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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. I don't think it's that attractive really for it to become that much of a collectors item. I mean, sure it's nice to see, but I don't care for the scheme myself. The low-vis was a rarity because it wasn't something anyone expected to see, and people love doing all the time on customs. This one.. no one expected it because it's so obscure, but I've also never seen a custom of this scheme, so I can't imagine it's that popular.
  2. The Angel Bird is a bit tempting, but eh, I have enough of the VF-1 to last me for a long time. I am tempted to grab a Max VF-22 for my brother though, as a future birthday gift or something. Actually, the ghost for the VF-0 might not be a bad idea. I do have a VF-0A and S after all, and this is the other color scheme.
  3. Nah, with 3D rendering you just get clipping errors out the wazoo. Slow down any of the scenes involving battroid/gerwalk, and watch as the various components of the valks magically pass straight through each other, and fly off their mounting points! If I recall, the scene where Alto hijacks Gilliam's valk in eps 1-2 is absolutely full of that kind of thing. I don't think the limbs are actually physically attached in gerwalk mode.
  4. You know, I honestly don't remember the 171 carrying the gunpod there.. is it because the EX did, but the normal CF version didn't? Ok.. just checked.. the rendering is just really inconsistent. One moment it shows them with the gunpods mounted underneath, the next they aren't there. And whether the gun is shown or not, tracers are still coming from that spot.
  5. Wait... What? Ok, you know, that's actually something I would buy for the laughs. I'm just weirded out by the cross genre/company references. Course.. it actually makes sense in a weird sort of way. I mean.. could be just another time paradox. Actually, now that I think of it.. those paradoxes caused so much weirdness, you could probably explain away almost anything appearing in the game. Now I'm picturing the game going cross universe with Chrono Trigger/Cross, and having Lavos drop in, on top of having Adam pull the Borg into Academia... right before Richard Dean Anderson pops through a gate, and rigs the whole place to explode with a gum wrapper and some duct tape.
  6. I think it's a ratio of about 4/5 in terms of yen/cents, at least last I checked. So, something 8000 yen would be about $100. That's probably very out of date though. Shipping will depend on what method you use, but for a small package like this, it shouldn't be anything near as much as a valk.
  7. You know, I can't help but nitpick at one thing here.. is Bandai just completely unaware that pretty much all modern aircraft have their landing gear painted white, or did they actually change this on the VF-25? The ones attached to the super packs look like they could be painted (or silver, who knows, since the VF-27's were silver), but the VF-25's gear all look like some oddball dark bronze metallic shade. I mean, it's been obvious for a while that Bandai doesn't really have much of a knack for aircraft, but missing that still surprises me... unless they just ignored it.
  8. When you say that, do you mean AmiAmi will be reopening the preorder? I don't have any experience buying movies from them, so I don't know how this situation compares with the VF-171 fiasco. Assuming AmiAmi is already completely sold out on the collectors box (still amazes me how fast they sell out), what other sites will carry it? Amazon and CD Japan, sure, but any other recommended import places to get it? I'm not used to buying actual movies, so my usual list of places to check (HLJ, et all) doesn't really apply here. Also, I'm curious exactly how "limited" this box set is. Limited as in "limited to XXX copies," or just produced for a limited time?
  9. I'll need to see about getting a version hosted at one of the major Flight Sim sites, I'm kind of surprised it hasn't found its way there already. I have to find the files myself first though. I know I still have them, but I've rebuilt this thing so many times, I'll probably need to just make a new one. What I might do is use the GMax version I built instead.. I started working on a serious Combat Flight Sim 3 version, and did a lot work on the landing gear and virtual cockpit, so I should probably see if I can get that version into FS9 and FSX instead. I don't think GMax can export FSX format files though. I don't know how long it might take though, I rarely get long stretches to work on these projects anymore. Real life tends to like distracting me with other things.
  10. Between this and the Sayonara no Tsubasa game, I might have to finally get a PS3. Question though, what's the difference between the collectors box version and the regular hybrid pack? Just the fancy box? I mean, they're both called the "Hybrid Pack" in the listing above... EDIT: Nevermind, just looked at the images. The normal one is just the movie itself it seems, so definitely will be wanting the box set. And yeah, in this case, I'm really not worried about no subtitles. Also.. AmiAmi is already sold out of the collector version.. Is this going to be a repeat of Bandai's shenanigans with the VF-171?
  11. Hell, I'd help fund that. I only have vague memories of the original anyway, I'd just love seeing the concept revisited. I could be wrong, but I don't think it ever had nearly as much of a fanbase as TMNT. Honestly.. I remember exactly 4 things about that series: 1. Space Dinosaurs with awesome spaceships 2. Kids that found out about them and got recruited to help them 3. A flying pink three-wheeled ATV with a tail 4. The Maltese Pterodactyl. Film noir with space dinosaurs. Awesome.
  12. Man, I can feel that pain about not having strong enough rotating joints. Large transforming stuff often times just doesn't work with Lego versions, because the typical rotation joint is only held together by a simple axle, and those are nowhere near sturdy enough for heavy duty assemblies like these (or the hips on my 1/18 VF-1 from ages ago). There are certain joints that make heavy rotating sections possible, but they're not shaped well to be used the way I need them. While they work fine for things like arms, they aren't very useful for things like hips and shoulders. This thing is big enough that the largest type of detended pivot could possibly work though. I don't know the official name of them, but I could show you a picture. I've been using the Lego Digital Designer program recently to work out the proportions and construction for a 1/32 VF-19F, and it's been really helpful for laying out the dimensions, but it can't tell you how heavy something is going to be, or if it will work in real life.
  13. Sorry, the Archaopolis is actually the city you revisit in FFXIII-2, where you meet Hope. The first time you see it in XIII, it's like a high-tech ruin, with pieces of buildings and such strewn about, along with a few of what look like cars. The surrounding map area is definitely the same for XIII-2 (at least within the city area), it's just been rebuilt quite a bit, and the area with the Cie'th stones were has a building over it. I don't think the rest of the map lines up anymore, because that used to be connected via a long winding mountain path to the Archylte Steppe, near where the airship crashed. The only thing that really remains in XIII-2 is the row of columns, which used to have the mission stone located in it. Doing that mission will get you the 5 bomb cores every time, which are great upgrade materials. Or, you could just resort to killing adamantoises.. what I read as a general money making method is to use Vanille as a saboteur, and just have her use her "Death" skill repeatedly. It's not always instant death, but it still does lots of damage when it doesn't work, and can make it easy to farm high level missions for their rewards. I've been meaning to try this myself, but haven't gotten around to it since I've been absorbed with part II.
  14. Nah, those are standard military markings, it's something they actually did right. Those lines highlight the point where the compressor section is, sort of a "stand clear of this area if you can" marking. On high-vis paintschemes, they're painted in red, but on low-vis they're usually a dark gray. They went with gray to avoid blending into the red paint, but it is a color that's used on actual aircraft. Unless you're talking about the actual animation, in which case they might have been blue anyway.
  15. By the way, for those worried about scratching the shoulder tabs, you can easily file down the bumps that cause it. It really doesn't have any effect on the transformation, or how it locks together, but filing down the nubs under the chest plate can go a long way to saving the paint there. Even if you filed them completely off, I don't think they would fall apart. Out of all the v.2 1/60s I got, I think these are the only two I actually pre-ordered, and I'm glad I did in hindsight. I don't recall exactly why, but I think it was just because I've had an attachment to the red/blue VF-1Js ever since I was a little kid and got my original Joke Machines.
  16. Oh, once you get to the endgame, or near it, there's one quest in the Archaeopolis area that's easy to repeat for tons of gil. It's that one quest against an Undying, and always gives a guaranteed 5 bomb cores as a reward. The first time you hit it, it might be tough, but once you're leveled up enough to finish the game, that battle is a snap. You can just spam the mission over and over for good upgrade components, or sell them off. I just found the groups of bots and trapehezoid things in the area with that burrowing Fal'Cie to be much easier, since they tended to drop lots of high tech upgrade items, and give lots of cp for very little effort/time.
  17. Actually.. given the re-releases coming with the additional parts, I think it's very likely we'll get another run of the M&Ms. What I don't remember though is whether the baby pod was ever shown by Yamato. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it displayed along with the VF-1J kit, but I don't know if they ever said it will be produced, or if that was just a prototype. Anyway, if Yamato does release that particular part, it can really only go with Miria's VF-1J, and it'd be incredibly dumb not to reissue both of them together.
  18. Yeah, I'm usually more on the "forget fighting/leveling, get on with the story" side, but if It makes things go easier, I'll find a nice grinding spot, and level for a while before moving on, or if it's feasible, just max out everything early, and enjoy the ride. With FFXIII, I hit a particular point on the way to Oerba with a sidepath that would repeatedly spawn large groups of mechs, and mostly I was just exploring for treasure. But when I realized that a combination of a preemptive strike and a wide aoe thunder attack generally resulted in a 5-10 second battle with about 5k CP reward, I stayed there grinding until I maxed out my main roles. The item drops were all high value components for weapon upgrades as well, so I maxed them out too. When I got to the end after that, the final boss sequence was much less painful than most of the enemies in the Cradle area (the Tetris Dimension ). After finally unlocking the shop that sold them, I blew most of my money on items to get past the enemies there, because they just took too long. Course, grinding early can have funny effects on some games. When I played the .hack//GU games, the first thing I did was grind through shorter dungeons 5 levels higher than I was, until I hit the level cap for the games (50, 100, and 150 for the three parts). It went surprisingly fast too. When I started playing the actual storyline, it got really funny, because I'd be party wiping the enemy arena teams on the first attack. Even more silly though were the plot battles that you have to lose, because I'd knock them down to 1 hp in a single attack, then a cutscene would play where they beat me.
  19. Actually it's kind of funny, maybe because I was playing on the easy mode for the first time through.. the intro Caius battle on the airship was just nasty the first time I tried it, so I went back to level up a few roles. Killed off a couple of the bosses in Archylte Steppe, and got enough CP to max a few roles from those alone. When I came back, I blew through the three dragons easier than I did the intro battle. Generally, each of the two side dragons took one stagger cycle to kill off, then I'd get the main one down about 1/4 before they'd respawn, so about 4 cycles to finish. They never got to do the triple beam, and actually, I only had one time when they got two beams off. I didn't play around much with the monsters though, and stuck with the same paradigms nearly the entire game, just alternating between two ravagers and a healing pet, and two commandos with the same pet. I'd switch to buffing/debuffing mode from time to time, but usually just focused on fast staggers, and fast damage. I did set one paradigm for 3 healers, and taught everyone raise though as a backup to save on phoenix down though.
  20. Actually, what I'm expecting? That's really not much comfort for people who liked the original characters, but on the bright side... things really can't get much worse, can they? Also, I really do wonder if they'll just start over, and rewrite things from the War of Transgression onward. Ancient pulse actually wasn't far off from our own level of technology (except for the Farseers), and it only really got advanced under the Fal'Cie, and after their defeat. What I still don't quite understand is how Etro intervening in the first place caused such a problem. You'd think a divine being would be able to exert influence without the entirety of existence blowing up... or maybe Etro wasn't that powerful to begin with?
  21. Whoa, is that the old 1/72 Monogram kit, or did another company make any? My dad has one of those from years back, but I've always wanted one in a bigger scale. I think resin conversions exist, but they usually don't modify the fuselage correctly. I know some company actually made a 1/32 scale version, but I know if anyone's actually made a 1/48 one.
  22. See what you mean about the ending, just finished last night. Going to work through some other endings this weekend, but don't really care about 100%, and many of them are a pain to get to anyway, especially when they involve re-finishing the game after some specific action. Beating the final boss again just to watch more cutscenes is annoying, and I wish they'd just include a cutscene viewer in games like this, because going back to piece together clues in the plot is nearly impossible. Unless FFXIII Versus winds up wrapping up the entire plot (I'm thinking it'll more parallel it, or even interact with certain plot elements), I don't think this is going to end until we get a third part. It's making a nice parallel to Star Wars with the endings so far. The scary part of that though is that I can actually imagine an ending where the universe is saved thanks to intervention of the entire Moogle race. It'll probably be a bonus ending if anything, but who knows. I definitely think there's going to be more to this, but whether it involves more time travel is entirely up for grabs given the consequences of the ending.
  23. Heck.. I don't even have the system that game will be on.. but I will buy that soundtrack. As for the ending to FFXIII-2, yeah, given what they're setting up, I don't think there's any way to get a satisfying ending. I'm almost to the end I think, so I can kind of see what's coming, but I'm curious how much of what I haven't done yet is just for the extra endings, because I still see quite a few locked eras I need to get to. They've built up the civilizations of ancient Pulse up so much in this version, I would almost expect them to go back in time to the war that happened before the first game. I mean, if the scope of what's at stake in 2 is as big as it seems, it almost makes sense to rework things from the beginning, and rig everything to work out better in the end. Hehe.. funny, the example that comes to mind is the Futurama thing where Fry warned them that the Scooty-puff Jr. they gave him wasn't going to be enough. If they could find some way to tweak things such that the original paradox wouldn't happen, then the timeline should just revert back.. which of course would mean the entire second game (and maybe even the first) never happened, but oh well. Time travel's funny that way.
  24. Considering the nose is already tan, I dont think this is going to be exactly matching anything we've seen before. I'm more concerned about the shape than anything anyway, and they aren't even done with that yet, so we could probably reserve the nitpicking about the paintscheme until they actually show us what it looks like. It's like arguing over who's gonna play in the superbowl in 4 years. We aren't quite there yet.
  25. I agree about the DLC getting out of hand for many games in general, but as far as FFXIII-2 goes, I do appreciate the extra episodes, and I don't mind paying a little for more story content, especially when it's about characters you care about that got shoved out of the spotlight. The costumes are just fanservice though. As for the ending being DLC, I hope that's a joke, but I could see them adding an extension to it. I'm only to episode 5 at this point, so I'm just getting into the bulk of the crap that happens. However, I'm fully expecting the ending I get at first to be a complete letdown (I may actually have already reached one bummer ending, but I bypassed it), specifically because this is a game based on time travel. If there's anything that previous time travel games have taught me, it's that you're not going to be able to fix everything without playing it a few times, or save scumming to take every possible route... which I am really looking forward to, I must say. I love branching plot paths. I'm being really careful to avoid reading any spoilers about this one, but I know there are a good number of possible endings, ranging from awesome to heartbreaking. I know there's a supposedly "canon" ending, but I'm not looking at any details until I finish at least one run through. Given the enormous scope of this game's universe, and the involvement of time travel though.. I wouldn't be at all surprised at a third game that actually winds up revisiting everything from the first two games. In fact, I kind of hope it happens (it's what the Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross universe always needed too, but never got). I mean, the entire storyline has been one messy thing after another that shouldn't have ever happened. And think about it. You're playing a game that makes tons of references to ancient civilizations who could record future history, in a game about time travel. If you don't even bother to go back and visit them, that poor elephant in your living room is going to starve to death.
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