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  2. I paid 6134 yen on 2/27 for FedEx International shipping for MB Kampfer. I recently paid 3593 yen on 5/11 for FedEx International shipping for MB GN Arms D. Each arrived in 3-5 days. I think their shipping cost is very reasonable. On another note, what is so special about this new Dynames Saga? Not trying to be Debbie downer on it but I just don’t have any clue what 00 Saga is. Is this worth getting if I already have Dynames Repair 3 and Devise?
  3. Today
  4. Hi Ted! The slightly smaller backpack is born out of a necessity to appease two different modes. To be fair, the thruster module is separate, and what you see in the robot pics has those thrusters flattened for Transport mode. As such, they can be made to flare-out when not collapsed, so the backpack will be more faithful to the line-art when completed. Your assessment of the head being partially inspired by the Matchbox toy is correct. I was also trying to harmonize what I saw in the various views of the line-art and other publicity renderings, none of which are consistent. The eye piece looks almost domed in some images, flat in other views, and recessed in other views (see image below). Also, the way the geometry is established in drawings does not line-up so well IRL, but I do agree that it can be improved, and it will be. It's good to have an extra set of eyeballs on the project!
  5. Hello group! I leave you a collage of the work process of Jim's truck. Many have asked me if it is for sale, if I will share the files or if I will mass produce it. The reality is that I haven't decided yet, but I'll let you know on Instagram. Follow me! @mekanimuss thank you enjoy it
  6. I need part BD1 cause mine broke. I have the screw just need the 2 plastic pieces that slip over the hip ball joint. Oh an mine is 1/60 Yamato VF1A Valkyrie. Thanks
  7. Hello, I have a 1/60 Yamato VF1A Valkyrie and need the 2 piece hip part numbered BD1.
  8. On a skim, I don't see anything about it in the few official artbooks and Macross Chronicle pages that discuss Ray's backstory and the episode where Pink Pecker team is mentioned. That said, it's not the kind of name you'd pick if you were being anything but deliberate about it. 🤣
  9. This is bananas!!! That warehouse is stacked. 😳
  10. Hey @weiser21. I haven't ordered any big item for months that I have it shipped by itself. But I have here a shipping inquiry below from Yoyakunow on my DX YF-21 order. I politely asked them to compare it to what stock they currently have which. In which they replied they used DX VF-1J. Estimated shipping weight: 3000g Surface Mail: Y4000 (2 to 4 mos) FedEx: Y8468 (5 days) UPS: Y8928 (4 days) Airmail: Y9200 (3 to 6 mos) EMS: Y10300 (10 to 20 days) DHL: Y12333 (5 days) Hopefully the estimated prices below doesn't go up due to Yen's current value. Hope that helps.
  11. Almost everything, but at the risk of once again criticizing a work-in-progress, I have to ask... Why is your backpack so small, thin and insubstantial? Furthermore, it looks like you've tried to reproduce the head of the Matchbox Hover Tank toy, rather than the Southern Cross Spartas design... Perhaps some official promotional artwork can inspire you further...? Please take my comments in the spirit of constructive feedback, and remember I'm your biggest fan... ...so I know you're capable of reproducing the look of the heads from the anime, once you've scrapped your first attempt and started over from scratch.
  12. Yup, and this means getting 3 (one to display in each mode, as I'm doing for the other releases) will be expensive.
  13. I'm disturbed that my first thought is "dang, I sure do like the hasegawa". I think I like seeing more of the jet intake vents at the top of the leg (hasegawa) vs less (max factory).
  14. I wish my first model kit build looked this nice.
  15. Nope, sorry. Starting it tonight. Gonna start with the legs since that’s where I’m most curious about
  16. this one appears to be a web exclusive and those usually include the decals. They’re also listed on the side as well.
  17. I’m still in the process of getting the fun tools of the trade. Last week I acquired an Iwata Eclipse airbrush and compressor my work had sitting in storage, collecting dust. I look forward to using it soon. I also decided to build a spray booth with an appropriate blower “used Vent Works plans”. I just need to get the courage to drill a hole for venting out of the garage wall.
  18. I enjoyed in the first remake film how they Easter egged that there was a space mission that they had lost contact with - which of course alluded to the Taylor and the astronaut crew in the original 60’s movie. I thought it was really well done foreshadowing. I’m disappointed the astronauts did not return in this current movie. I hope they get to it before the series dies out.
  19. Gonna add to the chorus, great job!! Esp for a first build. Would love to see more!
  20. So this is the first side-by-side with the Hasegawa that I see and the vertical chonkiness is interesting. The person is also using a old Bandai head on the PLAMAX
  21. Interested to see how it comes out. And how much motion it has.
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