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Transformers Super Thread 7

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There were some nice finds at the TRU today: got some Joes and snagged Classics Legends Jazz in all its G1 glory. Not a bad TF for $4. It looks like it'll fit right in with G1 Prime in terms of scale. I passed on Legends Onslaught and Megatron, but I would've snagged Hound if I found him.

Unless you're worried about scale, hold out for the Deluxe version. Heck, I'm still holding out a tiny hope that down the line we'll get a Classics Universe Jazz in the Deluxe size.

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That's a cool MP Thundercracker display. Someone knows what they're doing for once.

I picked up Activator Ratchet yesterday. Just like the others, he's an excellent representation of the character at a small scale with plenty of ball jointed articulation and a pretty neat auto-transform gimmick to boot. The picture on the back of the package is pretty funny because it accentuates the center vehicle seam so that it looks like there's a huge black line going down the center of the figure. Thankfully that's not the case, with mine at least. I had a chance to pick up Lockdown too, but eh, don't like the character enough. It looked pretty nice though.

Now that I have 4 Activators(Bee, Bulkhead, Starscream, Ratchet), the scale problem in the line is impossible to ignore if you have this group of them together. They're all out of scale with each other to varying degrees. Bulkhead of course being the worst, suffering from shrimpism and inversely Bumblebee suffering from gigantism. Screamer and Ratchet don't look too off from each other, I'm guessing this is the "normal" scale for the line. It's going to be interesting to see how the Legends line can be used to make the perfect small scale cast ensemble. I'm already planning on getting Legends Prowl and Bumblebee.

Bulkhead looks about the right size in alt mode next to Ratchet's alt mode though.....sometimes....


From the front, Ratchet and Bulkhead don't look too bad together.


Oblique angle, the scale's starting to become somewhat problematic.


Now the scale's real problematic.


And then it gets worse.

I'm trying to keep a small Animated foot print on my shelf, and the activators are nailing this niche perfectly. Between this and Legends I'm going to be pretty happy. I'd really like to have a Blitzwing Activator even if it only had one mode and face. I was originally going to pass on almost all of this line, but then the cartoon had to go and have good stories and characterization.

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Heh......those Activators are pretty neat little guys. The scales for this line really annoy me to. But only when it comes to figures like Bulkhead. I am almost finished with the current lineup. I need a few more duplicates and a few of the wave 4 characters. I am still pondering on getting a Leader Class Bulkhead for in scale reasons. I need to sell some more things that I no longer need on eBay. I keep getting lazy and not posting them.


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The Universe Classics series line is cool (minus the useless repaints from previous series), but it doesn't match the first Classics series when it comes to aesthetics or overall feel. Classics 2.0 are mostly movie toys minus the funky heads. I really like my Ironhide. Bad deco (I took care of that quickly with silver and black paint apps) but great mold.

You should have bought Prowl. He's the best in the universe line so far imo.

Great articulation, (on the same level as mirage) the bot mode looks good in terms of the proportions of his body parts, (bulky but not blocky, no limbs that look too long or short like classic starscream) and he retains the g1 look.

Oh can't wait to get my hands on galvatron. He has the siege tank mode from starcraft! :D

Only thing is hasbro removing the temperature sensitive rub symbol. That reminds you of the old school transformers.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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I've been wanting a Roadbuster (or the Calibur from Dorvack) for ages and I finally scored one on Ebay for $15. It's dirty and well worn with no accessories but otherwise in great shape. This thing really reminds me of the Chunky Monkey 1/55 (same scale actually) in how sturdy it's built and how clever the design is. The lack of hip articulation is a bummer but otherwise I absolutely love it. I'd love to see Hasbro revisit this design with the Universe/Classics line. Hopefully the upcoming Roadbuster repaint of Animated Ultra Magnus wont hinder something like that happening.

But even if that doesn't happen CM's is working on an updated version as one of their next Brave Ghokin releases, with full armor and everything.

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CMS is doing a Mugen Caliber? That could be seriously awesome...

Yep, there are some photos of it floating around out there. I have one saved on my computer at home that I can upload tonight. It looks amazing so far. The big 'however' here is that, being a CMs toy, it'll probably be somewhere in the 'OMFG!' price range. Not that that will stop me. :wacko:


Found the most recent photo. there's an earlier photo without the armor bu I can't find that one at the moment.


Edited by eriku
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Got Silverbolt recently, and man this guy looks way worse online than in person. I was sold on the jet mode to begin with(my complaints for its underside still stand though), and for an updated modernized alt mode in the same vein as the other classics, Silverbolt excels. The pics online make his limbs look all skinny. The underside from the side can pass as reminiscent of the XB-70 Valkyrie(which the alt mode is definitely influenced by, that and the SR-71), but from the bottom, man the torso is so obvious! Nonetheless, from the side it can at least pass off better than movie Starscream.

Size of the fighter is almost as big as the 1/55 VF-1 toys. It holds together much better in alt mode than Powerglide. Its transformation is far simpler than Powerglide's, and far less involved, but as a toy it is far superior. Powerglide seems like a toy that has an ambitious design and transformation that falls short of being executed properly(cockpit hanging off back in robot mode, lack of stability in fighter mode, short nose gear, et al). Silverbolt is a toy that is straight to the point, albeit disappointing only because it's transformation is not as involved.

Robot mode is far better in person, looks more balanced as opposed to skinny with wings hanging off of the back. Ratchets all over the place, which makes me happy. I wish the neon orange/red parts were actually crimson red. I like the light grey molded plastic on this rather than the all white henkei version. He is back heavy but not terribly so.

Fighter mode has great details molded all over the top surface. Its a solid piece, much more solid, and cleaner(less gaps), I should say, compared to movie Starscream and Powerglide. This is a very durable Transformer toy. Possibly the most durable of all the Classics/Universe toys released so far, even the '06 versions. It's figthter mode quite possibly has the least visible cues that give away the fact it transforms, of all Classic Transformers jets released so far.

Overall I am very impressed, and glad I picked him up. Definitely a must buy in the line, and all of you should choose it over Powerglide. Silverbolt's parts stay together better than Onslaught's too.

Now I also picked up Animated Swoop, a design I've looked forward to for a long time as well(pterodactyls rule, my fav dinosaurs, and swoop was always one of my fav dinobots in g1, and I like the Animated versions). Well...

Its alright. I wish the legs could somehow be compressed in a smaller size in alt mode, so they would look shorter in that mode, Articulation is decent, but I'm not impressed with it as much as some fans are. This doesn't blow me away like Animated Jazz did, Animated Jazz has awesome articulation. I feel like the backpack tabs will break eventually in robot mode, as they are under a lot of stress and mine had stress marks there out of box. Maybe this design will grow on me but for now, I surprisingly like Snarl better. Transformation wise, Swoop is more involved but stability wise, he isn't. Now both have flaws, Swoop has the ones mentioned above, and Snarl's waist section does not secure together well.

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Animated Blitzwing has tabs on his back I fear will break. They have little "hooks" and they have a deathgrip on the backpack. I've sanded them a tad, but any more and they won't hold any more I think, but still lock way too tight IMHO.

PS---GERWALK mode is his best mode. You can actually do the back half of the jet better that way---you can make it look like his box art. (The box art is incorrectly, yet aesthetically-better transformed---but you can't lock it together at all that way--but you sorta can in GERWALK)

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So my wife drags me to Wal-Mart today to look at exercise bikes. I wasn't real interested in going, as my Wal-Mart is pretty good on Animated, but way behind on Universe. But the toy section was between the door and sporting goods, and there in the main aisle is a display with Classics/Movie/Animated Bumblebee three-pack and some Wal-Mart exclusive "Movie" toys. I put the "Movie" in quotes because three of them were repaints of Cybertron toys, but one of them was Crash... er, "Fracture," a Gobots-inspired repaint of Classics Mirage. And it was love at first sight. I know Mirage was kind of a shelfwarmer around here (Target had a bunch on clearance down to $5), but like many of you I loved the mold. Sure, he had a little kibble on his back, but he was a slick upgrade to G1 favorite and one of the most poseable Transformers I've owned.

As Fracture, the toy is still great, although her waist seems a little loose. The black and red do make a nice contrast to Mirage's blue, and I'm all for adding more Decepticons to the ranks. As Crasher, though, you almost need to be told in advance that she's supposed to be a homage. Yeah, they gave her a pink face, but it's still Mirage's face. Maybe if they'd put more black around her eyes and cheeks? Also, while it probably would have made for a much more boring toy, the red's a little out of place and there's too much white, to say nothing of the fact that her alt mode doesn't look a thing like a Porsche 956.

On the whole, I'd say she's worth the buy. If you're going to have a repaint, Classics Mirage is a good figure to repaint. And while there's still some G1 characters I'm hoping to see with new molds in the Classics/Universe line (Jazz, Wheeljack, Shockwave, and Motormaster all spring to mind). And as much as I love Transformers, I grew up pretty poor and had a lot more Gobots, so I actually wouldn't mind seeing the other five main Gobots (Leader-1, Scooter, Turbo, Cy-Kill, and Cop-Tur) turn up at some point, even if they are repaints. Heck, the Blades toy I passed on as a repaint (and will probably pass on as Springer again) I might have bought if they'd painted him blue and called him Cop-Tur.

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Animated Blitzwing has tabs on his back I fear will break. They have little "hooks" and they have a deathgrip on the backpack. I've sanded them a tad, but any more and they won't hold any more I think, but still lock way too tight IMHO.

PS---GERWALK mode is his best mode. You can actually do the back half of the jet better that way---you can make it look like his box art. (The box art is incorrectly, yet aesthetically-better transformed---but you can't lock it together at all that way--but you sorta can in GERWALK)

Heh......you need not worry bout those tabs. I've TFed mine quite a bit with much success.

BW does have a cool GERWALK mode. Also this crazy mode...



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I got my Blitzwing, no problem with the backpack tabs so far, I intentionally broke some tabs elsewhere for something I was planning since I read the first review, and I like the figure a lot, it might be my favorite voyager. However of all the animated jets so far, this one definitely has the worst jet mode. I am a sucker for all things F-14 derived, and while I have seen worse, but still like the jet mode, I can't help but be dissapointed. It is definitely a chunky Tomcat with huge tank treads. Lugnut has the best jet mode so far, Starscream is alright except for the exposed sides. Blitzwing's jet mode is a blatant giveaway that he transforms into a tank. Some disguise. Movie Starscream has been dethroned, Blitzwing has the worst undercarriage/underside of all recent jet Transformers.

Articulation is excellent, as well as sculpt in robot mode. Tank mode is excellent too, it doesn't even seem compromised like the jet mode. The absolute worst thing is that one of the metal pins for the wrist joint was freaking missing!

Luckily with some quick on the spot thinking, I took one of the several twisty ties from the package, cut a tiny piece, and shoved it into the pinhole. Voila! problem solved! Nonetheless that still shouldn't have happened.

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So my wife drags me to Wal-Mart today to look at exercise bikes. I wasn't real interested in going, as my Wal-Mart is pretty good on Animated, but way behind on Universe. But the toy section was between the door and sporting goods, and there in the main aisle is a display with Classics/Movie/Animated Bumblebee three-pack and some Wal-Mart exclusive "Movie" toys. I put the "Movie" in quotes because three of them were repaints of Cybertron toys, but one of them was Crash... er, "Fracture," a Gobots-inspired repaint of Classics Mirage. And it was love at first sight. I know Mirage was kind of a shelfwarmer around here (Target had a bunch on clearance down to $5), but like many of you I loved the mold. Sure, he had a little kibble on his back, but he was a slick upgrade to G1 favorite and one of the most poseable Transformers I've owned.

As Fracture, the toy is still great, although her waist seems a little loose. The black and red do make a nice contrast to Mirage's blue, and I'm all for adding more Decepticons to the ranks. As Crasher, though, you almost need to be told in advance that she's supposed to be a homage. Yeah, they gave her a pink face, but it's still Mirage's face. Maybe if they'd put more black around her eyes and cheeks? Also, while it probably would have made for a much more boring toy, the red's a little out of place and there's too much white, to say nothing of the fact that her alt mode doesn't look a thing like a Porsche 956.

On the whole, I'd say she's worth the buy. If you're going to have a repaint, Classics Mirage is a good figure to repaint. And while there's still some G1 characters I'm hoping to see with new molds in the Classics/Universe line (Jazz, Wheeljack, Shockwave, and Motormaster all spring to mind). And as much as I love Transformers, I grew up pretty poor and had a lot more Gobots, so I actually wouldn't mind seeing the other five main Gobots (Leader-1, Scooter, Turbo, Cy-Kill, and Cop-Tur) turn up at some point, even if they are repaints. Heck, the Blades toy I passed on as a repaint (and will probably pass on as Springer again) I might have bought if they'd painted him blue and called him Cop-Tur.

You can put any of the Walmart-exclusive 'movie' toys in your Universe collection, because Hasbro originally developed them for the Universe line, which is why you get guys like Big Daddy, Breakaway (Getaway) and Crankcase, who are a bit more G1-homagey than the usual Hasbro homage.
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You can put any of the Walmart-exclusive 'movie' toys in your Universe collection, because Hasbro originally developed them for the Universe line, which is why you get guys like Big Daddy, Breakaway (Getaway) and Crankcase, who are a bit more G1-homagey than the usual Hasbro homage.

Right. But I've already gone on record as saying I'm not buying Cybertron repaints, Universe or not. Original molds yes, Classics repaints depending on the class/price, and I might consider repaints from other series. But I got back into Transformers when Classics hit, at the tail end of Cybertron, and any Cybertron molds I wanted I already picked up.

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Picked up Galvatron recently. I do like him. Quite a lot actually. However, every negative thing said and shown of him is true. He's a bit too small, the transformation is over-ambitious for the scale, and parts do tend to pop off(especially during the first couple transforms). When I opened mine up, the tank turret wasn't even connected to the tank. The knees are much too high, and the left arm "cap" never sits flush. The head articulation rotates only and isn't capable of looking up or down. The feet look kind of odd and empty. I'll add another negative that hasn't been discussed much. That's that he has a very sculpted and detailed looking right hand, but his left hand is very plain in comparison. I HATE the orange. It would actually look better if it was white


The backpack's a bit problematic although I eventually did find a position for it that I was happy with. I like the little feet in the back treads of the backpack extending upwards reminiscent of the same shoulder structures from the toon model.


If you fold up the rear center tank flap, the rear tread parts of the back pack have an open area that can then slide onto that flap. It's difficult to tell if it was designed to do this, probably not, but I find that it makes the backpack a bit more manageable and the right arm articulation isn't much affected. Speaking of the right arm, I like that you can leave it as the tank turret if you like.

I'm an Alternator fan, so I pretty much like seeing complicated transformations and I also don't tend to handle the figures I have much after finding "the pose". So that he falls apart if not handled gingerly doesn't tend to bother me as much as it does others just as long as he looks good and that's what I like best. He looks good, and it's undeniably Galvatron and not another repainted Megatron. I'd certainly prefer if he were a bit bigger, but my primary need was for a Galvatron to have next to the Titanium movie figures and Classics Rodimus. Actually, he's in perfect scale with Classics Rodimus and the two look really good next to each other as I'm hoping Universe Cyclonus will too. He's a bit too small next to Titanium Rodimus because of his tiny head, but he doesn't look too bad next to Titanium Magnus. Next to Titanium Scourge is a bit weird. The scale should be alright, but Scourge's head is too wide and Galvatron's head is too tiny.


Not perfect, but for a transforming Galvatron at the scale I wanted he'll do for me.

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