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    Okayama, Japan
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  1. With critical feedback from @captain america, I've substantially redesigned the control surfaces and adjusted the figures accordingly: I'm much happier with ver. 2.0. Much more anime-accurate now, too. πŸ‘ Of course, they'll be quite a challenge to paint... πŸ€”
  2. I'd be all over these if they were 1:12 scale... but 1:6 makes them much too big (and prohibitively expensive, no doubt).
  3. I see the KitzConcept Glaug prototype still can't stand on its own... πŸ˜… Too little, too late, Unix Square. Even the ungodly love-child of Valkyrie and Tomahawk? 😳
  4. Hmm... definitely needs a little tweaking... ...but not bad, for a first attempt.
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/14/disneys-star-wars-box-office-profits-fail-to-cover-cost-of-lucasfilm/ The presentation gives the impression that Disney's Star Wars trilogy generated a 2.9 times return on the purchase of Lucasfilm as that figure is presented next to a timeline of key events in the production company's history. However, buried in the fine print is the revelation that the purchase price of Lucasfilm isn't even included in the ROI calculation. Instead, it is purely based on the box office performance of Disney's Star Wars trilogy, its two spinoff movies, merchandise, DVD and Blu Ray sales. As revealed, the methodology is questionable as Disney based the ROI on the revenue generated by the movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays rather than the profit they made as it should have done. Using the revenue rather than the profit artificially inflates the result as it doesn't factor in the costs that Disney had to pay out.
  6. Properly seated at the controls of their respective Spartas. πŸ‘
  7. The person previously posted about presumably pushed past his prolonged procrastination: Proudly presenting proof of proper pilots to print! 😁 A positively productive period, perhaps. ☺️
  8. As we've already established, that's a very difficult assertion to prove these days; in the case of Star Wars, however, there are some unique indicators that suggest otherwise. Like the Toy Story or Cars franchises, merchandise is the primary revenue stream for Star Wars. Streaming viewership, box-office receipts and even theme park attendance may fail to turn a profit, but as long as retail sales remain strong, the brand will remain a success overall. Any Star Wars collector can tell you how badly Disney has damaged the brand simply by acknowledging how little merchandise is being produced and sold these days, compared to the glut of product available in 2015 (and furthermore, how much of that product ends up in the clearance bins and discount stores). Marvel is suffering as well, but not nearly as badly as Star Wars; Hasbro has all-but given up on marketing toys to kids, and is instead focusing on selling directly to Star Wars collectors online instead. Major retailers aren't buying, an obvious indicator that the property is in fact losing stupendous amounts of dosh.
  9. Actually, it is. Cap's not at fault here; he's just the one left holding the bag, by the same guy who's been stringing me along for weeks now. Unfortunately, we seem to be waiting on a chronic procrastinator. πŸ˜’
  10. Nothing removable on the top boosters, no... ...and before anyone else asks... ...neither Misa nor Minmay have removable tops, either. πŸ˜›
  11. Not a chance, no... There's no leg room. That's why the Yammie figures look like amputees. 😳 Yes, they're clearly designed that way.
  12. And a bonus Easter egg, for those of you playing at home: Mechanical details under the removable leg armor. 😎
  13. Minmay Mode? 😝 Surprisingly enough, the orange is much closer to the Yammie than to Bandai's own HMR... 😢 ...and more consistent in color tone, thankfully enough. ☺️ They seem to be on pretty firmly to me. πŸ€”
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