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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Personally, I don't use any stands, because I don't have much room to display stuff. The few Valks I have sitting out are usually just standing on their feet in fighter mode. Usually works really well, except for the oddball valk with strange feet. If I ever do start using stands though, I might make something of my own. Flightpose ones aren't bad, but I've always loved simple pedestal designs. I just think it's so ridiculous how so many stands for Valks take up more space on the shelf than the actual plane.
  2. I dunno, Yamata could be plural for Yamato, I guess.. For stand/display ideas, take a look through the collection display topic a bit down the list, you'll find dozens of ideas on how to display anything you might have. You'll see lots and lots of Flightpose stands, those clear, three-pronged, adjustable ones. They're a very popular choice for pretty much any valk of any size, in any mode.
  3. Ooh, sweet, a friend of mine mentioned this series in terms of who's involved, but didn't mention the jazz element. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this.
  4. I'd most likely get at least one of these, but unless we find some way to make a ton of white replacement parts to match, I don't think customizing is going to go well unless you want a custom P (which many may want anyway ) I'd be really tempted to try and make custom F, but only if we find some way to get F/S style parts molded in white. I'd like everything, but I'd probably be ok with just the wings, head and shoulders. It's easy enough to fill the canard holes, and I don't really mind the ventral fins on the P.
  5. You know it's sad, I actually miss all those wacky bionicle sets that used to be so popular.. Not because I'd ever build anything from that line.. but those things were chock full of awesome mech-building pieces. Joints, pistons, etc.. I'm sad my local shop stopped stocking them. What I really really need to build some incredible stuff is for them to come out with an axial version of that massive click joint they make. I've got a ton of the regular ones, but rotating the mounting points to the outside of the disk instead of the edges would make for a wonderful shoulder or hip joint.
  6. Wow. I'm sorry, $300? Did Bandai make that few of them?
  7. I don't really care about how anything looks at this point. My brain is tripping out on the concept alone. And I love it. How do you kill your future self, when he already knows everything you did to try to kill him, as well as whether or not you actually succeeded? The only way it will happen is if he lets you. Plus, what if you throw in a third self from further down the timeline into the mix? Then you obviously didn't succeed at killing yourself, so you'd better just stop trying, and settle for killing the third version of you, and hope he is still young enough to remember everything, and not try to kill you in self defense. The bad thing about getting so into these time travel stories.. I probably already know where this is going, because it's too simple, and the title is an obvious hint. I hope I'm wrong, because I'd love to see something new and ridiculous added to the standard repertoire of paradoxes that pop up in time travel stories. Even if they don't though, stable time loops are a blast anyway. Worst case, even if the movie sucks, I'll still enjoy having a new time travel plot to attempt to make sense of.
  8. Heh, thought the markings were a little different on that one, guess it was just a lighter shade of gray. Still wish they would reissue that kit, or come out with a different set of markings for it. Adding missiles to mount on it would just be icing on the cake.
  9. Oh shoot.. more time travel shenanigans... this is a good year.
  10. Agreed, I haven't even built my 1/48 YF-19 yet, and it's already lonely! Also, too bad that master file scheme YF-19 isn't in 1/48. Nice to see them releasing more of the 1/48, but I doubt I'd ever use that scheme on one.
  11. See, I really want to make a white VF-19F with black stripes, similar to the master file scheme. I think it's just beautiful. The VF-19P is going to be white-ish, so it's a good start, but there's a significant number of parts I'd have to swap out for an F model. The wings/wing gloves, shoulders, hip flaps, head, leg panels (though I actually like the YF-19 style strakes), and canard panel would all need to be replaced with pieces from an F, and that's a lot of blue plastic to paint white, even if I did want to buy a spare VF-19F just to kitbash, and I really don't want to spend that much. I really wish they'd just release an unpainted kit of the VF-19F/S, but given the complexity of this VF-19 design, I get the feeling that will never happen.
  12. I actually wish they'd release these with the DYRL valks. I wouldn't mind having a TV Roy pilot figure, but I prefer to stay away from the bright white plastic if I can since it's so prone to yellowing. Course, I've got plenty of VF-1s already, so it would probably take something really fancy to get me to buy more at this point.
  13. Sad part is, I don't even want to customize a P.. I want a custom F model.
  14. Ah, they've got the VF-19S on sale as well, kind of tempted to get a second one to customize. Also, looks like Gamlin's VF-22 is really cheap right now.
  15. Or, you know, never actually tell anyone what you're making until it's done, and released, and it's too late for them to tell you to sop. It could maybe work, it's just not the way things usually go, because very rarely do you ever see anything that fancy developed by a small enough group to keep things truly under wraps. If you must actually release something, making junky placeholder mechs/planes wouldn't be a bad idea though.
  16. Very nice, but it just hits home harder how little of this type of sim we've seen with Macross. If MS Flight Sim would ditch their stupid method of defining collision points, and use something that allows for moving parts, I'm pretty confident I could do a complete 3-mode transformation... but alas, you can't have anything bigger than the landing gear actually move and register properly really, so landing on the engines or walking is pretty much out of the question. Anywho, as nice as it is to have gerwalk mode, the landing made me laugh pretty hard to see it bouncing like that. Now, someone go replace his sounds with actual ones, and it'll be golden. That gunpod sound was.. weird.
  17. Oh well, I guess I can still be hopeful. Actually, given that they'll need new molds for certain pieces anyway, it probably wouldn't be too much of a strain to just include specific pieces on the new molds, so they can be made in the right colors. They can probably melt down the unused parts that are the wrong colors and re-use the plastic elsewhere.
  18. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're using the VF-171 as a breather to give fans something different. I mean, we've been rather inundated with VF-25s, and releasing more now will give time for interest to build up. I don't think people really trusted Bandai after the version 1, so maybe they're letting hype over the renewal build up from the Alto and Ozma releases a bit more before making any more. They could decide to release more later as well. Given how hard these are to find, I wouldn't expect Bandai would still be worried about not selling them all. I do hope that they take the time during the VF-171 marketing to fix the mold layout on the VF-25s. Ideally, you wouldn't have to retool the entire molds, just break them at key points to allow multiple colors to be used. I mean, they do it all the freaking time with their gundam kits, molding multiple colors on one sprue. Granted, it's different plastic, so the results might be different, but you'd think there would be some way to make that type of system work.
  19. It's actually not so much a paint issue as a design issue. They didn't think the molds through clearly enough, and a bunch of parts that should have been molded in the same color got split up across multiple molds, and molded in different colors. So, they wound up painting entire pieces to cover it up, when they could have just molded it in the right color to start with. It's not even really a problem.. until you consider the history Bandai has with shoddy paint, and having it not stick to the plastic. It's gotten better with these, but my Ozma still has a pretty half-assed paint job on it, specifically the giant wing glove pieces that should have been molded in lighter gray plastic to begin with, but now are coated in either too much, or not enough paint, depending on which side you look at. With Ozma, it's all gray, so it doesn't show badly, but a paintjob of that quality on Michael's will look just flat out rotten, because you're trying to cover dark blue with white paint. The only way to properly fix it is to mold the pieces in white to begin with, which they should have figured out from the start.
  20. You know, as much as I do prefer Michael's valk in the super packs, I'd probably grab one of those. While I do like the look, I never really cared for how much the Tornado pack covers though, and I still think it was a marketing gimmick to make the original DXs more attractive. As much as I want the VF-25G though.. I'm kind of dreading it. I'm hoping the delay in hearing about it is due to Bandai rethinking their mold layout for the VF-25s, because so far, the color breakdown of the parts on Ozma's valk is utterly facepalm-tacular. Entire sections of the plane are molded in the wrong color, and then painted over completely, while there are perfectly fine parts elsewhere on the plane molded in that color. With as much forethought as they clearly put into the new VF-25 as far as preparations for super/armor packs, they dropped the ball on the colors.. probably because Alto's plane is entirely white, and they didn't need to worry about colored parts. But Michael's.. yeah. Having a toy molded in blue plastic, and covered in white paint is just asking for complaints when people start making massive blue stripes in the paint when they start transforming it. Ozma's you can kind of get away with due to everything being shades of gray, but scratch that white paint, and it will show up like a giant flashing beacon.
  21. That's another thing that makes me wonder.. Sure, they can call it "Top Gun II".. but unless this movie is set 5-10 years from now, it will have nothing to do with NSAWC. Especially if the line about him being a Lockheed Martin test pilot is true, in which case, there will be nothing combat related at all, unless you count dropping test ammo on dummy targets, and maybe firing a live missile or two. Most of the current testing I'm aware of is going on around Ft. Worth, Pax River, and Edwards AFB, and they're barely even testing the C variant yet, so are they going to have Mav change up from Navy to Air Force, or just ditch the military entirely for a civilian position? I mean, sure it can happen.. but not if they want any combat of any type to even occur in the movie, in which case, I don't see the point. Unless he steals a plane to pull off some crazy rescue mission or whatnot.. ... Wait. Oh, that would be just too easy. Did they actually confirm his father was killed, or could they potentially bring him back as a POW? I would laugh so hard if they try that. I mean.. JAG already built off of Top Gun a good number of ways (what with the shot down father angle, dead RIO, etc), and it would be just like hollywood to re-steal the plot back from JAG and have him discover his father is actually still a prisoner. I'm putting this out there again, we really need a facepalm smiley.
  22. Yep, making money off this is the farthest thing possible from my mind. I really just want to be able to order custom made parts to make up for what the modeling world has seemingly forgotten. Case in point.. I want some Wing Commander ships. Specifically, a WC1 Rapier, and WCIII Excalibur. The Rapier might be interesting, but the amusing thing about the Excalibur (or most other ships from that game) is that they were about as close as you can get to a purely polygonal fighter design. It's just a bunch of boxes, and you can get a nearly perfect representation of it in only a couple thousand faces. Plus, there's the odd custom part I may want to make to improve or fix a styrene kit i have. In this case, the actual modeling process is the least of my worries, because I've always had the knack for making models that are too detailed to work well in games.. it sometimes takes a few years for the hardware to catch up to the detail level. While I've generally worked without making things truly solid, making solid hollowed out objects to print shouldn't be too big a jump. I think my biggest concern is just the specifics of the materials, which will probably vary by who prints them. Things like, how brittle/flexible/etc the plastic is, whether it can be painted easily or needs a lot of primer, whether it can be glued to other plastics, whether the sanding dust is toxic, etc. Plus the question of how big I can make pieces. I do get the impression that you can get pretty sturdy plastic, since we have people printing their own VF-1 shoulder hinges now, but I would hate to get a bunch of pieces, and discover they warp if you leave them under a desk lamp for too long. Ideally, what I'd love is if I can just order parts in the mail, then clean them up, slap them together, and paint them up into a display model. I get the impression there's a bit more trial and error to getting the printing process right, but I can deal with that.
  23. As much as everything that game represents makes me want to strangle the dev team, I might have to pick up a copy so I can do this. Maybe if I see a used copy for cheap... hmm. It might be worth it just to team up with someone on multiplayer with M&M schemes.
  24. I think the BS here isn't the report.. it's more that there is no way you could make a serious movie about testing that plane. First off, we're through with the JSF competition phase and the X-32 lost already, so there's no potential plot there. Second, there's nothing for a pilot to prove himself against as a test pilot, except the plane itself, or possibly the beauracracy behind it, and either way, that will be opening up a freaking huge can of worms. Whether you pit the pilot against the plane itself, the corporation, or even the military itself, I don't see how this movie can become anything other than a massive hollywood smear campaign against the entire JSF program. It's free publicity sure, but I don't see how any potential plot they can come up with could possibly help the JSF program right now. Even if it does put things in a good light.. someone's going to get burned by this. I'm not betting on Lockheed Martin, since they seem like they might milk it for publicity, but the plane already has problems. We don't need hollywood sticking their fingers in this mess trying to make a buck, and if they pursue any kind of plot where the plane or military is the problem, it's going to have the exact opposite effect the original movie had on military recruitment.
  25. You know, this might be a stupid question, but what the heck.. I've been anxious to someday get into the CAD/3D printing world and finally get some of my custom designs made up, or just to make my own parts for things. I need to do a lot of research before I start obviously, but I'm curious. What's the most cost effective way to do a kit from a 3D printing? I mean, I get the impression that the materials do need some cleanup afterward, but in general, is it better to print a master and recast it, or could you just build a kit up from printed parts? I mean, I don't know the first thing about recasting, but I'd love to print myself pieces to build desk models of some of the various 3D models I have. I doubt I would make a lot of them, but I might want more than one, so how would the overall costs compare between straight printed models, or recasts?
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