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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Finished silent sea. There are some interesting concepts in this mostly frustrating show, but I think it’s mostly skippable. In this day and age to have a story about a killer virus and no one thinks to just keep their space suit on or at least wear gloves while handling bodies
  2. The madox kit is the one I’m most excited about, but Robocop 2 Cain , the powerloader and the stuff shown for Patlabor are all must haves as well
  3. I liked the first season, but I do feel like it could have been paced a bit better. I am curious to see where the show goes from where it left of with floaty eel monster, more humans landing and the odd devolved people
  4. Maybe a vote from the buyers of the kit . Either that or a lot of extra work from cap and include the other option hands, although that seems like a bit too much.
  5. A lot of the above pictures look like odd angles giving the appearance of another finger, but they look more like a side view. The last couple definitely show an extra finger but could be just a mistake. To me it appears that here are 3 fingers and a thumb four in total
  6. Since they’re going with a somewhat grounded style for Batman, then this car is fine. It’s all black and has some pointy tips, but is more of a real vehicle than the sci-fi or comic artsy types we’ve seen.
  7. The small picture on my phone made it look like Optimus was carrying a pretty parasol umbrella and had a pretty flower design on his chest.
  8. I loved his stand up. It wasn’t what I expected from his family friendly tv career
  9. That picture looks like it should have its own soundtrack
  10. I like the mission pack stands, that’s a pretty cool idea
  11. I remember when GNR were briefly the biggest band around and how quickly that changed.
  12. I’ve seen most images with three fingers. I honestly never noticed there were some pictures with five
  13. I kinda figured that there’d be a lot of work involved on the armored Valkyrie. From the way the pets look on the regult, there’s definitely gonna be some work as well. Looks like seam lines on the under and over armor
  14. I really like the gmg figures so far. They’re not perfect, but they are fun and small enough to get a bunch and not have to worry about space limitations. I think price and accessory attachments are the only downsides
  15. Hunters moon is really good, I just wish the movie version was added to the single. It has a more 80’s sound with the keyboards.
  16. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    There’s always a slim possibility of a reissue, but it’s extremely slim since it already kinda had a reissue with the missile parts. I think the recon version will probably be the last regult that gets released unless they get around to the green version from the movie. That price isn’t too outrageous, so I would say to pick it up
  17. That’s a good attitude to have. Hopefully someone gives you the answer you’re hoping for
  18. For almost being 100 it’s really surprising how well she spoke in interviews that were very recent. She sounded like she could have been around much longer. On another note I was on Hulu this morning and they had her snl episode from a few years back highlighted. I guess at the time she set an age record for being the oldest female host or maybe oldest host
  19. Have to be careful playing that teaser. It could get taken way out of context if someone only heard the audio without understanding the language
  20. Anybody have a favorite song or video from the past year? I think mine would have been Iron Maiden with Writing on the Wall. But there’s been a few that I’ve been liking as well like some of the new volbeat and there were some fun covers of Metallica and I’m hoping this year with things hopefully getting a little more back to normal we’ll have more new songs that artists free m all genres will be touring to support
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