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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. I don't think it transforming or not in canon is the issue.. it just never did it on screen. Looking good at the front now, they definitely cleaned up the nose. Judging by the way the drawing is going though, it looks like the initial design was a very rough cut, and they're refining it in chunks, so I wouldn't bet the ugly feet are anything but placeholders still. There's still next to no detail at all on the entire engine assemblies (slab wings, etc), and the head is clearly a primitive half-sphere shape. As for the angles of the canards and such, I'm not worried at all yet. They're still entirely plain, and the design modifications required at this stage to alter the angle they sit are extremely minor. Going by how undeveloped the rest of the model is, I'd guess they're not even going to address that until they actually build the detailed wing elements. They've got a long way to go, but I'm really looking forward to how the design develops.
  2. Holy cow. Expensive for the size, but still tempting, considering the insane amount of accessories for it. Bombs with deployable drag fins? Yes please! Really does irritate me that Yamato can never come up with a stand as elegant as that though. Simple, clean, functional in a variety of poses, and doesn't take up twice the footprint of the plane it's holding.
  3. Now if it only was able to be patched into the older games, and not limited to Asshorizon
  4. Bridge.. on the river.. kawaii? that's.. wrong. On so many levels. XD When I saw that, the first thing that actually came to mind was more "It was like a million zippers all cried out in terror.. and were suddenly silenced."
  5. That's kinda the reason they're turrets.. they rotate. I'm actually surprised they don't seem to move at all. You'd think you'd be able to point them vertically at least.. having them spread out doesn't do you much good for targets directly behind you.
  6. I'd say very safe to assume they won't fit well, but not fitting at all is another story. Most of the old v.1 super pack parts can be modded to fit decently, so I imagine the armor could too. Given the stresses caused by the armor though, I wouldn't recommend it. It locks together in a much more restricting way than the super parts attach, so you might break something trying to make it fit.
  7. Looks like they've got the detail covered, we just might need to weather things a bit to make it stand out. Now, if they actually made the leg packs detachable (and by that I mean sturdy and detachable), I'll be very impressed. I can't remember if they did it in the actual show, but I seem to recall someone mentioning that the leg packs could be jettisoned.
  8. Darn, here I was hoping you actually knitted (or got someone to knit you) a real sweater. Still awesome though. If I ever try that game again, I might do something similar, but I couldn't convince myself to spend enough time to unlock the options for the emblem editor.
  9. Oh, I got a BBTS order in, so I'm not that worried. I'd just love to have the extra insurance of an HLJ order as well.
  10. Genius me, I missed the VF-1 Option Parts thread lower down. Anyway, AmiAmi has the preorder up. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-RBT-2289 I'll just go stick this in the place it belongs, and let this thread die now.
  11. I'd rather have gotten one from AmiAmi, but the preorder died midway through me placing my order. Got one at BBTS, so I'll just have to hope they don't overestimate the supply again.
  12. The CF canopy is definitely wider than the EX version, but considering the entire cockpit on the VF-171 rotates up, it shouldn't be too hard to replace that entire section. It's hard to tell from the pictures so far, but the portion that moves might be big enough for the standard canopy already. Considering they planned ahead so well for the armor and super parts with the renewal VF-25, I can't imagine they'd pass up a chance to milk this mold, and the CF is really the only other thing you can get out of it.
  13. Well crap, I slept through that one entirely. Guess I'll just keep hoping BBTS comes through for now, but if this was truly the first time the order opened at HLJ (the first one was gone in such a short time, I don't think it ever actually existed), then they may open it up again later on like they did with Ozma's VF-25. I'm pretty sure they went through 2-3 openings for preorders before the thing was actually released.
  14. Could be there too, I think it was probably cross-linked. I just don't remember which thread it came from originally. Correction, I found it. It was linked to the "What's Wrong..." topic (which is now in the hall of super topics somehow, so we might want to make a version II), but the fix originally showed up in the VF-0 reissue thread. Here ya go! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33217&view=findpost&p=860058
  15. There is a pretty easy fix for the spine issue, has to do with bending the metal plate in the nose into the correct shape. I don't know where it went, but I definitely wrote a short tutorial on how to do it. It's probably part of one of the VF-0 reissue threads that popped up in this forum.
  16. This one at least lasted a couple hours. Longest yet for a preorder I think. I would love to see the list of preorders from BBTS though, just to see if anyone in Japan ordered through them.
  17. Went ahead and grabbed one there too. Little higher price, but considering retail price with shipping would be around $200 anyway, $220 to get it by UPS from a local site isn't terrible. I kinda gave up on getting a preorder discount. If AmiAmi opens orders back up though, I might grab another from there. Couldn't hurt to have a spare. Edit: I'd forgotten about the preorder shenanigans from before with them, oh well. One thing that does give me hope though.. while Japanese sites got hammered with preorders instantly, since this one's apparently running on western hemisphere time, we'll hopefully have a slight advantage. While someone in Japan might be desperate enough to order from a US import store (instead of waiting for them to appear on shelves locally), I doubt they would go to BBTS before trying more local sources.
  18. If you haven't thought of it already, I know some people have had similar problems with the knee joint pieces, since they were made of the same plastic. I think Graham mentioned his VF-0's leg shearing off at the knee. I don't know if those parts would be as easy to reproduce though. They're still not a ton of plastic, but they're quite a bit bigger than the shoulders.
  19. Very nice find! I wouldn't worry about the stickers though, since the level of tampo printing on the VE-1 was just astounding. Unless stickers are already applied, it looks like they even tampoed the landing gear doors with some kind of label. If I could find one that cheaply, I probably couldn't pass it up, but I've never been huge fan of the design.. at least not enough that I felt I needed to have one. Always preferred the VT-1.
  20. The YF-29 I can't really argue is just messed up. To produce so few is just sad. But I still wonder if Bandai hasn't even given anyone any real numbers yet. Sure, they might have given initial estimates, but I wonder if the shops were given very small numbers to start with. I mean, we still have 4 months, and they haven't even given a shipping cost estimate at HLJ yet, so I bet you the packaging isn't even finalized. There's still plenty of time for them to realize how much people want this thing. I still don't think Bandai has much faith in the Macross franchise to begin with, so it makes sense to test the waters. I wouldn't put it past them to just tell the retail sites they'll get at least 100 each as an initial estimate, then watch the fireworks as the preorder stampede begins, sitting there with a calculator to crunch all the numbers.
  21. Actually... this is kind of interesting. Check the AmiAmi page. I think everyone severely underestimated the amount of demand for this particular valk. When you have to make an announcement on the main page that you can't answer any questions about getting more, you know people have been flooding their inboxes. If Bandai makes enough of these, they could make a metric ****ton of profit. Actually, this does make sense you know. Compared to the VF-25, yes, there should be a crapload of demand for it, because it's never been released before. With the VF-25, you had the models first, then the V.1 toys, then the recent V.2 toys on top of that. If you just wanted one for display, you had multiple avenues to get one, and the models offered a much cheaper alternative. Fans of the VF-171 don't have any options, because this is the only one ever released (not counting the micro-machine versions). Hopefully there will be enough demand for them to release 1/72 kits of this too, as well as the YF-29. I wouldn't count on it, and I'd prefer the 1/60 anyway, but I wouldn't mind having cheaper ones I can build.
  22. Yep, most sites have pics too small to see it, but AmiAmi has a closeup with it really easy to see.
  23. If you look at the arm, there's a big crack running through it. There's also paint chipping near there, where the arms attach to the backplate. It's possible it's plastic, but if the plastic they're using is cracking that easily, I'm just fine not buying one. It is possible that only certain parts are made of resin, but who knows why they would mix and match materials that way. One thing I did notice though.. you can tell that the hardpoints should go all the way to the wingtip. There's a large panel on the upper surface of the wing that's popped up a little. It doesn't seem to be fitting very well either yet, so I think this is a pretty early prototype.
  24. Given the pictures we've all seen are of a resin prototype, I don't think they're making these yet. They might be using the hype generated from the preorder as a way to guess at how many to manufacture though.
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