pilot figure, decal sheet and/or factory painting would've driven more people to get this even at a slightly higher price. If Yamato simply couldn't spice this offer up due to production costs, then Yamato made a mistake releasing it in the first place.

Right. $150-200 is what I'm willing to do for an assembled and painted one in the same size. DIY means it's gonna sit on my bench for a long while and my bar is much lower. It could be simplified quite a bit. Scaled up Revoltech, for example with the main cockpit being a couple pieces not counting the guns, thrusters, legs, or eye. Non opening hatch (would probably be easy to make the hatch a separate piece but I really don't care if I can peek inside the thing since I'm never going to have the dismounted pilot).

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YEAH! Like decals for this thing...who's got'em?

I can make them, but I have so many other projects on the table, that I can't really hunker down and get them completed. It's in the works.

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^^Holy Cow, things have gone far south!! lolz. (I am not sure about that statement though hirohawa)

Anyways, back to the Regult. Has anyone done a non weathered paint scheme or attempted to put LEDs in it? Would like to see some pics of that...

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On regult markings, the box art for the 1/72 Bandai model has large markings shown like those on the revoltech battlepod. When looking at the Toynami battlepod the markings are so small, almost to the point of why have them, when compared to the first two offerings mentioned.

Has anyone considered using the 1/72 water slide decals from the Bandai on their 1/60 Yamato?

Also, HLJ has the Bandai model listed as "discontinued" so no chance to get an easy sheet of markings.

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